P. 21

                                                                                                       SPORTS Wednesday 26 september 2018
            Hammer vs Shields: Women’s blockbuster fight is on

            By NOAH TRISTER                                                                                                     usual  trash  talk  between
             AP Sports Writer                                                                                                   the fighters.
            DETROIT  (AP)  —  Claressa                                                                                          “I’m a long-time champion.
            Shields  offered  reporters  a                                                                                      I have a lot of experience,”
            catchy  play  on  words  to                                                                                         Hammer  said.  “I  want  to
            promote her next fight.                                                                                             fight her and to show that
            The    two-time    Olympic                                                                                          I’m the real champion.”
            champion  will  face  un-                                                                                           “She  can  knock  it  off.  She
            beaten  Christina  Hammer                                                                                           can just knock it all the way
            of  Germany  in  a  middle-                                                                                         off,”  Shields  responded.
            weight    unification   bout                                                                                        “Her experience — it shows
            Nov.  17  in  Atlantic  City,                                                                                       that  I  have  great  experi-
            New  Jersey.  The  fight  is  a                                                                                     ence to only have six fights
            blockbuster  between  two                                                                                           and  be  on  her  supposed
            of  boxing’s  stars,  and  the                                                                                      level  already.  I’m  above
            two names lend themselves                                                                                           her level.”
            to some clever lines.                                                                                               It  didn’t  have  anything  to
            “Claressa  Shields  versus                                                                                          do  with  the  fight  against
            Christina  Hammer,”  Shields                                                                                        Hammer, but another inter-
            said.  “Make  sure  you  guys                                                                                       esting moment in the con-
            use  the  shield,  make  sure                                                                                       ference  call  came  when
            you guys use the hammer.     At left, in a March 11, 2017, file photo, Claressa Shields poses with her North American Boxing   Shields was asked who her
            Make sure you guys use the   Federation  middleweight  championship  belt  after  she  defeated  Szilvia  Szabados,  in  Detroit.   role  models  are  in  sports.
            graphics.  You  could  make   At right, in an Aug. 3, 2017, file photo, five-time world boxing champion Christina Hammer, of   She said tennis star Serena
            up all kind of stuff with this,   Germany, holds her title belts during a news conference, in Detroit.              Williams  used  to  be  one,
            OK?”                                                                                               Associated Press  but not as much anymore.”I
            This  fight  may  not  need  mer  (23-0)  has  the  WBC  impressive  since  turning  Shields’  fight,  leading  to  a  was able to meet Serena in
            many  promotional  gim-      and WBO belts.               pro.  Shields  beat  Hanna  bit of a commotion. Shields  the  ‘16  Olympics  and  she
            micks.  It’s  been  anticipat-  Hammer  has  dominated  Gabriels in Detroit in June.   said  in  a  conference  call  was  just  not  nice,”  Shields
            ed for a while. Shields (6-0)  the women’s middleweight  Hammer  also  fought  on  Tuesday  she  has  no  hard  said,  lobbing  some  trash
            holds the IBF and WBA titles  division throughout this de-  that  card  and  made  her  feelings  about  that  inci-  talk  in  an  unexpected
            at  160  pounds,  and  Ham-  cade, but Shields has been  way  into  the  ring  after  dent, but there was still the  direction.q

            Everson Griffen                                                                                                     atric  evaluation,  Zimmer

                                                                                                                                said that wasn’t his area of
            Continued from Page 18       and disruptive behavior at                                                             expertise.
                                         team  headquarters  had                                                                He did, however, praise the
            Griffen  was  already  going  caused  concern.  Griffen                                                             organization’s approach to
            to miss the game last Sun-   had  arrived  for  practice                                                            providing  off-the-field  sup-
            day against the Buffalo Bills  that morning and was told                                                            port for any life situation.
            because  of  a  nagging  is-  he couldn’t participate.                                                              “Our  owners  do  an  unbe-
            sue with his knee, but even  —  Officer  Michael  Kokesh                                                            lievable job of giving these
            without the injury he was in  met with Griffen’s wife, who                                                          players  all  the  resources
            no condition to play.        told him that Griffen got up                                                           that they need. If we have
            According to police in Min-  in  the  middle  of  the  night                                                        to  bring  in  experts  from
            netrista,  the  Minneapo-    on  Sept.  16  and  left  the                                                          some other place or he has
            lis  suburb  where  he  lives,  house, which he has done                                                            to go see other people, our
            Griffen  was  making  com-   before  in  attempt  to  deal                                                          owners  are  outstanding
            ments about people trying  with “demons in his head.”                                                               with that,” Zimmer said.
            to kill him. He was eventu-  Griffen was gone for sever-                                                            “So we’re going to do ev-
            ally  transported  by  ambu-  al days during the week, at                                                           erything  possible  that  we
            lance  to  an  area  hospital  one  point  sending  his  wife   In  this  Saturday,  Aug.  11,  2018,  file  photo,  Minnesota  Vikings   can,  not  only  for  Everson,
            for  his  well-being,  despite  a  text  message  that  refer-  defensive end Everson Griffen watches during the first half of an   but  to  help  everybody  on
            jumping out of the vehicle  enced suicide.                NFL football game against the Denver Broncos, in Denver.   our  team  and,  quite  hon-
            at one point during a brief  He’s  not  on  medication,                                           Associated Press  estly,  with  their  families  as
            stop for crossing deer.      she said, but should be.     town  Minneapolis  hotel,  —  After  Griffen  agreed  to  well.”
            He  was  never  arrested  or  —  Reached  by  Kokesh  on   where he had also created  the  hospital  visit,  officers  Stephen Weatherly has tak-
            suspected  of  committing  his  phone,  Griffen  said  he   a disturbance in the lobby  summoned  by  paramed-      en the 30-year-old Griffen’s
            any crimes.                  had  no  thoughts  about     and threatened violence.     ics  after  the  stop  for  the  place in the starting lineup.
            “I just hope for the best for  harming himself or anyone   — Griffen showed up shirt-  deer found him walking on  Their  cubicles  are  next  to
            him,”  Zimmer  said.  “In  the  else.                     less  outside  the  house  of  the side of a county road.  each  other  in  the  locker
            long run he’s a really good  —  Kokesh  spoke  with  Vi-  teammate  Trae  Waynes,  Griffen  told  them  he  was  room.
            kid.”                        kings executive director of   who  lives  on  the  same  afraid  “someone  was  go-    “It’s  tough.  I  would  much
            According to the police re-  player  development  Les     street.                      ing to shoot him.”           rather  have  him  here,  not
            port on Saturday:            Pico, who said Griffen had   A little later, Griffen left his  The officers convinced him  only  as  a  teammate  but
            — Vikings director of secu-  been  exhibiting  paranoid   vehicle at a gas station and  to return to the ambulance  as someone that I lean on
            rity  Kim  Klawiter  request-  behavior and irrational and   rode home with a man who  and lie down on a stretcher  personally  and  stuff  like
            ed  a  welfare  check  for  rapid  speech  but  did  not   said he didn’t know Griffen  inside.                     that,” Weatherly said.
            Griffen’s  wife,  Tiffany,  and  believe  he  was  at  risk  for   and was shaking when he  Asked if he believed the Vi-  “But we’re going to contin-
            their three children after a  harming himself or others.   met officers waiting outside  kings did enough to ensure  ue to play hard, and we’re
            recent  pattern  of  erratic  Pico met Griffen at a down-  Griffen’s house.            Griffen  received  a  psychi-  going to do it for him.”q
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