P. 12

             Wednesday 26 september 2018

            Venezuelan socialist president easily toppled

            By SCOTT SMITH                                                                                                      erful socialist party boss Di-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    osdado Cabello.
            CARACAS, Venezuela (AP)                                                                                             Trump  publicly  floated  the
            — President Donald Trump                                                                                            idea of a military option in
            suggested on Tuesday that                                                                                           August 2017, but since then
            Venezuela's  leader  Nico-                                                                                          he  has  avoided  making
            las  Maduro  could  be  eas-                                                                                        any  direct  references  to  a
            ily  toppled  by  a  military                                                                                       possible attack.
            coup and the U.S stepped                                                                                            Maduro,  however,  has  re-
            up  financial  pressure  by                                                                                         peatedly accused the U.S.
            slapping the socialist presi-                                                                                       of  backing  attempts  to
            dent's inner circle with fresh                                                                                      overthrow him.
            sanctions.                                                                                                          But  Fernando  Cutz,  who
            Trump declined to respond                                                                                           until April led U.S. policy on
            to questions about whether                                                                                          Venezuela  at  the  Nation-
            a  U.S.-led  military  interven-                                                                                    al  Security  Council  under
            tion  in  the  crisis-stricken                                                                                      both  Presidents  Obama
            country  was  possible,  say-                                                                                       and  Trump,  said  that  only
            ing  he  doesn't  reveal  mili-                                                                                     in unusual cases would the
            tary strategy.                                                                                                      United  States  employ  mili-
            "It's  a  regime  that,  frankly,                                                                                   tary action in Venezuela.
            could  be  toppled  very                                                                                            An  attack  on  the  U.S.  Em-
            quickly by the military if the   In this photo released, Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro and wife Cilia Flores greet support-  bassy  in  Caracas  harming
            military decides to do that,"   ers upon their arrival to a meeting with Colombian citizens that reside in Venezuela, In Caracas,   American  citizens  would
            Trump  said  in  comments    Venezuela, Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2018.                                                    warrant a military response,
            on the sidelines of the U.N.                                                                       Associated Press  he said, or a scenario where
            General  Assembly.  "It's  a                                                                                        Venezuelan    government
            truly bad place in the world  Venezuelan people suffer,"  within  the  government  in  ure  in  her  own  right,  and  forces slaughtered 1,000 or
            today."                      Treasury  Secretary  Steven  the hopes it could force a  has  served  in  congress  as  more of its own people.
            Earlier in the day, the Trump  T. Mnuchin said in a state-  democratic  transition  from  well as a constitutional as-  Cutz  spoke  publicly  Mon-
            administration  slapped  fi-  ment.                       within.                      sembly that has expansive  day  at  the  Wilson  Center
            nancial  sanctions  on  four  Over the past two years the  "This  clearly  breaks  from  powers.                    think  tank  in  Washington
            members  of  Maduro's  in-   Trump  administration  has  that  strategy,  said  Smilde.  Beyond  rallying  Maduro's  for the first time since leav-
            ner circle, including his wife  sanctioned  dozens  of  indi-  "If  everyone  is  sanctioned  opponents,   it's   unclear  ing government. He said he
            and the nation's vice presi-  viduals,  including  Maduro  then it could end up uniting  what impact the sanctions  did  not  back  force  as  an
            dent, on allegations of cor-  himself,  on  allegations  of  the government."          will have.                   option, but that it's likely the
            ruption.                     corruption,  drug  trafficking  Maduro later appeared on  For  over  a  year,  top  U.S.  only  way  the  entrenched
            As part of the actions, the  and human rights abuses.     state  television,  thanking  officials   have   struggled  Maduro  regime  could  be
            U.S. barred Americans from  But until now it had spared  Trump for sanctions that he  to  build  support  for  more-  removed.
            doing  business  with  and  key  leaders  like  Delcy  Ro-  called  a  badge  of  honor  sweeping oil sanctions, fac-  "For us to remove that from
            will  seize  any  financial  as-  driguez, as well as the U.S.-  for  those  around  him  in  a  ing resistance from energy  the  table  is  irresponsible,"
            sets in the U.S. belonging to  trained  Padrino,  believing  battle against what he calls  companies  still  active  in  Cutz  said.  "We  need  to
            First  Lady  Cilia  Flores,  Vice  they occupy seats of power  an  imperialist  power.  He  the  country  and  fearing  it  keep all the options on the
            President  Delcy  Rodriguez,  and could play a key role in  also  blasted  the  sanctions  could tip the OPEC nation  table."
            Communications      Minister  an eventual transition.     targeting his wife.          over the edge at a time of  Adding to the political pres-
            Jorge  Rodriguez  and  De-   David Smilde, a Tulane Uni-  "If you want to attack me,  hyperinflation  and  wide-    sure, a bi-partisan group of
            fense  Minister  Vladimir  Pa-  versity  professor  who  has  come  at  me  directly.  But  spread food and medicine  11 senators on Monday in-
            drino.                       spent  more  than  two  de-  don't  touch  Cilia  and  my  shortages.                  troduced sweeping legisla-
            "We are continuing to des-   cades living and working in  family,"  Maduro  said,  call-  The latest sanctions by the  tion  that  calls  for  expand-
            ignate  loyalists  who  en-  Venezuela,  said  Tuesday's  ing  her  an  anti-imperialist  U.S.  Treasury  Department  ing  humanitarian  relief  to
            able  Maduro  to  solidify  his  actions  would  seem  to  warrior.  "Her  only  crime  is  also  seized  a  $20  million  Venezuelans by $40 million
            hold  on  the  military  and  suggest  the  U.S.  has  given  being my wife."          private jet belonging to an  and increasing pressure on
            the  government  while  the  up  trying  to  sow  division  Flores  is  an  influential  fig-  alleged front man for pow-  Maduro's government.q
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