P. 16

             Wednesday 26 september 2018

                A weekly calendar with a selection of what’s going on in Aruba

                                                                                                                              Saturday 29
                                                                                                                              Experience Sanicolas
                                                                                                                              •    Ready to experience
                                                                                                                              something different on
                                                                                                                              your Saturday outing,
                                                                                                                              consider San Nicolas...a
                                                                                                                              short distance away...but a
                                                                                                                              world of difference! A day
                                                                                                                              filled with lots of activities,
                                                                                                                              museum bus tour, good
                                                                                                                              food, Sani market, arts &
                                                                                                                              crafts and so much more.
                                                                                                                              •    Starts at 9 AM TILL 1 PM
                                                                                                                              •    SANICOLAS
                                                                                                                              •    Facebook Experience

             Wednesday 26
             Dinner under the stars at Renaissance Island                               Sunday 30
             •  Take a boat trip to Renaissance Island and let your taste buds travel   Aruba Reef Care proj-
                 to paradise.                                                              ect 2018
             Enjoy our 4-course dinner menu consisting of a Beer braised Short Rib or   •  Heroes of all kinds
                 Tandoori marinated Mahi-Mahi, while your toes get pampered in our         will rise to clean
                 white secluded sand.                                                      up Aruba’s coast-
             Our private dinner setting includes a welcome cocktail at Lucy’s Dock         line. We all know
                 (across  the  Renaissance  Mall),  boat  trip  to  Renaissance  Private  Is-  that Aruba has
                 land, dinner on the beach and live entertainment                          beautiful beaches
             •  From 7 PM till 10 PM                                                       & a colorful reef.
             •  Renaissance private Island                                                 However, there is
             •  Facebook Renaissance Aruba Resort & Casino                                 a strong reason for
                                                                                           the recent im-
                                                                                           pending products ban for Aruba, as waste is mingling with our
              Thursday 27                                                                  nature! While official investigations towards our waste impact
              World Tourism Day Conference 2018                                            continue, there is something that you can do now!
              •  To celebrate World Tourism Day the Aruba Tourism Authority will        •  From 8 AM till 12 PM
                 be holding a conference                                                •  Neptali Henriquez Park, Oranjestad
                 called Tourism & Digital                                               •  Facebook Aruba Reef Care Foundation
                 Transformation, how it
                 impacts our lives. With                                                                                         Monday 01
                 international speakers Daniel                                                                                   Manic Monday Talent
                 Newman and Sam Sheffer.                                                                                         Show
              •  From 8:30 AM till 11 AM                                                                                         • Manic Monday and
              •  Renaissance Convention                                                                                          Gang di Arte unites to
                 Center, Oranjestad                                                                                              create a competition
              •  Facebook Aruba Tourism                                                                                          where they seek for
                 Authority                                                                                                       Aruba’s next big talent.
                                                                                                                                 • From 7 PM till 9:30 PM
                                            Friday 28                                   •  Cas di Cultura, Oranjestad
                                            Family Movie Night                          •  Facebook Manic Monday Talent Show
                                            •    Enjoy a night watching the movie
                                            “A wrinkle in Time”, eating some snacks,
                                            having some refreshments and most           Tuesday 02
                                            important enjoy some family time.           Soul and Mantra Singing on the
                                            •    From 6:45 PM                              beach
                                            •    YMCA, Sanicolas                        •   What to expect? Singing
                                            •    Facebook YMCA Aruba                       meditative but also
                                                                                           celebrative. Feel free to try it
                                                                                           out, and discover something
                                                                                           new about yourself. No
                                                                                           need to have singing experience nor do you or your family
                                                                                           have to admire your voice. This type of singing is intended to
                                                                                           open your heart, go within and find what likes to be heard.
                                                                                        •  From 7 PM till 8:30 PM
                                                                                        •  Eagle Beach, Noord
                                                                                        •  Facebook Gea Souge Life Coaching
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