P. 2

                 Wednesday 8 august 2018

             Despite crackdown, immigrants flowing through Arizona border

            By ASTRID GALVAN             been  largely  quiet  and
            SAN  LUIS,  Ariz.  (AP)  —  The  calm for the past decade.
            3-year-old boy with a bowl  So  far  this  fiscal  year,
            haircut  and  striped  shirt  si-  agents in the Yuma sector
            lently clung to his father in  have apprehended nearly
            the  back  of  a  U.S.  Border  10,000  families  and  4,500
            Patrol truck.                unaccompanied  children,
            Their shoes still muddy from  a  giant  increase  from  just
            crossing the border, the fa-  seven years ago when they
            ther and son had just been  arrested  only  98  families
            apprehended  at  a  canal  and  222  unaccompanied
            near a border fence in Ari-  children.
            zona  on  a  muggy  night  in  The  Trump  administration's
            July. Before the father, son  policy  of  separating  fami-
            and  two  older  children  lies  did  not  seem  to  be
            could  make  it  any  farther,  slowing the flow. The Border
            a Border Patrol agent inter-  Patrol  here  apprehended
            vened  and  directed  them  an  average  of  30  families
            through  a  large  border  per day in June, when the
            gate.                        uproar over the policy was
            The  father  handed  over  at  its  peak,  an  increase
            documents  that  showed  from May. Yuma is now the
            gang  members  had  com-     second-busiest  sector  for
            mitted  crimes  against  his  family border crossings next
            family, one of the ways im-  to the Rio Grande Valley in   A father and his 3-year-old son are detained in the back of a U.S. Customs and Border Patrol
            migrants  who  seek  asylum  Texas.                       vehicle Wednesday, July 18, 2018 in San Luis, Ariz.
            try to prove their cases. Af-  Agents  and  border  cross-                                                                      Associated Press
            ter a wait, he and his chil-  ers here have many things
            dren were hauled away in  to  contend  with.  Parts  of  proven to be logistically dif-  head  of  U.S.  Customs  and  sulted  in  a  drastic  drop  in
            a van to be processed at a  the border are urban, with  ficult for the agency. There  Border  Protection  recently  border crossings.
            Border Patrol station about  fences  and  canals  on  the  are  only  so  many  vans  to  said  are  fighting  for  "every  "It's really been a combined
            20 miles away in Yuma.       U.S.  side  directly  across  transport the immigrants to  inch" of control of the river  effort  across  the  whole
            The  encounter  witnessed  from a home's backyard in  the  sector's  processing  fa-   where  migrants  are  often  agency to be able to turn
            by  The  Associated  Press  il-  Mexico. The sector includes  cility in Yuma.          smuggled in Texas.           this  sector  into  something
            lustrates  how  families  are  Arizona and part of Califor-  Many  don't  understand  Randy Capps of the Migra-     that  is  manageable  and
            still  coming  into  the  U.S.  nia, along with the Imperial  why  so  many  families  and  tion  Policy  Institute  says  it's  not  somewhere  there  was
            even  in  the  face  of  daily  Sand Dunes and Colorado  children    from    Central  noteworthy that most of the  138,000      apprehensions
            global  headlines  about  River.                          America are coming to the  border crossers in the Yuma  back in 2005," Garibay said.
            the  Trump  administration's  While  drug  smugglers  and  U.S.  through  this  stretch  of  sector  are  Guatemalans.  Yuma  is  an  agricultural
            zero-tolerance immigration  other criminals use the vast  Arizona and braving its ex-  He  said  it's  possible  many  hub  that  relies  heavily  on
            policies.  The  flow  of  fami-  desert  to  cross  illegally,  treme summer heat, when  are  headed  for  California  immigrant  labor  to  har-
            lies  from  Central  America  most  families  and  children  the more direct path takes  and  that  crossing  through  vest  crops,  mainly  lettuce
            is  especially  pronounced  simply walk or swim across  them  to  the  Rio  Grande  the Yuma area may be the  and  dates.  Hundreds  of
            in this overlooked stretch of  into the U.S. and wait to be  Valley  in  Texas,  more  than  safest and simplest way to  Mexican  workers  cross  the
            border in Arizona and Cali-  arrested, according to Bor-  1,000 miles away.            do that.                     border  with  special  visas
            fornia.                      der Patrol spokesman Jose  Garibay      said   migration  They  are  encountering  a  to  work  the  fields.  Their
            The  Border  Patrol's  Yuma  Garibay.  Many  travel  in  patterns  are  largely  con-  section  of  border  that  the  employers  have  to  pay  to
            Sector  has  seen  a  more  large groups, he said.        trolled  by  the  cartels  that  government hails as its gold  house and feed them, and
            than  120  percent  spike  in  Garibay says he was once  smuggle  people  across.  standard for border securi-      they  earn  around  $10  an
            the number of families and  on assignment when he en-     The Mexican state of Tam-    ty. It was one of the busiest  hour.  The  Yuma  area  sup-
            unaccompanied  children  countered a group of over  aulipas that borders the Rio  sectors  in  the  country  for  plies 90 percent of the na-
            caught at the border over  60 families and children.      Grande  has  been  experi-   years  before  new  fencing,  tion's leafy greens for most
            the  last  year,  surprising  Dealing with large numbers  encing  extreme  violence  technology, remote surveil-    of the year— a $2.5-billion-
            many in an area that had  of families and children has  by  drug  cartels  that  the  lance and more agents re-     a-year industry. q
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