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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 26 september 2018
            Trump challenges U.N., boasting of America’s go-it-alone might

            Continued from Front         loaded  harsh  rhetoric  on   patriotism,” Trump said.
                                         nuclear-aspirant  Iran  as  a   He referenced a list of U.N.
            He showcased strong eco-     persistent malign influence   bodies,  from  the  Interna-
            nomic  numbers,  declared  across the Middle East.        tional Criminal Court to the
            that the U.S. military is “more  “We  ask  all  nations  to  iso-  Human Rights Council, that
            powerful  than  it  has  ever  late  Iran’s  regime  as  long   his  administration  is  work-
            been before” and crowed  as  its  aggression  contin-     ing to undermine.
            that in “less than two years,  ues,” said Trump. The presi-  “America   will   always
            my  administration  has  ac-  dent has removed the U.S.   choose      independence
            complished  more  than  al-  from  the  2015  nuclear  ac-  and   cooperation   over
            most  any  administration  in  cord  with  Iran,  citing  the   global  governance,  con-
            the history of our country.”  country’s  destabilizing  ac-  trol   and   domination,”
            Just  sentences  into  the  tions throughout the region   Trump  declared.  His  de-
            president’s  remarks,  the  and  support  for  terrorist   nunciations  of  globalism
            audience began to chuck-     groups like Hezbollah, and   drew  murmurs  from  other
            le and some leaders broke  he  accused  its  leaders  on   members  of  the  organiza-
            into outright laughter, sug-  Tuesday of sowing “chaos,   tion that stands as the very
            gesting  the  one-time  real-  death and destruction.”    embodiment of the notion.
            ity  television  star’s  puffery  His  national  security  advis-  Shortly before he spoke, in
            is as familiar abroad as it is  er, John Bolton, was to go   fact, U.N. Secretary-Gener-
            at home. Trump appeared  even  further  in  a  speech     al Guterres had defended
            briefly flustered, then smiled  Tuesday,  issuing  a  dire   international  cooperation
            and said it was not the re-  warning to Iran: “If you cross   as  the  only  way  to  tackle
            action  he  expected  “but  us, our allies or our partners;   the challenges and threats   President Donald Trump addresses the United Nations General
            that’s all right.”           if  you  harm  our  citizens;  if   of   increasingly   chaotic   Assembly, Tuesday Sept. 25, 2018 at U.N. headquarters.
            Later  he  brushed  off  the  you  continue  to  lie,  cheat   times.q                                                          Associated Press
            episode,  telling  reporters,  and  deceive,  yes,  there
            “Oh it was great. Well, that  will indeed be hell to pay,”
            was  meant  to  get  some  Bolton  said,  according  to
            laughter so it was great.”   prepared remarks released
            The  leaders’  spontaneous  by the White House.
            response  to  Trump’s  ad-   In  addition  to  his  keynote
            dress  only  reinforced  the  speech, Trump is to chair a
            American  president’s  iso-  meeting  of  the  U.N.  Secu-
            lation  among  allies  and  rity  Council  about  nuclear
            foes  alike,  as  his  national-  proliferation  on  Wednes-
            istic  policies  have  created  day.  His  four  days  of  cho-
            rifts  with  erstwhile  partners  reographed  foreign  affairs
            and  cast  doubt  in  some  were designed to stand in
            circles  about  the  reliability  contrast  to  a  presidency
            of American commitments  sometimes  defined  by  dis-
            around the world.            order, but they were quick-
            Barely  an  hour  before  he  ly  overshadowed  by  do-
            spoke,  in  fact,  U.N.  Sec-  mestic political crises.
            retary-General     Antonio   rama also swirls around the
            Guterres  declared  to  the  job security of Trump’s dep-
            assembly  that  global  co-  uty  attorney  general.  Rod
            operation  is  the  world’s  Rosenstein  was  reported
            best hope and “multilater-   last  week  to  have  floated
            alism is under fire precisely  the idea of secretly record-
            when we need it most.”       ing  the  president  last  year
            Since  taking  office,  Trump  and to have raised the idea
            has removed the U.S. from  of  using  the  25th  Amend-
            the  Paris  climate  accord,  ment  to  remove  him  from
            promoted       protectionist  office.  He  will  meet  with
            tariffs  and  questioned  the  Trump at the White House,
            value of the North Atlantic  also on Thursday.
            Treaty  Organization  and  At the U.N., Trump seized his
            other  alliances  in  further-  opportunity to assert Amer-
            ance  of  what  he  termed  ican  independence  from
            on  Tuesday  a  strategy  of  the  international  body.  He
            “principled realism.”        showcased  his  decisions
            To  that  end,  Trump  flaunt-  to  engage  with  the  erst-
            ed his embrace of negotia-   while  pariah  North  Korea,
            tions with North Korea’s Kim  remove  the  U.S.  from  the
            Jong  Un  just  a  year  after  international  Iran  nuclear
            he  had  warned  of  raining  accord and object to U.N.
            down  “total  destruction”  programs  he  believes  are
            on  a  leader  he  branded  contrary to American inter-
            “Little  Rocket  Man.”  As  ests.  “We  reject  the  ideol-
            Trump praised Kim’s “cour-   ogy  of  globalism  and  we
            age”  on  Tuesday,  he  un-  embrace  the  doctrine  of
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