P. 27
CLASSIFIED Wednesday 26 september 2018
527 4000
Imsan- San Nicolas
524 8833
Psychic Riley Psychic Natalie
solves problems in love Will read the stars in heaven to DOCTOR ON DUTY
business help and removes for fill your destiny and solve all Oranjestad
negative influences. Guaranteed your problems. Dr. Velasquez Tel. 586 0512
results. all readings are 001 817 851 6474
customized and confidential. ________________________________209697 San Nicolas
Dr. Vis Tel. 584 9700
001 747 271 9899 Women in Difficulties
_________________________________209694 PHARMACY ON DUTY
For Sale
family house with three Oranjestad:
Aruba Divi Phoenix bedrooms and two bathrooms Eagle Tel. 587 9011
studio WK 35&36 room #202 situated at Washington on San Nicolas
33 weeks remain $7000 both property land and for $205,000 San Nicolas Tel. 584 5712
Women in Difficulties
weeks Call mito at 593 6318 OTHER
1 br WK# 38 room # 612 _________________________________210179 Dental Clinic 587 9850
33 weeks remain (even year) Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
This undated handout photo issued by Paignton Zoo shows a also57,500 rCI points $6500 ASSOCIATED REALTORS Mobility Equip . Gire
For Sale
West Caucasian tur which got out of its enclosure at the zoo in Call :630-1307 568 5165
Devon. Lot of land at palm beach Urgent Care 586 0448
Associated Press _________________________________210183 measuring 1015 m2 in a quiet Women in Difficulties
area, walking distance to the
UK police warn about Resale Marriott Surf highrise hotels and the beach Police 100
527 3140
and for $78,000
and Ocean Club
rare goat-antelope all season , all size of room , Call mito at 593 6318 Noord 527 3200
Sta. Cruz
527 2900
all View , price starting From
584 5000
San Nicolas
escaped from zoo more Info Call: 630-1307 ASSOCIATED REALTORS Police Tipline 11141
For Sale
Fire Dept.
Gorgeous two story house on a
hill with ocean/country view in Red Cross 582 2219
LONDON (AP) — British were moving the herd. Aruba Divi Phoenix paradera, 3 bedrooms/ 3 bath- TAXI SERVICES
police warned the public Spokesman Phil Knowling studio WK 37 room # 832 rooms for $470,000 Taxi Tas 587 5900
Monday to stay away from says the zoo's main con- $5500 Call mito at 593 6318 Prof. Taxi 588 0035
a rare goat-antelope that cern was bringing the ani- 34 weeks remain 9 can be _________________________________210179 Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
has escaped from a zoo in mal back to safety. He said accelerated Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
western England. police are using a police A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
Women in Difficulties
Official says the young fe- drone with thermal imag- Costa Linda TRAVEL INFO
male West Caucasian tur ing technology to try and 2 br WK 37 room #2001
was likely in the woods near located the animal. pool/Ocean View $7000 Aruba Airport 524 2424
Paignton Zoo, about 200 "She's probably very Call; 630-1307 American Airlines 582 2700
588 0059
miles southwest of London. stressed, being away from Aruba Airlines 583 8300
Devon and Cornwall Police the herd, and we just want Jet Blue 588 2244
said Monday the horned to get her back safely as Halley time travel aruba Surinam 582 7896
beast could pose a danger quickly as we can," he said. Own a piece OF the rock Venezolana 583 7674
if she is startled by people The West Caucasian tur is real Value real estate Women in Difficulties
approaching her. on the International Union no Hurricanes, no Humidity CRUISES
Zoo officials say she be- for the Conservation of Na- 33 yrs experience
came frightened and ran ture endangered species Call:630-1307
away when zookeepers list.q
Own Vs rent
September 26
Time share For Sale monarch
Freedom the seas
weeks 40 & 41
paradise beach Villa Women in Difficulties
2 bedr town house with 2 bath- AID FOUNDATIONS
rooms, 2 balconies & full kitchen
saturday check in $5400 / each FAVI- Visually Incapasitated
Tel. 582 5051
Alcoholics Anonymous
Tel. 736 2952
Narcotics Anonymous
Tel. 583 8989
Women in Difficulties
Tel. 583 5400
Centre for Diabetes
Tel. 524 8888
Child Abuse Prevention
Tel. 582 4433
Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
Women in Difficulties
General Info
Phone Directory Tel. 118