P. 23
SPORTS Wednesday 26 september 2018
Kershaw, Dodgers beat D-backs 7-4 to maintain NL West lead
By The Associated Press his right elbow and made
PHOENIX (AP) — David an immediate impact. He
Freese homered and had had two hard-hit doubles
three hits to back Clayton to center. Phillies left fielder
Kershaw as Los Angeles Aaron Altherr ran into the
maintained its lead in the fence while trying to catch
NL West. Dahl's homer. The side of
Manny Machado had two Altherr's face slammed into
RBIs for the Dodgers, includ- the padded fence, his hat
ing a groundout deep into flying off. Altherr eventually
the shortstop hole with the limped to a cart and was
bases loaded in the sev- taken away. He sprained
enth inning that brought his right big toe and bruised
in Yasiel Puig with the go- a knee.
ahead run. Los Angeles BREWERS 6, CARDINALS 4
added three ninth-inning ST. LOUIS (AP) — Eric Thames
runs to stay 1½ games scored on reliever Bud Nor-
ahead of Colorado. ris' throwing error in the
The defending NL champi- eighth inning and the Mil-
ons have won six of seven. waukee Brewers improved
Freese finished 3 for 4 with their playoff positioning by
two RBIs. Kershaw (9-5) topping St. Louis.
pitched six innings, allowing Ryan Braun homered and
three runs and six hits. He Christian Yelich drove in
struck out six and walked Arizona Diamondbacks' Christian Walker, right, gets off balance while striking out as Los Angeles two runs as Milwaukee won
Dodgers catcher Yasmani Grandal, left, reaches over to tag Walker during the fifth inning of a
one. baseball game, Monday, Sept. 24, 2018, in Phoenix. for the fourth time in five
Ketel Marte homered and Associated Press games. The Brewers (90-
drove in three runs, all off 67) opened a three-game
Kershaw, and A.J. Pollock pitched seven crisp innings kee. Wolters drew four walks lead over St. Louis for the
went deep against clos- and drew a bases-loaded Gray (12-8) got the start and Charlie Blackmon had top spot in the wild-card
er Kenley Jansen in the walk as part of a five-run when Tyler Anderson was a single to extend his hitting standings and pulled within
ninth. The Diamondbacks, third to lead Colorado over scratched due to shoulder streak to a career-best 16 1 1/2 games of the NL Cen-
already eliminated from Philadelphia. tightness. The right-hander's games for Colorado. No- tral-leading Chicago Cubs,
playoff contention, have The Rockies won their fourth one costly mistake was an lan Arenado and Gerardo who lost to Pittsburgh.
lost four straight and eight straight game since being elevated fastball that Rhys Parra delivered run-scoring Corbin Burnes (7-0), the
of nine. swept at Dodger Stadium. Hoskins hit for a homer singles off Zach Eflin (11-8). seventh of nine Milwaukee
Andrew Chafin (1-6) took They closed within a half- in the seventh when the All-Star shortstop Trevor pitchers, got two outs for
the loss. game of St. Louis for the game was out of reach. Story returned to the start- the win, and Corey Kne-
ROCKIES 10, PHILLIES 1 second wild card after the David Dahl lined a two-run ing lineup after missing a bel worked the ninth for his
DENVER (AP) — Jon Gray Cardinals lost to Milwau- homer in the fourth, Tony week with inflammation in 16th save.q
Evans fired as San Francisco
Giants general manager
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — will," Baer said. only grown together in en-
Bobby Evans was fired "People will say 'new school deavors professionally with
Monday as the San Fran- versus old school,' people the Giants, we've grown to-
cisco Giants' general man- will say 'analytics versus gether as people and it's a
ager. scouting,' and I think that big part of your lifetime."
The team said Evans will be the new, next-generation The Giants won World Se-
reassigned, with responsi- general manager is able to ries championships in 2010,
bilities to be determined. do both, and will bring both 2012 and 2014. They made
The move came as the Gi- to the mix." the playoffs again in 2016,
ants began the final week Evans was hired by the Gi- but are 166-224 since tak- In this Jan. 19, 2018, file photo, San Francisco Giants general
manager Bobby Evans during a news conference in San Fran-
of the season at 72-84, their ants in 1994, became vice ing a major league-best 57- cisco.
second straight losing re- president of baseball op- 33 record into the All-Star Associated Press
cord. erations in 2009 under gen- break that year.
"I made the decision, re- eral manager Brian Sabean Baer said the team is open struggles. derstand the question . you
ally," CEO Larry Baer said. and was promoted to GM to female candidates. "Brian Sabean and Bobby want to blame the last year
"At this point, we needed in April 2015 when Sabean "Sure," he responded. "I Evans at the helm over 26 and this year to some ex-
to take a fresh approach to became executive vice haven't considered any- years, I would match their tent, but I don't step back
baseball operations." president of baseball op- body yet, since we're just record with pretty much and think of this in terms of
The club will start a search erations. making this announcement anybody in the sport and blame, I think of this in terms
for a new head of baseball "He's a big part of our family now, but we would consid- even beyond the sport," of it's been an incredible
operations. tree," Sabean said. "I came er, of course, females." Baer said. "So when we run, an incredible journey,
"We're looking for someone into the organization in '93 Baer deflected the notion start talking about blame but it is time now to create
that sort of is the 'next gen' and I believe Bobby shortly that the Giants were blam- and start talking about that the next — to create the
general manager, if you thereafter in '94. We've not ing Evans for their recent kind of thing, I mean I un- blueprint of the future."q