P. 9
WORLD NEWS Wednesday 8 august 2018
Russia warns of 'horrible' conflict if Georgia joins NATO
By VLADIMIR ISACHENKOV zia. Russia has strength-
MOSCOW (AP) — An at- ened its military presence
tempt by NATO to incor- in both regions and recog-
porate the former Soviet nized them as independent
republic of Georgia could states, but only a few coun-
trigger a new, "horrible" tries have followed suit.
conflict, Russia's prime min- The European Union on
ister said Tuesday in a stern Tuesday reiterated its "firm
warning to the West mark- support to the sovereignty
ing 10 years since the Rus- and territorial integrity of
sia-Georgia war. Georgia within its interna-
Dmitry Medvedev said in tionally recognized bor-
an interview with the Kom- ders" and lamented the
mersant daily broadcast Russian military presence
by Russian state television in Abkhazia and South Os-
that NATO's plans to even- setia.
tually offer membership to In a show of support for
Georgia are "absolutely ir- Georgia, foreign ministers
responsible" and a "threat of Latvia, Lithuania and Po-
to peace." land, and a Cabinet mem-
Medvedev was Russia's ber from Ukraine, visited
president during the August Tbilisi Tuesday, urging Russia
2008 war, which erupted In this file photo taken on Thursday, Aug. 14, 2008, Russian soldiers block the road on the outskirts to withdraw its troops from
when Georgian troops tried of Gori, northwest of the capital Tbilisi, Georgia. Associated Press Abkhazia and South Osse-
unsuccessfully to regain tia. "Nowadays no country
control over the Moscow- ed the Georgian military in the Georgian capital, but After the war, Georgia en- can change the borders of
backed breakaway prov- five days of fighting. Medvedev rolled it back, tirely lost control of both another country by force,"
ince of South Ossetia and The Russian army was accepting a truce mediat- South Ossetia and another said Polish Foreign Minister
Russia sent troops that rout- poised to advance on ed by the European Union. separatist region, Abkha- Jacek Czaputowicz.q
Kenya, Tanzania mark 20 years since US embassy bombings
By TOM ODULA They sought to divide us, to vors? The unity the ambas- Westgate Mall attack in Ke- Al-Shabab more recently
Associated Press divide friends ... to under- sador is talking about is a nya's capital, Nairobi, that has been targeting Kenyan
NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — Ke- mine the values we hold fallacy," Sidialo said. killed 67 people and the security forces, with nearly
nyans and Tanzanians on dear, to destroy civilization The push to aid Kenyan vic- 2015 Garissa University at- 100 police officers killed
Tuesday marked the 20th itself and to replace it with tims is now focused on the tack that killed 147 people, since May 2017 in bomb-
anniversary of the al-Qaida a nightmare of oppression," U.S. Congress, Washington- mostly students. ings and ambushes.q
bombings of the U.S. em- Godec said. based attorney Philip Mu-
bassies in their countries In a separate statement, solino, who is representing
that killed more than 250 Secretary of State Mike 538 victims with compen-
people, with hundreds of Pompeo said that "our part- sation claims, was quoted
local survivors calling on nership with our African al- in Kenya's leading news-
the U.S. government for lies remains stronger than paper The Daily Nation on
compensation. ever." Tuesday as saying.
The explosions on Aug. 7, One survivor of the Nairobi The embassy bombings
1998, were the first major attack said hundreds of brought al-Qaida to the
al-Qaida attack on U.S. tar- Kenyans were still pursuing attention of the U.S. pub-
gets. Nearly 5,000 people compensation from the lic and the world three
were injured. U.S., while U.S. citizens work- years before the Sept. 11,
The U.S. ambassador to Ke- ing in the embassy had 2001, attacks in New York
nya, Robert Godec, said been compensated. and Washington that killed
the extremists wanted to Douglas Sidialo, spokesman nearly 3,000.
cause a rift between Ke- with the Kenyan victims' as- Kenya has remained under
nyans and Americans but sociation, was blinded in threat from the al-Qaida-
failed. the attack. linked al-Shabab group
"Their immediate purpose "You have to ask, do they based in neighboring So-
was to kill and destroy, but care about the dreams malia. The group claimed
they had more in mind. and aspirations of the survi- responsibility for the 2013