P. 19

                                                                                                       SPORTS Wednesday 8 august 2018
            Tiger Woods takes ice bath, prepares for final major of year

            By DOUG FERGUSON             ly, especially coming off his  the British Open. He still has
            AP Golf Writer               fourth back surgery.         only  one  victory  this  year
            ST.  LOUIS  (AP)  —  Tiger  "There's  going  to  be  cer-  and  feels  as  though  he
            Woods  at  times  looks  simi-  tain  days  that  I'm  just  not  should have won more.
            lar to the guy who won the  going  to  have  the  speed  "In golf, you just have to be
            PGA  Championship  four  and  the  flexibility  and  the  an eternal optimist," McIlroy
            times  among  his  14  major  movement that I once did,"  said.  "You  have  to  make
            titles, except for the results.  Woods  said.  "I'm  42  now,  the most of everything you
            And except for the way he  and I've had four back sur-    have  to  see  the  positives,
            began the week of the final  geries. So things are going  and just move on and for-
            major of the year.           to  be  different  from  day  get about. And that's what
            He took an ice bath.         to  day,  and  it's  just  about  I've tried to do this year."
            "Just trying to get some in-  managing it. Before, I didn't  The rain interrupted a lot of
            flammation down, and just  really  have  any  of  those  schedules.
            trying  to  get  ready  for  the  issues  early  in  my  career  The  forecast  is  reasonable
            rest  of  the  week,"  Woods  because  I  didn't  have  a  for the rest of the week, at
            said  Tuesday,  saying  only  fixed point in my back. My  least  until  Saturday,  leav-
            that  the  inflammation  was  knee used to hurt a lot, but I  ing  players  just  one  more
            "everywhere," without elab-  could play around that."     day to study Bellerive, with
            orating  what  caused  it.  Woods  last  played  in  the  its  tree-lined  fairways  and
            "And a lot of stretching. Did  PGA   Championship     at  large  green  complexes.
            a  light  lift  yesterday  and  Whistling  Straits  in  2015,  Players  typically  take  the
            was ready to go for today."  when  he  missed  the  cut  final day of practice to get
            Little good that did him.    in the PGA for the second  in nine holes, or maybe do
            Rain   pounded     Bellerive  straight year.              light work on their games.
            Country  Club,  twice  sus-  Woods  has  never  been  Woods  no  longer  has  that     Tiger Woods hits from the first fairway during a practice round for
            pending  practice  rounds.  much  for  moral  victo-      luxury.  Time  is  running  out,   the PGA Championship golf tournament Tuesday, Aug. 7, 2018,
            Woods  played  only  five  ries,  though  he  has  said  as  it  relates  to  preparing   at Bellerive Country Club in St. Louis.
            holes on the course he last  throughout  the  year  he  for the PGA Championship,                                               Associated Press
            saw the day after the Sept.  considers  himself  "blessed"  and for a season that is be-  "Just the fact that I'm play-  and behold, here I am. So
            11  terrorist  attacks,  a  few  simply to be playing. There  ing  measured  differently.  ing  the  tour  again,  just  for  just  coming  back  and  be-
            hours before the American  have  been  enough  mo-        He once said it couldn't be  me  to  be  able  to  have  ing able to play at this level
            Express Championship was  ments this year, however —  a  great  year  without  win-    this  opportunity  again,  it's  and  compete  ...  I've  had
            canceled.                    Carnoustie  would  be  one  ning a major. Winning tour-   a  dream  come  true,"  he  my  share  of  chances  to
            He  returns  nearly  as  much  of them — that it wouldn't  naments still could make a  said. "I said this many times  win  this  year,  as  well,  and
            of  a  mystery  as  when  the  be a surprise if he contend-  good year.                this  year,  I  didn't  know  if  I  hopefully I'll get it done this
            year started.                ed at Bellerive.             Now?                         could do this again, and lo  week."q
            Just  over  two  weeks  ago,  "He's  got  all  the  compo-
            Woods  had  full  control  of  nents  of  the  game,"  Rory
            his  shots  and  moved  into  McIlroy  said.  "He's  learned
            the lead during the middle  how to make a swing work
            of the final round at the Brit-  for  him  again.  He's  learn-
            ish Open. He was feeling so  ing to compete again. He's
            good about his game that  learning what you have to
            he  took  an  all-or-nothing  do  on  the  back  nine  of  a
            shot  out  of  a  pot  bunker  major on Sunday. All those
            on  the  10th  hole  that  he  things,  he's  been  through.
            thought might be a decid-    He's  building  up  all  that  ...
            ing moment, and he pulled  I  don't  want  to  say  experi-
            it  off.  And  then  he  missed  ence, but even though he's
            the  birdie  putt,  made  a  won  14  of  these  things,  if
            double bogey on the next  you  haven't  done  it  for  a
            hole and faded away.         while,  you  still  have  to  re-
            Still, it built even more hype  learn a few things."
            about  his  chances  head-   Woods  and  McIlroy  have
            ing  into  the  PGA  Champi-  won  the  same  number  of
            onship — until he shot 73-73  majors  over  the  last  four
            on  the  weekend  at  Fires-  years — none.
            tone, a course that he has  McIlroy  has  made  prog-
            dominated as much as any  ress in his own right, having
            other.                       gone some 18 months with-
            It's been like that all year.  out a victory as he coped
            He was one shot out of the  with  a  rib  injury  until  he
            lead  on  the  back  nine  at  pulled  away  from  Woods
            consecutive  tournaments  and the rest of the field to
            in  Florida,  and  then  was  win the Arnold Palmer Invi-
            never a factor at the Mas-   tational.
            ters.  He  missed  the  cut  in  McIlroy  since  then  has
            the  U.S.  Open,  and  then  played  in  the  final  group
            had  a  chance  to  win  the  three  times,  including  at
            British Open.                the Masters. He was in con-
            His health has held up nice-  tention on the back nine at
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