P. 9

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Wednesday 26 september 2018

            Merkel's party ousts close ally of chancellor from top post

            By GEIR MOULSON              which  has  squabbled  per-                                                            ed  any  significant  policy
            Associated Press             sistently since it took office                                                         changes  and  has  insisted
            BERLIN  (AP)  —  A  close  in  March.  It  came  a  year                                                            that  his  candidacy  wasn't
            ally  of  Chancellor  Angela  after the conservatives lost                                                          directed  against  Merkel,
            Merkel was ousted Tuesday  significant  support  in  an                                                             but  stressed  the  "indepen-
            as  head  of  her  conserva-  election  that  saw  the  far-                                                        dence"  of  the  parliamen-
            tive  bloc's  parliamentary  right Alternative for Germa-                                                           tary group. After Tuesday's
            group,  a  surprise  defeat  ny enter parliament.                                                                   vote, he said it's important
            that  dealt  a  blow  to  the  Kauder,  who  had  Merkel's                                                          to "get to work quickly."
            longtime  German  leader's  support,  had  been  wide-                                                              The vote had been viewed
            authority in her own ranks.  ly  expected  to  prevail  in                                                          as a barometer for Merkel's
            Volker Kauder, who had led  Tuesday's  vote  of  lawmak-                                                            authority  in  the  conserva-
            the parliamentary group of  ers  from  Merkel's  Christian                                                          tive  ranks  after  a  difficult
            Merkel's  Union  bloc  since  Democratic  Union  and  its                                                           year.
            she  became  chancellor  Bavaria-only  sister  party,                                                               "The  parliamentary  group's
            in  2005,  was  defeated  by  the  Christian  Social  Union.   German Chancellor Angela Merkel walks through a corridor of   revolt   against   Merkel's
                                                                      the Reichstag building during a Christian Union parties faction
            Ralph  Brinkhaus  —  a  bud-  But he was defeated by a    meeting in Berlin, Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2018.               candidate  of  choice  is  a
            get policy expert who had  125-112  margin,  with  two                                             Associated Press  visible sign of the chancel-
            been one of his deputies.    abstentions.                                                                           lor's  eroding  power,"  the
            The  vote  followed  a  wob-  "This is a moment of democ-  She said she hoped to work  most Germans, was the first  daily  Handelsblatt  wrote.
            bly  start  to  Merkel's  fourth  racy," Merkel told reporters.  well with Brinkhaus and left  challenger Kauder, 68, had  "Kauder  didn't  stand  for
            government,  a  coalition  "Those also include defeats,  without taking questions.     faced  since  taking  office  much anymore, other than
            of the Union and the cen-    and there's no glossing over  The  50-year-old  Brinkhaus,  13 years ago.              securing  majorities  for  the
            ter-left  Social  Democrats,  that."                      who  isn't  well-known  to  Brinkhaus  hasn't  suggest-   chancellor."q

            French ex-premier launches bid to become Barcelona mayor

            BARCELONA, Spain (AP) —                                                                port. "Barcelona should be  ti-eviction  activist  wants  to
            Former French Prime Minis-                                                             an antidote against popu-    earn re-election but is fac-
            ter  Manuel  Valls  launched                                                           lism," Valls said, adding that  ing  mounting  criticism  for
            a  bid  on  Tuesday  to  be-                                                           the city "has to be a meet-  her handling of street ven-
            come Barcelona's mayor in                                                              ing  point  and  a  space  of  dors and the prevalence of
            an  election  next  year  with                                                         cohabitation."               drug  trafficking  in  the  city
            the aim to "rescue" the Cat-                                                           But rather than focusing on  center.
            alan  capital  from  "deterio-                                                         the  territorial  dispute,  Valls  Valls has been a household
            ration."                                                                               chose  to  emphasize  plans  name in French politics for
            The  56-year-old  Valls,  who                                                          to  bolster  security  and  more  than  a  decade.  He
            was born in Barcelona but                                                              fight  inequality  in  the  city  served  as  the  mayor  of
            was  raised  in  France  and                                                           of 1.6 million, while promis-  Evry, a town on the outskirts
            made a career in local and                                                             ing  efforts  to  boost  the  lo-  of  Paris,  before  becom-
            national politics there, said                                                          cal economy and raise the  ing  interior  minister  in  2012
            he would resign as a French   France's  former  prime  minister  Manuel  Valls  speaks  during  a   international  profile  of  the  and then prime minister be-
            lawmaker in order to focus   press conference in Barcelona, Spain to announce his candi-  "Barcelona brand."        tween 2014 and 2016, when
            on his bid in the neighbor-  dacy for mayor of Barcelona on Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2018.   The  city,  he  said  switch-  Francois  Hollande  was  the
            ing country.                                                          Associated Press  ing  between  Catalan  and  country’s president.
            His jump to Spanish politics                                                           Spanish at a packed audi-    After failing in his bid to be-
            raises the stakes for the May  of Spain.                  choosing  to  lead  an  inde-  torium, "is deteriorating and  come a presidential candi-
            election as a battleground  After  months  of  negotia-   pendent ticket. His bid has  none of us should be indif-  date last year, Valls left the
            between  those  who  want  tions with the anti-secession  the backing of the Spanish  ferent."                      Socialist  party  and  joined
            the  wealthy  northeastern  Ciutadans  (Citizens)  party,  center-right  party  led  by  The  comment  was  an  at-  Emmanuel  Macron’s  Re-
            Catalan  region  to  either  Valls  finally  announced  Albert Rivera but Valls said  tack  on  far-left  incumbent  public on the Move centrist
            break away or remain part  on  Tuesday  that  he  was  that  he  seeks  wider  sup-    Ada Colau. The former an-    party.q
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