P. 8
Wednesday 26 september 2018
In most global of settings, UN ponders populism’s problems
By EDITH M. LEDERER discrimination against
JENNIFER PELTZ women and for reinforcing
Associated Press “our male-dominated cul-
UNITED NATIONS (AP) — ture,” he said.
Warning that the world has “The weaponization of arti-
a bad case of “trust defi- ficial intelligence is a grow-
cit disorder” and risks “run- ing concern,” he added.
away climate change,” General Assembly Presi-
U.N. Secretary-General An- dent Maria Fernanda Espi-
tonio Guterres urged global nosa Garces opened the
leaders Tuesday to aban- gathering by asking the
don unilateralism and re- VIPs to stand in silent tribute
invigorate cooperation as to former Secretary-Gen-
the only way to tackle the eral Kofi Annan, who died
challenges and threats of Aug. 18 at age 80.
increasingly chaotic times. Espinosa Garces, who was
The U.N. chief painted a Ecuador’s foreign minister,
grim picture of the state of echoed Guterres’ appeal
the world in his opening ad- on multilateralism, saying
dress to the annual gath- the General Assembly is
ering of presidents, prime “the only place where a
ministers, monarchs and meeting of this kind is pos-
government officials from sible,” and where all coun-
the U.N.’s 193 member na- Iranian President Hassan Rouhani addresses the 73rd session of the United Nations General tries “have the opportunity
tions. He pointed to rising Assembly, Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2018 at U.N. headquarters. to hear and be heard.”
polarization and populism, Associated Press She said the U.N.’s global
ebbing cooperation, “frag- we embrace the doctrine name. predicted stepped-up U.S. contribution has been im-
ile” trust in international in- of patriotism.” “Confronting multilateral- sanctions would get Tehran mense, from international
stitutions and “outrage” at But French President Em- ism is not a sign of strength; to negotiate over its nucle- law and the promotion of
the inability to end wars manuel Macron assailed rather it is a symptom of ar program. peace to human rights,
in Syria, Yemen and else- self-interest in his address the weakness of intellect Guterres highlighted two combatting poverty and
where. soon after Trump, saying — it betrays an inability challenges that have tak- preserving the environ-
“Democratic principles are “nationalism always leads in understanding a com- en on “surpassing urgency” ment.
under siege,” Guterres said. to defeat.” plex and interconnected since last year: climate “The reality is that the work
“The world is more con- He drew loud applause world,” Rouhani said. change and new risks from of the United Nations is as
nected, yet societies are for his impassioned plea Iran has been a target of advances in technology. relevant today as it was 73
becoming more fragment- against isolationism and for escalating U.S. accusations “Climate change is mov- years ago,” she said. “Mul-
ed. Challenges are grow- global cooperation. over its nuclear and missile ing faster than we are,” tilateralism stands alone as
ing outward, while many “Friends, I know you may programs and international he warned. “If we do not the only viable response to
people are turning inward. be tired of multilateralism. terrorist activities. It vehe- change course in the next the global problems that
Multilateralism is under fire I also know that the world mently denies any nuclear two years, we risk runaway we are faced with. To un-
precisely when we need it is flooded with information, ambitions or involvement in climate change. ... Our fu- dermine multilateralism, or
most.” and one becomes indiffer- international terrorism. ture is at stake.” to cast a doubt upon its
In contrast, U.S. President ent. It all starts to look like a Trump earlier had blasted Guterres said artificial intel- merits, will only lead to in-
Donald Trump defended big show,” he said. “Please, what he called Iran’s “cor- ligence, blockchain and stability and division, to mis-
an America-first policy, don’t get used to it, don’t rupt dictatorship,” saying biotechnology can poten- trust and polarization.”
rejecting “global gover- become indifferent. Do not he has launched an “eco- tially “turbocharge prog- Brazil’s President Michel Te-
nance, control and domi- accept the erosion of mul- nomic pressure” campaign ress,” but also pose risks mer also focused on threats
nation.” He said he expects tilateralism. Don’t accept against the country. The and serious dangers. to global cooperation.
other nations to honor our history unraveling. I’m U.S. withdrew this year from Technology stands to “We live in times clouded
America’s sovereignty in not getting used to this, and a 2015 nuclear deal be- change or eliminate some by isolationist forces,” he
return. I’m not turning my head.” tween Iran and world pow- jobs and is being misused said. “Old forms of intoler-
“America is governed by In his speech, Iranian Presi- ers. Rouhani accused the for sexual abuse, for terror- ance are being rekindled.
Americans,” Trump said in dent Hassan Rouhani took U.S. of trying to overthrow ism and for malicious acts Unilateral relapses are, to-
his speech. “We reject the a dig at Trump over the is- his government, rejecting in cyberspace including day, increasingly less of an
ideology of globalism, and sue — indirectly, if not by bilateral talks after Trump disinformation campaigns, exception.”q