P. 17
Wednesday 8 august 2018
Stargazing event in Aruba
Mars edition was a com-
plete success
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ORANJESTAD — Recently Space and nature Aruba
Foundation (SNAF) launched their first official event as
a foundation. This event named stargazing: Mars edi-
tion took place at the visitor’s center of Parke Nacional
A great amount of people attended this event. Young
and adults had the opportunity to see the planet Mars,
Jupiter and Saturn through the different telescopes
that were available. The weather condition was great
and the public was able to enjoy a cozy night under a
beautiful sky filled with stars.
SNAF wants to say thank you to all the public who at-
tended this event and the big support they received.
They also want to thank all their sponsors that made this
event successful. Last but not least they want to thank
Parke Nacional Arikok for making the area available to
For more information check out their facebook page
Space and Nature Aruba Foundation and be on top of
their upcoming events. q