P. 22
Wednesday 8 august 2018
Raonic wins, Sock loses in first round at Toronto
TORONTO (AP) — Canada's and Kevin Anderson de- ready good," added Au-
Milos Raonic got off to a feated Canadian teens ger-Aliassime, who won't
strong start at the Rogers Denis Shapovalov and Felix turn 18 until later this week.
Cup, beating David Goffin Auger-Aliassime 6-3, 6-2. In other singles matches,
of Belgium 6-3, 6-4 on Mon- Shapovalov and Auger-Ali- American Bradley Klahn
day. assime started the match topped Spain's David Fer-
Raonic, who has fallen from strong before Djokovic and rer 7-6, 6-4; Pierre-Hughes
No. 3 to No. 30 due to nu- Anderson took control. Herbert of France got past
merous injuries the past They broke Anderson's Spaniard Albert Ramos-
sto seasons — including a serve for a 2-0 lead, to the Vinolas 4-6, 6-3, 6-4; Benoit
quad tear at Wimbledon delight of a tightly packed Paire of France defeated
last month — used his pow- grandstand crowd. Howev- Jared Donaldson 6-3, 6-4;
erful serve to his advan- er, the Wimbledon finalists Ilya Ivashka of Belarus beat
tage, firing 13 aces to Gof- team — nicknamed Djoker- Yuichi Sugita of Japan
fin's two and won 100 per- son thanks to a Twitter poll 6-2, 6-3; and Borna Coric
cent of his first serves. conducted by Djokovic of Croatia was a 6-4, 6-3
"I think I can still serve much earlier in the day — broke winnner over Canadian
better, I don't think I served back to tie the match 2-2, Vasek Pospisil in the late
particularly well," Raonic and again to go up 5-3. match on center court.
said. "So I'll take the time Canada's Milos Raonic returns a shot David Goffin of Anderson and Djokovic Also, 30-year-old Cana-
to work on some things to- Belgium during the first round of the Men's Rogers Cup tennis won five straight games, dian Peter Polansky, a wild
morrow but overall it was a tournament in Toronto, Monday Aug. 6, 2018. Associated Press going up two breaks, to win card entry playing in the
good performance. Men- the second set. morning draw, defeated
tally I was in the right state "Our game was there, Matthew Ebden of Austra-
of mind the whole way ican Frances Tiafoe and 3-6, 6-3 in another first round we didn't feel intimidat- lia 7-6 (3), 6-4. He will play
through and I was very dis- Italy's Marco Cecchinato. match on a day play was ed at all," the 19-year-old the winner of a match be-
ciplined with myself." Russian qualifier Daniil Med- interrupted for three hours Shapovalov said. tween Djokovic and Hyeon
He will next play the winner vedev upset 13th-seeded due to rain. "Just to have a chance to Chung of South Korea in
of a match between Amer- American Jack Sock 6-3, In doubles, Novak Djokovic play with these guys is al- the second round.q
Bolt agrees to practice deal
with Australian soccer club
SYDNEY (AP) — Usain Bolt Bolt said in a statement opportunity.
is quickly closing in on a released by the Mariners "It is important that we
professional soccer ca- on Tuesday. don't get too caught up
reer. "I am very excited about in the hype of possibilities,
The Jamaican great has coming to Australia and but ... we are committed
negotiated an "indefinite would like to thank the to building a team that
training period" with Cen- owner and management will win matches and in-
tral Coast Mariners in Aus- of the Central Coast Mari- still belief, hopefully Usain
tralia's A-League. ners for giving me this op- can help us on this mis-
The eight-time Olympic portunity." sion," Mielekamp said.
gold medalist and the The Mariners said the "We welcome Usain with
100- and 200-meter world agreement does not open arms, and we will
record holder has been guarantee Bolt a profes- always remain grounded
chasing another career sional contract but does and focused on the job at
ambition since quitting give him the opportunity. hand."
quit track and field. "I always say that 'Any- Football Federation Aus-
"It has been my dream to thing is possible, don't tralia responded last
play professional football think limits,' and I look for- month with caution when
In this Tuesday, June 12, 2018, file photo, former Olympic and and I know that it will in- ward to the challenge," reports emerged of Bolt's
Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt controls the ball during a charity volve a lot of hard work said Bolt, who is set to hopes to play in the A-
soccer match between members of the 1998 World Cup winning and training to get to the travel to Gosford, north of League.
French team and a team of international veteran players who
were also involved in the same tournament, at the U Arena in level required to play and Sydney, this month to join In a statement then, the
Nanterre, north of Paris, France. Associated Press make an impact in the A- the squad for practice. FFA said: "While Usain Bolt
League," the 31-year-old The A-League season is one of the most famous
opens in October. athletes on the planet,
Bolt has already tried to he's not a professional
play with clubs in Ger- footballer.
many and South Africa If the trial goes ahead
and some critics have re- and Central Coast Mari-
garded speculation of his ners decided it stacks up
latest attempt in Australia and they want to offer
as a public relations stunt. him a contract, then we
Mariners chief executive will have a discussion with
Shaun Mielekamp said he them around that and
is optimistic about Bolt's what might be possible."q