P. 10

             Wednesday 26 september 2018

            Pope: Priestly abuse scandals driving Catholic faithful away

            By NICOLE WINFIELD                                                                                                  Upon    arriving   Tuesday,
            JARI TANNER                                                                                                         Francis  praised  Estonia's
            TALLINN,  Estonia  (AP)  —                                                                                          social and economic trans-
            Pope    Francis   acknowl-                                                                                          formation  in  the  quarter
            edged Tuesday that priest-                                                                                          century since the 1991 Sovi-
            ly  sex  abuse  scandals  are                                                                                       et collapse. But he warned
            outraging    the   Catholic                                                                                         that  a  certain  "existential
            faithful  and  driving  them                                                                                        ennui" can set in when soci-
            away, and said the church                                                                                           eties lose their cultural roots
            must  change  its  ways  if  it                                                                                     and put their faith in tech-
            wants  to  keep  future  gen-                                                                                       nological progress alone.
            erations.                                                                                                           "One of the evident effects
            Francis  referred  directly  to                                                                                     of technocratic societies is
            the crisis convulsing his pa-                                                                                       a loss of meaning in life and
            pacy on the fourth and final                                                                                        the joy of living," he said. In-
            day of his Baltic pilgrimage,                                                                                       terpersonal and intergener-
            which  coincided  with  the                                                                                         ational bonds can be lost,
            release  of  a  devastating                                                                                         depriving  young  genera-
            new report into decades of                                                                                          tions of foundations to build
            sex abuse and cover-ups in                                                                                          a common future, he said.
            Germany.                                                                                                            Estonia  is  considered  both
            Francis  told  young  people                                                                                        one  of  the  most  tech-ad-
            in  Estonia,  considered  one                                                                                       vanced countries in Europe
            of the least religious coun-  Pope Francis arrives to celebrate a Mass in Freedom Square, in Tallinn, Estonia, Tuesday, Sept. 25,   and  one  of  the  least  reli-
            tries  in  the  world,  that  he   2018.                                                                            gious societies in the world.
            knew many young people                                                                             Associated Press  More than half of Estonia's
            felt the church had nothing                                                                                         1.3  million  people  profess
            to  offer  them  and  simply  put you off."               ers  were  simply  moved  saw five decades of Soviet-     no  religious  affiliation.  The
            doesn't  understand  their  It was a very public admis-   to  other  dioceses  without  imposed  religious  repres-  Lutheran  and  Russian  Or-
            problems today.              sion of the church's failures  congregations  being  in-  sion  and  state-sponsored  thodox churches count the
            "They are outraged by sexu-  in  confronting  sex  abuse  formed about their past.     atheism,  as  well  as  the  most followers of those who
            al and economic scandals  scandals,       which    have  The  abuse  scandal,  which  World  War  II-era  occupa-   do.
            that do not meet with clear  roared  back  to  the  head-  erupted  in  Ireland  in  the  tion by Nazi Germany.     In  her  welcoming  speech,
            condemnation,  by  our  un-  lines  recently  with  revela-  1990s  and  subsequently  Francis  has  been  warmly  Estonian  President  Kersti
            preparedness to really ap-   tions of abuses and cover-   in  Australia  and  the  U.S.,  welcomed  in  the  region,  Kaljulaid   acknowledged
            preciate the lives and sen-  ups in the U.S., Chilean and  now threatens Francis' own  even if Catholics are only a  that  rapid  changes  taking
            sibilities  of  the  young,  and  now German churches.    papacy  since  his  record  majority  in  Lithuania.  Esto-  place  amid  robust  eco-
            simply  by  the  passive  role  On  Tuesday,  the  Ger-   as  cardinal  and  pope  has  nia only has 6,000 Catholics  nomic growth — something
            we  assign  them,"  he  told  man  bishops  conference  proven  uneven  on  the  nationwide,  but  residents  particularly  visible  in  the
            Catholic,  Lutheran  and  released  a  report  which  topic.  A  former  Vatican  still  seemed  to  welcome  Baltic  nations  —  shouldn't
            Orthodox young people in  found  that  some  3,677  ambassador  has  accused  Francis'           inclusive   mes-   mean     the   "vulnerable
            the Kaarli Lutheran Church  people  —  more  than  half  Francis of rehabilitating an  sage. Some 10,000 people  among us" are neglected.
            in  the  Estonian  capital  of  of them 13 or younger and  American  cardinal  who  flocked to his final Mass in a  She presented Francis with
            Tallinn.                     nearly a third of them altar  slept with seminarians.     chilly but sun-soaked Free-  a  special  digital  ID  card
            He    said   the   Catholic  boys  —  were  abused  by  Francis has declined to re-    dom  Square  near  Tallinn's  giving foreigners access to
            Church  wants  to  respond  clergy  between  1946  and  spond  to  the  accusations,  charming medieval center.     dozens of digital services in
            to  those  complaints  trans-  2014.                      but  the  Vatican  is  expect-  "For  me,  it's  in  my  heart  the Baltic country, ranging
            parently and honestly.       The  report,  compiled  by  ed  to.  Francis'  visit  to  Tal-  what  I  believe,  and  I  think  from  medical  services  to
            "We  ourselves  need  to  be  university    researchers,  linn marked the last stop in  Francis is this kind of 'papa'  signing legal contracts and
            converted,"  he  said.  "We  found evidence that some  a four-day pilgrimage that  who wants to change," said  filing  taxes.  The  govern-
            have  to  realize  that,  in  or-  files  were  manipulated  or  also  took  him  to  Lithuania  Marko  Tubli,  a  Tallinn  resi-  ment says over 37,000 peo-
            der  to  stand  by  your  side,  destroyed,  many  cases  and Latvia. The trip aimed  dent.  "A  church  is  not  like  ple  from  dozens  of  coun-
            we need to change many  were not brought to justice  to encourage the Christian  'You must be this way and  tries  have  been  registered
            situations  that,  in  the  end,  and  that  sometimes  abus-  faith  in  the  Baltics,  which  this way.' It is more open."  as "e-residents" in Estonia.q
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