P. 12

                 Wednesday 8 august 2018
            Incoming Colombia president faces long list of challenges

            By MANUEL RUEDA                                                                                                     lombia's economy and the
            Associated Press                                                                                                    peace  agreement  as  well
            BOGOTA,  Colombia  (AP)                                                                                             as reversing coca produc-
            — The young protégé of a                                                                                            tion that last year reached
            powerful  former  president                                                                                         levels unseen in more than
            is being sworn in as Colom-                                                                                         two  decades  of  record
            bia's  new  leader  Tuesday,                                                                                        keeping  and  $10  billion
            tasked with guiding the im-                                                                                         in  U.S.  counter-narcotics
            plementation  of  a  peace                                                                                          work. The soaring coca lev-
            accord  with  leftist  reb-                                                                                         els have tested traditionally
            els  that  remains  on  shaky                                                                                       close  ties  with  the  United
            ground.                                                                                                             States.
            Ivan Duque, 42, will be the                                                                                         Throughout  his  campaign,
            youngest  Colombian  chief                                                                                          Duque  promised  to  push
            of  state  ever  elected  in  a                                                                                     changes  in  the  peace
            popular  vote  when  he  is                                                                                         agreement,       including
            sworn  into  office  at  Bogo-                                                                                      creating  tougher  penal-
            ta's Plaza Bolivar.                                                                                                 ties  for  former  leaders  of
            The  prematurely  graying                                                                                           the  now  defunct  Revolu-
            father  of  three  describes                                                                                        tionary  Armed  Forces  of
            himself as a centrist who will                                                                                      Colombia  responsible  for
            unite  the  nation  at  a  time                                                                                     crimes  against  humanity.
            when many are still fiercely                                                                                        Under  the  accord,  most
            divided  over  the  peace                                                                                           rebels  who  fully  confess
            agreement  that  ended                                                                                              their  crimes  will  be  spared
            more than five decades of                                                                                           any  jail  time,  a  sore  point
            bloody conflict.                                                                                                    for many Colombians who
            His detractors fear he will be                                                                                      still  vividly  remember  the
            little  more  than  a  puppet                                                                                       atrocities of war.
            for  Alvaro  Uribe,  the  con-                                                                                      Colombia's  conflict  be-
            servative ex-president who                                                                                          tween  leftist  rebels,  the
            led a referendum defeat of                                                                                          state   and    paramilitary
            the initial version of peace                                                                                        groups left at least 260,000
            accord in 2016. Uribe is still                                                                                      dead, some 60,000 missing
            backed  by  millions  of  Co-                                                                                       and millions displaced.
            lombians, though he is per-  In this June 17, 2018 file photo, Ivan Duque, candidate of the Democratic Center party, gives   While  some  fear  Duque's
            haps  equally  detested  by   thumbs up to supporters after voting in presidential runoff election in Bogota, Colombia.  anti-accord  rhetoric  and
            legions  who  decry  human                                                                         Associated Press  proposed  changes  could
            rights abuses during his ad-                                                                                        further destabilize what has
            ministration.                solve this problem and find  aid flotilla and helped him  Uribe briefly stepped down  already  been  a  slow  and
            Duque is taking Colombia's  a  way  to  bring  the  state  write his memoir.           from the Senate in July after  tumultuous   implementa-
            presidency  at  a  critical  into  the  countryside,  we're  Then  in  2014,  Uribe  pro-  the  Supreme  Court  asked  tion,  others  hope  that  in
            juncture: Coca production  going  to  keep  having  the  pelled  Duque  into  the  po-  him to testify on allegations  the  long-term  the  agree-
            is  soaring  to  record  lev-  same problems we've had  litical  limelight  when  he  of bribery and witness tam-   ment could enjoy broader
            els,  holdout  illegal  armed  for  decades,"  said  Jorge  encouraged  him  to  return  pering in a case related to  support from a divided Co-
            groups are battling for ter-  Gallego, a professor at Co-  to  Colombia  to  run  for  a  claimed ties to paramilitar-  lombian  society  if  led  by
            ritory  where  the  state  has  lombia's Rosario University.  Senate  seat  and  placed  ies,  which  he  vehemently  someone with a critical ap-
            little or no presence and a  Duque  is  the  son  of  a  for-  him  on  a  list  of  newcomer  denies. Uribe later reversed  proach.
