P. 13
Wednesday 26 september 2018
Win the Vacation of Your Life
of the drawing to claim the
• 11PM drawing of
the 2nd Prize: One Week
Stay in the Penthouse &
$500 cash and $500 Free
Slot Play
(The winner(s) needs to be
• 11PM drawing of
the 3rd Prize: One Week
Stay in the Penthouse &
$300 Bonus Slot Dollars
(The winner(s) need to be
• 10PM drawing of
the 4th Prize: Weekend
Stay & $250 Bonus Slot Dol-
(The winner(s) needs to be
• 10 PM drawing of
the 5th prize: Weekend
Stay & $250 Bonus Slot Dol-
(The winner(s) needs to be
• 10 PM drawing of
the 6th prize: $300 Bonus
Slot Dollars
(The winner(s) needs to be
• 9 PM drawing of
the 7th prize: $200 Bonus
Slot Dollars
(The winner(s) needs to be
EAGLE BEACH — Tropicana relaxation and a place to promotion is to have our 2018 between 8 PM and 11 • 9 PM drawing of
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is not to be refused. Don’t from the touristic buzz but the promotional earning present)
miss out on what can be a still close enough to walk. period from August 15th • 11PM drawing of
lifetime vacation in para- One of the most beauti- through September 29th, the 1st Prize: Grand Prize • 8 PM drawing of
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sort offers Vacation Villas only a stone’s throw away try into our grand prize Ownership $23,500 Two
that can actually be yours – Eagle Beach- and to chill drawing for every 10 points (The winner(s) needs to be
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mind-blowing promotion. we have a big pool avail- every hour on the hour for tified by the Tropicana
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The Prize you want to come over 8 PM for 10 winners. phone and/or e-mail within the 10th Prize: $100 Bar tab
Tropicana’s Vacation Villas NOW. Well, come along two (2) business days of the (The winner(s) needs to be
are the most spacious on and play with us! Vacation of Your Life drawing, using the contact present)
the island. Styled in fresh, The drawing of these information in the Bally Sys-
natural-colored design, The Promotion amazing prizes will be on tem data base. The winner
the rooms offer tranquility, The basic concept of the Saturday, September 29th, has 30 days from the date