P. 2

             Wednesday 26 september 2018

             Mattis: Jury is out on women succeeding in combat jobs

            By LOLITA C. BALDOR                                                                    tect the children and “who  in North Carolina.
             Associated Press                                                                      reaches  for  the  phone  to  The Army has also seen an
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                               call  911.”  He  didn’t  offer  increase  in  the  number  of
            jury  is  still  out  on  whether                                                      suggestions  on  what  the  women  in  combat  units,
            women  can  be  success-                                                               answer would be.             including  in  infantry  jobs.
            ful in infantry jobs, Defense                                                          The Army and Marine Corps  So far, there are 51 female
            Secretary  Jim  Mattis  said                                                           have  acknowledged  that  infantry  officers  and  253
            Tuesday, while offering stu-                                                           the  number  of  women  women in the enlisted ranks
            dents at the Virginia Military                                                         seeking  infantry  jobs  will  of  the  infantry,  according
            Institute  a  dim  view  of  fe-                                                       probably  be  small.  And  to  the  Army.  Another  51
            male troops serving on the                                                             women  have  struggled  to  women  are  serving  in  the
            front line.                                                                            pass the demanding train-    officer  and  enlisted  ranks
            Mattis,  a  retired  Marine,                                                           ing courses.                 in  the  Army  Reserve.  In
            said  there  are  too  few                                                             As  of  late  August,  there  addition,  17  women  have
            women in the infantry ranks                                                            were  just  26  female  enlist-  passed the Army’s grueling
            to  provide  enough  data     In this Sept. 18, 2018, file photo, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis   ed  Marines  in  the  infantry  two-month Ranger course.
            to  determine  how  they’re   speaks  to  reporters  as  he  waits  for  the  arrival  of  Philippine   and  one  female  officer,  Because  of  the  growth,
            doing. And he said he has    Secretary of National Defense Delfin Lorenzana at the Pentagon.   according  to  the  Marine  Army  leaders  earlier  this
            asked  Army  and  Marine                                              Associated Press  Corps. More broadly, how-   year  decided  to  integrate
            leaders  for  information  to   Secretary  Leon  Panetta   from  a  male  student,  who   ever, the number of wom-  female  officers  into  infan-
            determine if having women    opened the door to wom-      described  some  of  his  fe-  en in Marine combat units  try  and  armor  brigades  at
            in a “close-quarters fight” is   en serving in combat jobs.   male  classmates  as  fierce,   that  were  previously  open  three  additional  military
            a strength or a weakness.    The military services studied   Mattis  said  the  issue  must   only  to  men  has  grown  bases: Fort Carson in Colo-
            “There  are  a  few  stalwart   the  issue,  and  in  their  final   be  resolved  by  military  of-  steadily, from 254 last year  rado, Fort Campbell in Ken-
            young  ladies  who  are      recommendations only the     ficers  who  are  objective   to 382 this year — a 50 per-  tucky, and Fort Bliss in Texas.
            charging into this, but they   Marine  Corp  leaders  ar-  and  understand  that  the   cent increase.              The  increase  —  from  two
            are  too  few,”  Mattis  said   gued  for  an  exception  so   natural  inclination  is  to   This  year,  for  the  first  time,  bases now to five — means
            during a visit to VMI, which   they  could  keep  certain   have  service  open  to  all.   female  Marines  were  al-  there  will  be  women  in  in-
            is  in  Lexington,  Virginia.   infantry  and  ground  com-  But, he added, “we cannot   lowed  to  attend  the  pre-  fantry and armor units at 45
            “Clearly the jury is out on it,   bat jobs open only to men.    do something that militarily   viously  male-only  entry-  percent of the Army instal-
            but what we’re trying to do   In  December  2015,  then-  doesn’t make sense.”         level course at the Marine  lations  that  have  combat
            is give it every opportunity   Defense   Secretary   Ash   Mattis  likened  the  issue  to   Combat  Training  Battalion  brigades.
            to succeed if it can.”       Carter rejected the Corps’   having  someone  break       at  Camp  Pendleton,  Cali-  Until  now,  the  integrated
            He  said  he  hopes  to  get   request  and  ordered  all   into  your  house  and  hav-  fornia. Before that, women  units were only at Fort Hood
            data  from  the  Army  and   combat  posts  be  opened    ing  to  decide  “who  grabs   only   attended   combat  in  Texas  and  Fort  Bragg  in
            Marine Corps soon.           to women.                    the  baseball  bat”  to  pro-  training  at  Camp  Lejeune  North Carolina.q
            In early 2013, then-Defense   Responding  to  a  question
                                                                      U.S. attorneys general discuss social

                                                                      media privacy concerns

                                                                      By MICHAEL BALSAMO
                                                                       Associated Press
                                                                      WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  A
                                                                      meeting    between     top
                                                                      state law enforcement offi-
                                                                      cials and Attorney General
                                                                      Jeff  Sessions  about  how
                                                                      the  government  can  safe-
                                                                      guard the privacy of social
                                                                      media  users  ended  Tues-
                                                                      day  without  a  decision  on
                                                                      whether to investigate.
                                                                      The gathering at the Justice
                                                                      Department  was  sched-
                                                                      uled  to  discuss  whether
                                                                      tech giants are “stifling the   Attorney  General  Jeff  Sessions  speaks  during  the  Office  of
                                                                      free  exchange  of  ideas”   Justice Programs’ National Institute of Justice Opioid Research
                                                                      and examine whether they     Summit in Washington, Tuesday, Sept. 25.
                                                                      “may  be  hurting  competi-                                           Associated Press
                                                                      tion.”                       sissippi,  Nebraska,  Tennes-  online digital platforms.”
                                                                      But   California   Attorney  see, Utah and Washington,  Although  there  wasn’t  an
                                                                      General  Xavier  Becerra,  a  D.C.,  attended.  Five  other  immediate   decision   on
                                                                      Democrat,  says  the  one-   states sent senior deputies.  whether to open an inves-
                                                                      hour  meeting  mainly  fo-   Justice Department officials  tigation, the attorneys gen-
                                                                      cused  on  consumer  pro-    said  the  meeting  “cen-    eral discussed the nuances
                                                                      tection  and  data  privacy  tered on ways the Depart-    and  interpretation  of  pri-
                                                                      issues.  Attorneys  general  ment  and  state  govern-    vacy and what might con-
                                                                      from  Alabama,  California,  ments can most effectively  stitute  a  monopoly  in  the
                                                                      Louisiana,  Maryland,  Mis-  safeguard consumers using  tech sector, Becerra said.q
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