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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 26 september 2018
            FBI: Baltimore homicide rate topped

            U.S. big cities in 2017

            By DAVID McFADDEN            been a worrying march of  is that it’s been “unable to  cit  in  city  neighborhoods.
             Associated Press            killings since the 2015 death  muster  any  kind  of  strate-  Baltimore  is  also  struggling
            BALTIMORE  (AP)  —  New  of  Freddie  Gray,  who  suf-    gic  and  lasting  response”  to  implement  a  consent
            crime statistics released by  fered a fatal injury in police  through  the  course  of  its  decree mandating reforms
            the  FBI  place  Baltimore’s
            homicide rate last year well
            above  that  of  any  other
            large American metropolis,
            making it an anomaly in the
            national  crime  landscape
            for  U.S.  cities  with  popula-
            tions over 500,000 people.
            The 342 homicides notched
            last year in Maryland’s big-
            gest  city  yielded  a  punish-
            ing homicide rate of 56 per
            100,000 people, according
            to  the  FBI’s  annual  Crime
            in the United States  report
            released  Monday.  Earlier
            this year, Baltimore had an-
            nounced  343  slayings  for
            the year, but three deaths
            were reclassified, eventual-
            ly bringing the total to 342 in
            the  city  of  roughly  615,000
            inhabitants. The per capita
            rate was a record high for
            the city.                    In this Dec. 16, 2015, file photo, deputies stand guard in front of the courthouse main entrance as
                                         demonstrators protest outside of the building after a mistrial of Officer William Porter, one of six
            Among  major  U.S.  cities,   Baltimore city police officers charged in connection to the death of Freddie Gray, in Baltimore.
            Baltimore   was   followed                                                                         Associated Press
            in  the  FBI’s  annual  tally  by
            Detroit,  which  last  year  re-  custody,  that  eventually  violence   epidemic.   He  after  federal  investigators
            corded  a  homicide  rate  set a new per capita high  contrasted it with Chicago,  detailed longstanding pat-
            of  40  per  100,000  people;  in 2017.                   one  of  the  deadliest  cities  terns  of  unconstitutional
            Memphis,  Tennessee,  with  Baltimore’s   leaders   are  in the country but a place  policing    and    excessive
            a  rate  of  28  per  100,000;  hopeful  this  year  could  where  he  believes  leaders  force  in  the  eighth  largest
            and  Chicago,  with  a  rate  mark  somewhat  of  a  turn-  have  a  clear  focus  and  a  municipal  police  depart-
            of 24 per 100,000. But some  around. So far in 2018, crime  plan.                      ment in the United States.
            smaller  cities  reported  a  is declining, with homicides  The  main  reasons  for  Balti-  “The  underlying  conditions
            higher  homicide  rate  than  down  about  16  percent  more’s  violent  crime  prob-  that  produce  violence  al-
            Baltimore’s.  St.  Louis,  with  compared  to  the  same  lems  are  the  subject  of  ways  matter.  But  on  the
            a  population  slightly  over  stretch of time last year. Kill-  endless interpretation.  other  side,  what  matters
            300,000,  had  a  rate  of  66  ings  are  down  by  over  30  Some  attribute  the  in-  is whether a city is able to
            murders  per  100,000  peo-  percent  in  some  troubled  crease to the fallout of the  frame  up  and  implement
            ple.                         neighborhoods  where  au-    opioid epidemic and Balti-   a response to the violence.
            Overall,  the  FBI  says  the  thorities are focusing atten-  more’s longstanding status  And one of the fundamen-
            national  violent  crime  rate  tion, according to City Hall.  as  a  heroin  market,  or  to  tal facts about Baltimore is
            decreased  by  0.2  percent  “One  murder  in  Baltimore  systemic failures like segre-  that  it’s  really  never  been
            from  2016  to  last  year,  is  one  murder  too  many.  gated  neighborhoods,  un-   able to do that,” Kennedy
            making  Baltimore’s  record  But I am convinced that by  equal justice and a scarcity  said  in  a  Tuesday  phone
            tally  stand  out  even  more  addressing the root causes  of decent opportunities for  interview.  “There’s  been
            for  large  urban  centers.  In  that  give  rise  to  hopeless-  many citizens. Others have  persistent political and law
            comparison,  Houston,  with  ness  and  eventually  to  pointed  the  finger  at  po-  enforcement  dysfunction
            over 2 million residents, had  criminal  activity,  we  will  lice, accusing them of tak-  in  Baltimore  going  back
            a rate of 12 homicides per  make  Baltimore  safer  for  ing  a  hands-off  approach  pretty much as far as any-
            100,000  people.  Boston,  all  residents,”  said  Mayor  to  fighting  crime  since  six  body can look.”q
            with  less  than  700,000  resi-  Catherine Pugh in an email  officers  were  charged  in
            dents,  had  eight  slayings  Tuesday. She took office in  connection  with  the  2015
            per 100,000.                 December 2016.               death  of  Gray,  a  black
            Violent  crime  rates  in  Bal-  But crime experts note that  man  whose  mysterious  fa-
            timore  have  been  notori-  Baltimore’s  leaders  have  tal spinal cord injury in po-
            ously  high  for  years.  In  re-  been failing to get their act  lice  custody  triggered  the
            cent  decades,  the  city’s  together for a long time.    city’s worst riots in decades.
            gritty realities helped make  David  Kennedy,  a  profes-  In  addition,  there’s  been
            it the setting for hard-boiled  sor  at  John  Jay  College  serious  instability  at  the
            crime  shows  such  as  “The  of  Criminal  Justice  in  New  top  of  the  police  force
            Wire,”  ‘’The  Corner,”  and  York  City,  said  that  what’s  and scandals and missteps
            “Homicide.”  But  there’s  distinctive  about  Baltimore  have worsened a trust defi-
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