P. 32

             Wednesday 26 september 2018
            Waterbed promoters trying to revive industry with new focus

            By JENNIFER KAY                                                                                                     said. Koenig is quick to clar-
            TAMARAC, Fla. (AP) — Wa-                                                                                            ify  that  while  one  of  Hall's
            terbeds  still  elicit  a  wink,                                                                                    waterbeds was covered in
            wink, nudge, nudge when-                                                                                            velvet and featured in Play-
            ever they come up in con-                                                                                           boy magazine, the inventor
            versation  —  but  two  pio-                                                                                        was no Hugh Hefner.
            neers of the industry in the                                                                                        "Charlie was a smart, con-
            United States are hoping to                                                                                         servative,  laid-back,  Cali-
            generate  a  new  wave  of                                                                                          fornia design guy, and this
            popularity  for  the  old  fur-                                                                                     industry that he grew, that
            niture  concept  by  using  a                                                                                       he  started,  became  pret-
            wholesome new pitch.                                                                                                ty  wild,"  Koenig  said.  "The
            Talking about temperature-                                                                                          parties  at  the  trade  shows
            control  innovations  and                                                                                           in  the  '70s  and  '80s,  well,
            health-conscious  consum-                                                                                           I  couldn't  stay  long,  and
            ers,  inventor  Charles  Hall                                                                                       Charlie was not that kind of
            and  City  Furniture  CEO                                                                                           guy either."
            Keith  Koenig  don't  sound                                                                                         Koenig  pulled  the  plug  on
            like  wild  and  crazy  guys.                                                                                       waterbed sales at City Fur-
            They  aren't  the  ones  who                                                                                        niture stores about 20 years
            joke  that  millennials  claim-                                                                                     ago  because  he  was  un-
            ing  to  have  never  seen  a   In this June 26, 2018, photo City Furniture CEO Keith Koenig, jumps onto a waterbed as he speaks   happy  with  the  available
            waterbed  likely  were  con-  during an interview with the Associated Press, in Tamarac, Fla.                       supply. But he's decided it's
            ceived in one.                                                                                     Associated Press  time to reintroduce them.
            They  just  sound  enviably                                                                                         The first shipment of roughly
            well-rested.                 store chain started as Wa-   make the design better."     "I bought it because it was  40  beds  sold  out  within  a
            In  the  City  Furniture  show-  terbed  City  in  1971,  has  It's been 50 years since Hall  different,  it  was  controver-  month,  Koenig  said.  City
            room  in  Tamarac,  a  sign  joined with Hall and former  initially  designed  a  water-  sial , it was almost a conver-  Furniture  is  extending  its
            promises  Afloat  mattresses  waterbed    manufacturer  bed  for  a  thesis  project  at  sation  piece,"  said  Lollis,  a  Afloat  test  market  to  nine
            are  "not  your  parents'  wa-  Michael  Geraghty  to  form  San  Francisco  State  Uni-  retired corrections deputy.  of its 17 Florida stores, and
            terbed."  Koenig  flops  onto  Tamarac-based  Hall  Flota-  versity.  By  the  mid-1980s,  Two years ago, for her 80th  Geraghty  said  Hall  Floata-
            one, describing how it con-  tion,  which  produces  the  the  Waterbed  Manufac-      birthday,  Lollis  bought  a  tion website sales will soon
            tours  to  his  physique  while  Afloat   waterbeds.   They  turers  Association  reported  new waterbed, and she still  be available.
            also  fitting  into  standard  range from about $2,000 to  roughly $2 billion in annual  gets a kick out of the looks  Hall  is  curious  to  see  who
            bedding  and  stylish  bed  $3,300 — adjusting for infla-  sales.                      she  gets  about  her  bed-  buys  more,  baby  boom-
            frames.                      tion,  about  the  same  cost  "People  who  might  have  room  setup.  After  hearing  ers  or  younger  custom-
            He's  not  selling  nostalgia,  as a waterbed in 1975.    bought  it  for  Saturday  about  the  Afloat  venture,  ers. So is Lynn Hardman of
            and  he  doesn't  bring  up  They've  traded  product  nights, then started using it  she said she'd love to take  Southern  Waterbeds  and
            waterbeds' notorious repu-   names  Hall  used  in  the  every night," Hall said.      Hall  out  to  dinner  to  com-  Futons  in  Athens,  Georgia.
            tation until he's asked point-  1970s such as The Pleasure  Michael  Dart  was  one  of  pare  their  adventures  as  He  sold  Lollis  both  her  wa-
            blank about it.              Pit  and  Pleasure  Island  for  those  1980s  customers  in  waterbed owners.         terbeds, and he's eager to
            "We're not selling better sex.  the  sober-sounding  Firm  Rochester,  New  York.  His  "I  hope  they  think  I'm  a  see something revitalize his
            We're  selling  better  sleep,  and Pure models.          waterbed     didn't   move  femme  fatale,  you  know?  industry.
            more  comfortable  sleep,  "Seeing  a  thing  undulate  with  him  to  Florida  several  If  there  is  any  sexual  innu-  "The  millennials  buying  the
            temperature control," Koe-   like  they  did  in  the  early  years  later,  and  Dart  said  endo,  good!  I'm  kind  of  a  futons,  we  can't  get  them
            nig said.                    1970s,  people  looked  at  he  missed  its  comforting  weird,  different  person.  I  interested  in  the  water-
            Hall fully agrees that health  it  and  said,  'Well,  this  is  an  warmth.  When  he  went  think  anything's  OK,"  Lollis  beds," said Hardman.q
            benefits  are  an  Afloat's  interesting  ride,'"  Hall  said.  mattress shopping in June,
            main selling points.         "Now it's comfort first."    he  was  thrilled  to  see  the
            But  he  says  he  also  told  With  materials  unavailable  Afloat beds at City Furniture
            Koenig,  "Come  on,  we  in waterbeds' heyday, Hall  and bought the first one.
            can't be boring!"            said, "it's been kind of fun to  "It's  like  floating,  it's  so
            Koenig,  whose  furniture  reimagine  all  the  things  to  nice," Dart said at his Coral
                                                                      Springs  home.  "Everybody
                                                                      is  like,  'Really,  you  got  a
                                                                      waterbed?'  And  I'm  like,
                                                                      'Yeah,  they're  really  good,
                                                                      they're  better  than  they
                                                                      ever  were.'  I'm  like  a  pop-
                                                                      culture  hero  now  with  the
                                                                      guys at work."
                                                                      If  those  guys  think  Dart  is
                                                                      swell, they should meet Jeri
                                                                      Lollis,  who  really  seems  to
                                                                      be  living  her  best  life  with
                                                                      a  waterbed.  She  bought
                                                                      her  first  one  40  years  ago,
                                                                      about  the  same  time  she
                                                                      installed  a  mirror  on  her
            In this June 26, 2018, photo an Afloat water bed is shown on dis-  bedroom ceiling in her red-  In this July 5, 2018, photo workers assemble the Afloat water bed
            play in a wear house at City Furniture in Tamarac, Fla.   roofed mobile home in Hull,   at the factory in Corona, Calif.
                                                     Associated Press  Georgia.                                                             Associated Press
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