P. 11

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Wednesday 8 august 2018
            In quake-hit Indonesia, a challenge to recover the dead

            By TODD PITMAN                                                                                                      this  rubble.  We  know  how
            TANJUNG,  Indonesia  (AP)                                                                                           hard his family is suffering."
            —  The  rescue  team  had                                                                                           A  few  kilometers  (miles)
            done  everything  it  could                                                                                         up  the  road,  rescuers  ear-
            to locate the body of man,                                                                                          lier Tuesday pulled a single
            who  had  been  killed  in-                                                                                         body from a pancaked pile
            stantly  when  a  massive                                                                                           of  broken  concrete  and
            earthquake  collapsed  his                                                                                          twisted  rebar  that  once
            home Sunday night on the                                                                                            held together the multistory
            Indonesian  island  of  Lom-                                                                                        Jabal  Nur  Mosque,  whose
            bok.                                                                                                                green dome had shattered
            They used hacksaws to cut                                                                                           and collapsed.
            a  square  into  concrete                                                                                           A 66-year-old village elder,
            wall.  They  used  crowbars                                                                                         Supardi,  said  a  6.4-magni-
            and dogs and a power drill.                                                                                         tude  quake  that  hit  Lom-
            But  by  Tuesday  afternoon,                                                                                        bok  a  week  earlier  had
            with   the    unmistakable                                                                                          caused countless cracks in
            stench of rotting flesh in the                                                                                      the mosque's walls.
            air, they were sweating and                                                                                         Those were going to be re-
            at their wits' end. The body                                                                                        paired, he said, but people
            of 60-year-old Abdul Malik,                                                                                         were  just  getting  over  the
            one of at least 105 people                                                                                          first  quake  and  more  than
            killed in the 7.0-magnitude   Rescuers with sniffer dog search for victims at a mosque damaged by an earthquake in North   half the village's 1,500 peo-
            quake, would have to stay    Lombok, Indonesia, Tuesday, Aug. 7, 2018.                                              ple were sleeping outside.
            under the rubble for a third                                                                       Associated Press  Large  earthquakes  are  of-
            day.                                                                                                                ten  followed  by  less-pow-
            "It's  taking  far  too  long,"  from  three  smaller  islands  could be seen camped by  vivors.                    erful  aftershocks.  But  "no-
            said 50-year-old Masini, the  off  Lombok's  coast  so  far,  the thousands under make-  Masini  said  his  brother-  body  expected  a  stronger
            victim's  brother-in-law  who  Nugroho said. The islets are  shift blue tarpaulins held to-  in-law,  Abdul  Malik,  who  quake would occur in such
            watched more than a doz-     renowned  for  their  crys-  gether  with  bamboo  and  owned  a  small  grocery  a  short  amount  of  time,"
            en  helmeted  emergency  tal  clear  waters  that  draw  sticks. Some held up simple  store  next  to  his  home  in  said  Supardi,  who  said  he
            workers  in  orange  jump-   snorkelers  and  divers  from  cardboard  signs  begging  Tanjung, was sitting in his liv-  was praying in the mosque
            suits drill into a thick layer of  all over the world.    for aid as ambulances and  ing room with family when  when the tremor hit.
            concrete.                    But with not enough boats  other vehicles raced by.       the  catastrophe  struck.  Al-  He  described  a  roar  that
            The  tragic  scene  under-   to evacuate tourists quick-  "We need food and water,"  though his family managed  knocked  out  the  electric-
            scored    the   challenges  ly  and  too  few  planes  to  said  one.  "Please  donate,"  to  make  it  out,  Abdul  Ma-  ity and sent people fleeing
            facing  Indonesia's  govern-  fly  them  out  of  Lombok,  said another.               lik  was  crushed  by  a  thick  outside.  "It  destroyed  ev-
            ment as it struggles to deal  many  visitors  were  forced  The  international  charity  concrete wall.             erything," he said.
            with its latest natural disas-  to  wait  for  hours  or  camp  Oxfam  said  drinking  water  The  rescuers  are  work-  Indonesia is prone to earth-
            ter.  The  quake  shattered  on  beaches  and  the  floor  was  scarce  because  of  a  ing  "too  slow,"  Masini  said.  quakes because of its loca-
            homes and lives across this  of  the  international  airport  recent  spell  of  extremely  "They should be bringing in  tion on the "Ring of Fire," an
            vast  archipelago,  displac-  in Mataram.                 dry  weather  in  Lombok.  heavy equipment to speed  arc of volcanoes and fault
            ing more than 84,000 peo-    On  the  winding  roads  run-  Food,  medical  supplies,  this up."                    lines in the Pacific Basin. In
            ple,  according  to  disaster  ning north from the airport,  tarps  and  clothes  are  also  Aprintinus Titus, from the Na-  December  2004,  a  mas-
            agency spokesman Sutopo  which  lead  to  destroyed  urgently needed, it said.         tional  Search  and  Rescue  sive  magnitude  9.1  earth-
            Purwo Nugroho.               villages  shadowed  by  tall  By  late  Tuesday,  the  gov-  Agency,   acknowledged  quake  off  Sumatra  trig-
            At  least  4,600  foreign  and  palm  trees,  the  disaster's  ernment  appeared  to  be  they  needed  better  tools.  gered a tsunami that killed
            Indonesian    tourists   also  impact  was  evident.  Vil-  focused on finding bodies,  But he said "we will not give  230,000 people in a dozen
            have    been    evacuated  lagers  fearing  aftershocks  and wherever possible, sur-   up until we pull him out of  countries.q
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