            spate of killings of social ac-  mer  governor  and  energy  candidates  that  he  urged  course  and  withdrew  his  Cynthia  Arnson,  director
            tivists  has  underlined  that  minister and friends say he  his  multitude  of  supporters  resignation letter.    of  the  Latin  America  pro-
            peace  remains  a  relative  has  harbored  presiden-     to elect.                    In the weeks since Duque's  gram at the Woodrow Wil-
            term.                        tial  aspirations  since  early  Within  Uribe's  conservative  resounding  victory  over  son  International  Center
            On  Monday  night,  a  mo-   childhood. But his rise from  Democratic  Center  party,  leftist  ex-guerrilla  Gustavo  for Scholars in Washington,
            torcycle  bomb  exploded  unknown  technocrat  to  a  Duque's  reputation  as  a  Petro,  the  president-elect  noted that Duque's rhetoric
            outside  a  police  station  in  popular  senator  and  now  more moderate voice can  has  signaled  both  his  loy-  on  the  peace  accord  has
            the  western  province  of  president has been extraor-   at  times  put  him  at  odds  alty to Uribe and a convic-  softened  somewhat  since
            Cauca,  an  area  where  dinarily  rapid,  propelled  in  with  the  solidly  right-wing  tion to chart his own path.  his election.
            several  groups  are  fight-  large part by the support of  faction.  Uribe's  support  is  While many of his Cabinet  "There  was  a  sense  that
            ing  over  drug  trafficking  his mentor, Uribe.          thus considered crucial for  picks  have  ties  to  Uribe,  because  Uribe  had  cam-
            routes  abandoned  by  the  Just four years ago, Duque  Duque  to  rule  with  the  full  there are also a number of  paigned   so   strenuously
            former FARC guerrillas. The  was  a  Washington  subur-   backing of his party. But he  incoming  ministers  with  no  against  the  peace  agree-
            National  Liberation  Army,  banite with a job at an in-  will need to build a broad-  links  to  a  traditional  politi-  ment  that  Duque  was  go-
            a  smaller  guerrilla  group  ternational   development  er  alliance  to  pass  laws  in  cal party.               ing to come into office and
            that  is  still  in  peace  talks,  bank.  It  was  there  that  he  Congress.         "So far I think he has shown  just rip the thing apart," she
            last week kidnapped three  developed  close  ties  to  Duque's  dependence  on  more  independence  than  said. "I don't think that that's
            policemen and a soldier in  Uribe,  assisting  the  former  Uribe has sparked concern  some  sectors  believed,"  likely."
            an  attack  that  highlights  president when he taught a  from critics, though analysts  Gallego   said.   "Treating  Outgoing  President  Juan
            the  government's  struggle  course at Georgetown Uni-    believe the former leader's  Duque  as  a  puppet  of  Manuel  Santos,  who  was
            to  bring  law  and  order  to  versity. Later Duque helped  mounting  legal  troubles  Uribe is a very simplistic way  awarded  the  2016  Nobel
            Colombia's  most  remote  Uribe lead a United Nations  could  provide  the  incom-     of analyzing things."        Peace Prize, is set to leave
            areas.                       probe  into  Israel's  deadly  ing  president  a  new  de-  At  the  top  of  Duque's  Colombia in the fall to lec-
            "If  Duque  is  not  able  to  attack  on  a  Gaza-bound  gree of independence.        agenda are likely to be Co-  ture at Harvard University.q
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