P. 25

BUSINESS                 Wednesday 8 august 2018

            US stocks keep climbing; technology companies lead

            By MARLEY JAY                                                                                                       Rental  car  company  Hertz
            Associated Press                                                                                                    also  did  better  than  Wall
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  U.S.                                                                                            Street  expected,  and  its
            stocks are rising again Tues-                                                                                       stock  soared  17.9  percent
            day  as  strong  company                                                                                            to $18.47.
            earnings lift the market. The                                                                                       Technology  stocks,  which
            benchmark  S&P  500  index                                                                                          tumbled  last  month  after
            is up for the fourth day in a                                                                                       weak  results  from  compa-
            row and fifth out of the last                                                                                       nies  including  Facebook
            six.  Technology  compa-                                                                                            and  Twitter,  continued  to
            nies and banks are making                                                                                           make  a  gradual  recovery.
            some  of  the  largest  gains.                                                                                      Alphabet, Google's parent
            Overseas  markets  are  also                                                                                        company, rose 1.5 percent
            higher.                                                                                                             to $1,256.30.
            KEEPING  SCORE:  The  S&P                                                                                           Among  financials,  Charles
            500 index jumped 10 points,                                                                                         Schwab  added  1.2  per-
            or  0.4  percent,  to  2,860  as                                                                                    cent to $50.99.
            of 10 a.m. Eastern time. The                                                                                        BIG  CAVITY:  Dental  prod-
            Dow  Jones  Industrial  Aver-                                                                                       ucts  maker  Dentsply  cut
            age  gained  146  points,  or                                                                                       its  forecasts  and  took  a
            0.6 percent, to 25,648. The                                                                                         $1.26  billion  charge  con-
            Nasdaq  composite  rose                                                                                             nected  to  its  technology
            26  points,  or  0.3  percent,   This Jan. 4, 2018, file photo shows the interior of the New York Stock Exchange.   and  equipment  business.
            to  7,886.  The  Russell  2000                                                                     Associated Press  The  company  said  sales
            index  of  smaller-company                                                                                          and  profit  margins  have
            stocks climbed 7 points, or  all-time  high.  After  that  hasn't  materialized,  but  Etsy  surged  11.2  percent  been weaker than expect-
            0.4 percent, to 1,691.       it  dropped  10  percent  in  trade  fears  have  weighed  to  $47.20  after  it  reported  ed  and  it  plans  to  restruc-
            The  S&P  500  is  trading  at  nine days as investors wor-  on the market since then.  stronger  sales  than  ana-  ture  its  business.  The  stock
            its highest levels since Jan.  ried  about  signs  that  infla-  OFF  TO  THE  RACES:  Arts  lysts anticipated and raised  dropped  19.4  percent  to
            26,  when  it  closed  at  an  tion was accelerating. That  and  crafts  marketplace  its  forecasts  for  the  year.  $39.04.q

            Open jobs outnumber US unemployed for 3rd straight month

            By CHRISTOPHER RUGABER       June  quarter,  the  fastest  or when they already have
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  U.S.  pace in four years.            one, usually at higher pay.
            employers  posted  slightly  Last week, the government  With job openings outnum-
            more openings in June than  said that employers added  bering  the  unemployed,
            the  previous  month,  result-  157,000 jobs in July and the  companies  should  be  bid-
            ing  in  more  available  jobs  unemployment  rate  fell  to  ding  up  wages  to  attract
            than  unemployed  people  3.9  percent,  near  an  18-    and keep workers. Yet av-
            for the third straight month,  year low. That figure repre-  erage  hourly  pay  gains,
            signaling a solid economy.   sents a net gain, while Tues-  while  slowly  grinding  high-
            The Labor Department said  day's report, known as the  er, remain modest.
            Tuesday that job openings  Job  Openings  and  Labor  Average hourly wages rose
            barely   increased,   rising  Turnover  survey,  or  JOLTS,  2.7  percent  in  July  from  a
            3,000  to  6.66  million.  That's  measures  total  hiring  be-  year earlier, the Labor De-
            more  than  the  6.56  million  fore quits, layoffs and retire-  partment  said  last  week.
            people  who  were  search-   ments.                       Yet rising inflation has offset
            ing for work in June. It's also  The  proportion  of  workers  that gain: Consumer prices   In this Tuesday, July 17, 2018, photo applicants talk to potential
                                                                                                   employees during a jobs fair at Minneapolis International Air-
            close to April's figure of 6.8  quitting  their  jobs  is  at  the  increased  2.9  percent  in   port in Minneapolis.
            million, a record high. Over-  highest  level  in  nearly  13  June from a year ago, lifted                                     Associated Press
            all hiring slipped to 5.65 mil-  years. That's a sign of con-  in  part  by  more  expensive
            lion  from  5.75  million,  and  fidence  in  the  economy,  gas.                      that worker productivity —  makes it harder to win high-
            the  number  of  people  because  workers  typically  There  are  many  possible  or output per hour worked  er pay. Productivity can rise
            quitting their jobs declined  quit  when  they  are  sure  reasons why pay isn't rising  — is increasing at a histori-  when  companies  invest  in
            slightly  to  3.4  million  from  they  can  find  a  new  job,  faster.  One  explanation  is  cally sluggish rate. That sug-  more  machinery,  comput-
            nearly 3.5 million in May.                                                             gests workers aren't getting  ers,  and  software  to  boost
            The figures reflect a robust                                                           much more efficient, which  employees' output.q
            job  market.  The  unem-
            ployed  typically  outnum-
            ber job openings, but that                                                                                                   Salina Cerca 23-i
            reversed  this  spring  amid
            strong  demand  from  em-                                                                                                       4 Bedroom
            ployers.  Businesses  are  op-                                                                                                 3 bathroom
            timistic  about  the  outlook                                                                                                 apt in the back
            and  stepping  up  hiring  in                                                                                               in front of Marriott
            anticipation  of  solid  future                                                                                             Price $ 1.4 million
            growth.  The  economy  ex-
            panded  at  a  4.1  percent
            annual  rate  in  the  April-
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