P. 22
Wednesday 26 september 2018
Athletics clinch postseason spot; Yanks lose Hicks to injury
By The Associated Press 106th victory, clinching
SEATTLE (AP) — The Oak- home-field advantage
land Athletics clinched through the postseason
their first playoff berth in thanks to a pair of hits from
four years, then beat the major league batting lead-
Seattle Mariners 7-3 Mon- er Mookie Betts.
day night behind Khris Da- Nathan Eovaldi struck out
vis' major league-leading 10 hapless Baltimore bat-
46th home run. ters to assure the Red Sox of
Jonathan Lucroy, Jed Low- the best record in baseball
rie and Matt Chapman this season and home-field
also homered for the A's, advantage through the
assured no worse than an World Series, if they make it
AL wild card. that far. For now, they know
Oakland was one out into they will open the Division
the game when Tampa Series at Fenway Park on
Bay was eliminated with Oct. 5 against the winner of
a 4-1 loss to the New York the AL wild-card game be-
Yankees. The A's went on tween the New York Yan-
to win after Chapman kees and most likely Oak-
broke a 3-3 tie with a two- land.
run drive in the seventh off The 1912 Red Sox won 105
Shawn Armstrong (0-1). games in their first season
Coming off three straight at Fenway Park.
last-place finishes in the AL Oakland Athletics' J.B. Wendelken is doused in the clubhouse celebration after clinching a wild The Orioles (45-111), who
West, the A's (95-62) are card spot after the baseball game against the Seattle Mariners, Monday, Sept. 24, 2018, in Seattle. matched a franchise re-
4½ games behind AL West- Associated Press cord for losses set by the
leading Houston. They trail 1939 St. Louis Browns, be-
the Yankees by 1½ games reached the postseason. tore cartilage in his right record since going 97-65 in came the sixth AL team
for home-field advantage YANKEES 4, RAYS 1 wrist during his headfirst 2011. and the first since the 2003
should they meet in a wild- ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) — slide across the plate. Brett Gardner had a go- Tigers to lose 111 games,
card matchup. Aaron Hicks injured his left Hicks, who had fouled a ahead single off Ryan Yar- falling 60½ games behind
Robinson Cano and Dee hamstring running up the pitch off his left ankle just brough (15-6) in a two-run Boston (106-51) in the divi-
Gordon homered for the first-base line in the Yan- before the double, left fifth inning. sion. It's the first time since
Mariners. kees' win, another concern Monday's game with left New York used eight pitch- 1939 that teams separated
The Athletics will be mak- for New York heading into hamstring tightness. ers and gave its starters ex- by 60 wins in the standings
ing their fourth playoff ap- next week's AL wild-card New York's win eliminated tra rest ahead of the post- have played each other.
pearance in the last seven game. the Rays and ensured a season, and the Rays man- Six days after throwing six
seasons, all under manager Hicks' 11th-inning double postseason berth for Oak- aged just two hits — both scoreless innings against
Bob Melvin, and their 27th on Saturday drove in Didi land, which is likely to be off Sonny Gray (11-9). the Yankees, Eovaldi (6-7)
overall. The A's lost at Kan- Gregorius with the run that the wild-card opponent RED SOX 6, ORIOLES 2 allowed one run on four hits
sas City 9-8 in 12 innings in clinched a postseason but also is still alive in the AL BOSTON (AP) — Boston in five innings, walking none
the 2014 wild-card game, berth, and on Sunday the West race. At 96-60, New broke a 106-year-old fran- but uncorking a pair of wild
the last time Oakland Yankees learned Gregorius York is assured of its best chise record with their pitches.q
Angels' Mike Scioscia says
he wants to keep managing
KLAA-AM radio Monday it. If you can, great. And if rection. That's something I
night suggested he is open it doesn't happen, so be it. thoroughly enjoy."
to returning for a 20th sea- But I love the dugout." But Scioscia's lucrative 10-
son in the Angels' dugout, Scioscia, who will turn 60 in year contract ends this sea-
or perhaps a managing job November, is the longest- son, and the Angels have
elsewhere in baseball. tenured manager in the made the playoffs just
When asked directly if he majors by seven seasons, once in the last nine years
wanted to keep manag- and he earned his 1,600th despite annual high-priced
ing, Scioscia said: "I'd like career victory earlier this rosters. They haven't won
In this Wednesday, Sept. 5, 2018, file photo, Los Angeles Angels to." year. Since taking over the a postseason game since
manager Mike Scioscia speaks to the media in the dugout pri-
or to a baseball game against the Texas Rangers, in Arlington, "We'll continue to evaluate team for the 2000 season, 2009, a stretch that covers
Texas. things this week," Scioscia he has led the Angels to six the entire concurrent An-
Associated Press added. "I'll speak with (An- AL West titles and their only gels careers of Mike Trout
gels owner) Arte (Moreno) World Series championship and Albert Pujols.
By GREG BEACHAM The longtime skipper of the and speak with (general back in 2002. The Angels opened a sea-
AP Sports Writer Los Angeles Angels has manager) Billy (Eppler), "I love managing," Scioscia son-ending homestand
ANAHEIM, Calif. (AP) — been widely expected to and kind of come to a de- said. "I love the dugout. I against Texas on Monday
Mike Scioscia says he would step down after the regu- cision. But I think that if you love the challenge of get- night. They will miss the
like to keep managing next lar season concludes this love something, you want ting the team and getting playoffs for the fourth con-
year. week. His comments to to continue to keep doing them going in the right di- secutive year.q