P. 8

                 Wednesday 8 august 2018

            UK's May urges Boris Johnson to apologize for burqa comments

            By JILL LAWLESS              from Muslim groups and fel-                                                            Party,  which  is  deeply  di-
            Associated Press             low politicians —.                                                                     vided  over  its  attitude  to
            LONDON  (AP)  —  British  Mohamed  Sheikh,  founder                                                                 the EU.
            Prime Minister Theresa May  of the Conservative Muslim                                                              Many expect May to face
            and  other  senior  Conser-  Forum,  said  Johnson's  arti-                                                         a  leadership  challenge  if
            vatives told former Foreign  cle had been "totally out of                                                           faltering  Brexit  negotia-
            Secretary  Boris  Johnson  order." Middle East Minister                                                             tions don't improve — and
            to  say  sorry  Tuesday  for  Alistair  Burt  criticized  John-                                                     Johnson  is  likely  to  be  a
            a  newspaper  column  in  son  for  comments  he  said                                                              contender  to  replace  her.
            which he wrote that burqa-   "many  people  would  find                                                             Some suspected Johnson's
            wearing women looked like  offensive."                                                                              burqa  comments  were  in-
            "letter boxes" and bank rob-  Conservative  Party  chair-                                                           tended to boost his appeal
            bers.Johnson, who quit the  man Brandon Lewis said in                                                               among  right-wing  mem-
            government last month in a  a tweet that he had asked                                                               bers of the party.
            dispute  over  Brexit,  made  Johnson to apologize. May                                                             Sayeeda  Warsi,  a  Con-
            the remarks in a Daily Tele-  said she agreed with Lewis.   In this file photo dated Thursday, June 21, 2018, Britain's Foreign   servative  member  of  the
            graph  article  published  "I do think that we all have   Secretary Boris Johnson talks during a ceremony at the Tomb of   House  of  Lords,  said  John-
            Monday.                      to  be  very  careful  about   the Unknown Soldier in Warsaw, Poland.   Associated Press  son   was   using   Muslim
            Johnson  said  he  opposed  the  language  and  terms                                                               women  as  a  "convenient
            banning burqas and other  we  use.  And  some  of  the  Latin-spouting,       tousle-  to seek close economic ties  political football to try and
            face-covering    garments,  terms Boris used describing  headed  Johnson  is  a  for-  with  the  European  Union  increase his poll ratings."
            but  wrote  that  it  was  "ab-  people's  appearance  ob-  mer mayor of London and  after  the  U.K.  leaves  the  "These were offensive com-
            solutely ridiculous that peo-  viously have offended," she  one of Britain's best-known  bloc next year.            ments  but  clever  politics,"
            ple  should  choose  to  go  said.                        politicians.  He  resigned  as  The  resignation  solidified  she  said.  "Boris  knew  the
            around  looking  like  letter  There  was  no  immediate  foreign  secretary  in  July,  Johnson's  position  as  a  effect and the impact that
            boxes."                      sign that Johnson planned  accusing May of killing "the  leader  of  the  pro-Brexit  this kind of dog-whistle poli-
            His  article  drew  criticism  to back down.              Brexit dream" with her plan  wing  of  the  Conservative  tics would have."q

            Wildfires torment Portugal, Spain; French, Dutch feel heat

            By BARRY HATTON                                                                        chique,  a  town  of  2,000  thwarting  the  operation.
            Associated Press                                                                       people  about  250  kilome-  Monchique  was  identified
            LISBON,  Portugal  (AP)  —                                                             ters (155 miles) south of Lis-  as a high risk area months
            Firefighters  and  anxious                                                             bon, where the blaze came  ago.
            residents  braced  Tuesday                                                             within 500 meters (yards) of  Firefighting  is  coordinat-
            for  a  fifth  straight  night  of                                                     the local fire station.      ed  by  the  Civil  Protection
            battling  a  major  wildfire                                                           An  unknown  number  of  Agency,  a  government
            that is racing across tinder-                                                          homes — believed to num-     body overseen by the Min-
            dry forested hills in southern                                                         ber in the dozens, accord-   istry  for  the  Interior,  which
            Portugal.                                                                              ing to local reports — in the  oversees national defense.
            The  blaze  is  sending  high                                                          forested  hills  have  burned  The National Association of
            plumes of smoke across the                                                             down.                        Professional  Firemen  and
            Algarve  region's  famous                                                              With  so  many  resources  the  Professional  Firemen's
            beaches and bringing criti-                                                            deployed,  many  residents  Trade  Union  issued  a  joint
            cism of authorities for failing                                                        asked why the fire was still  statement  saying  that  the
            to halt the flames.                                                                    burning,  especially  after  government's  recent  reor-
            A  strong  seasonal  wind    Spanish  firefighters  try  to  extinguish  a  wildfire  in  Pinet  village,   95 percent of it was under  ganization  of  firefighting
            from the north known as a    near Valencia Tuesday, Aug. 7, 2018.     Associated Press  control on Monday.          capabilities  need  to  be
            "nortada"  was  driving  the                                                           Firefighters  also  publicly  reassessed  and  rethought.
            fire  south  toward  Silves,  a  chique.  Several  hundred  Almost  1,200  firefighters  questioned  the  wisdom  of  The  organizations  asked
            town  of  about  6,000  peo-  people  were  evacuated,  supported  by  16  aircraft  the strategy to counter the  for  a  "very  urgent"  meet-
            ple, after it narrowly missed  and 29 were hurt, one seri-  and  358  vehicles  were  flames,  with  some  claim-   ing with the Minister of the
            the  smaller  town  of  Mon-  ously, officials said.      deployed  around  Mon-       ing  poor  organization  was  Interior.q
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