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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 8 august 2018
            Biggest blaze in California history challenges firefighters

            Continued from Front         ing  to  stop  that  fire,”  said
                                         Kyle  Coleman,  28,  who
            A  few  days  after  the  Up-  returned  to  his  childhood
            per  Lake  fire  started,  Cal  home  last  week  to  help
            Fire  Battalion  Chief  John  his  father  try  —  in  vain,  it
            Messina  told  a  commu-     turned out — to protect it.
            nity  meeting  that  with  so  “A big wall of flames came
            many  fires  already  raging  over the mountain ... I pret-
            in  California,  “resources  ty much got my dad out of
            are  already  committed”  there.”
            so  officials  were  forced  to  In  all,  14,000  firefighters
            prioritize  public  safety  and  were battling blazes across
            private property.            California,  which  is  seeing
            “After those two things are  earlier,  longer  and  more
            addressed  then  we’ll  go  destructive wildfire seasons
            after the pieces of fire that  because of drought, warm-
            are in remote areas,” Mes-   er  weather  attributed  to
            sina  said.  “Typically,  we’d  climate  change,  and  the
            go  at  all  at  once.  There  is  building  of  homes  deeper
            just  not  the  resources  for  into the forests.
            that.” The flames were rag-  “Cal Fire is really an urban
            ing in mostly remote areas,  firefighter  service  in  the
            and no deaths or serious in-  woods,” said Arizona State
            juries were reported. But at  University   professor   Ste-   In this Tuesday, July 31, 2018, file photo, a fire crew from San Luis Obispo County keeps an eye on
            least 75 homes have been  phen Pyne, a wildfire man-      an advancing wildfire from the perimeter of a residence in Lakeport, Calif.
            lost,  and  thousands  of  agement expert.                                                                                      Associated Press
            people  have  been  forced  The  Mendocino  Complex
            to flee. The blaze, dubbed  is actually two blazes burn-
            the  Mendocino  Complex,  ing  so  close  together  that
            was  reported  20  percent  authorities  are  attacking
            contained on Tuesday.        them  as  one,  a  common
            Its  rapid  growth  at  the  practice  at  Cal  Fire.  The
            same time firefighters were  fires started within an hour
            battling more than a dozen  of  each  other  about  15
            other major blazes around  miles (25 kilometers) apart.
            the state fanned fears that  As  of  Tuesday,  they  were
            2018  could  become  the  separated  by  just  a  few
            worst wildfire season in Cal-  miles. Officials have not de-
            ifornia history.             termined  the  cause  of  ei-
            “For whatever reason, fires  ther one. In becoming the
            are burning much more in-    biggest fire in California his-
            tensely, much more quickly  tory , the Mendocino Com-
            than  they  were  before,”  plex fire broke a record set
            said Mark A. Hartwig, presi-  just  eight  months  ago.  A
            dent  of  the  California  Fire  blaze  in  Southern  Califor-
            Chiefs Association.          nia in December killed two
            About  3,900  firefighters,  in-  people, burned 440 square
            cluding  a  crew  of  40  vol-  miles (1,140 square kilome-
            unteers from New Zealand,  ters)  and  destroyed  more
            were  battling  the  blaze,  than 1,000 buildings.
            contending  with  tempera-   Crews also gained ground
            tures  in  the  high  90s  and  this  week  against  another
            winds  gusting  to  25  mph  Northern  California  wildfire
            (40 kph). The heavily forest-  near  the  city  of  Redding
            ed area of myriad canyons  that  was  blamed  for  at
            where the fire is spreading  least six deaths.
            has  few  roads  or  natural  Meanwhile,  a  blaze  burn-
            barriers  that  can  serve  as  ing near Yosemite National
            firebreaks or offer safe ha-  Park  has  been  raging  for
            vens for firefighters to battle  nearly  a  month  but  is  still
            the  flames  head  on,  Cal  just  one-third  as  large  as
            Fire  Battalion  Chief  Jona-  the  biggest  fire,  though
            than Cox said.               dense  smoke  has  closed
            So  firefighters  instead  fell  much of the park to visitors
            back  to  natural  barriers  for the past two weeks.
            such  as  streams  or  used  California’s    firefighting
            bulldozers  to  cut  fire  lines,  costs  have  more  than  tri-
            but  the  flames  were  mov-  pled  from  $242  million  in
            ing so fast in spots that they  the 2013 fiscal year to $773
            blew past, forcing firefight-  million  in  the  2018  fiscal
            ers to retreat, Cox said.    year  that  ended  June  30,
            “There’s no way you’re go-   according to Cal Fire.q
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