P. 29
PEOPLE & ARTS Wednesday 8 august 2018
Transgender Hollywood seeks recognition, and not just roles
By JOCELYN NOVECK standing of both genders. "I
NEW YORK (AP) — When told Scott I would hire him
actress Scarlett Johansson again to play a man OR
reversed course recently a woman," she says. She
and canceled plans to adds that in an ideal world,
play a transgender man in anybody could play any-
the film "Rub & Tug," trans- thing. But, she says, "Trans-
gender actors like Scott gender actors are fed up
Turner Schofield were with not having been taken
gratified — and pleasantly seriously for so many years."
surprised. After years of Backlash was swift when
watching non-trans stars Johansson announced
win accolades — includ- plans last month to play the
ing Oscars — for what was real-life character of Dante
seen as bravery in playing "Tex" Gill, a trans man. She
transgender characters, fi- initially responded that
nally it seemed that some- criticism "can be directed
body got it. to Jeffrey Tambor (of TV's
"To have someone with "Transparent"), Jared Leto
any amount of power be and Felicity Huffman's reps."
reflective, and say, 'I did Johansson later switched
something wrong, I learned course, saying her earlier
something and I'm sorry' statement was insensitive. "I
— that absolutely feels like In this photo, Hilary Swank accepts Oscar for best actress for role in "Boys Don't Cry" during the understand why many feel
change," says Schofield, 72nd Academy Awards in Los Angeles and Jared Leto poses with Oscar for best supporting actor (the character) should be
a veteran trans performer for "Dallas Buyer Club" at the 2014 Vanity Fair Oscar Party in West Hollywood, Calif. portrayed by a transgen-
who stars in the upcoming Associated Press der person, and I am thank-
European film "The Con- ful that this casting debate,
ductor." is being very introspective Ava DuVernay and Judd like Hilary Swank in the 1999 albeit controversial, has
Now, Schofield and others about the stories it's telling Apatow, to the major tal- "Boys Don't Cry," Felicity sparked a larger conver-
hope Hollywood will un- and how it's telling them," ent agencies. Huffman in the 2005 "Trans- sation about diversity and
derstand an even bigger says Nick Adams, director "Trans people are fighting america," or Jared Leto in representation in film," she
point — that the "authentic of the transgender media every day to be seen and 2013's "Dallas Buyers Club" said." It's not clear if "Rub &
casting" debate stoked by program at GLAAD, the accepted as human be- (Swank and Leto won Os- Tug," which Johansson was
the Johansson episode isn't LGBT advocacy group. ings," says the letter. "We cars, and Huffman was producing, will go forward.
just about who gets acting "We're having a cultural believe we are at an un- nominated.) Just as transgender roles
roles. The real goal, he says, moment where the trans precedented cultural mo- "I don't begrudge 'Boys are compelling to actors of
is access for the transgen- community is speaking up ment," it says, "where we Don't Cry' anything," says all orientations, so are parts
der community at every and saying, 'We want to be can ask Hollywood to use Schofield, "but times have involving disability, says tal-
level of the Hollywood sto- part of that.'" its power to improve the changed. We have trans ent agent Gail Williamson,
rytelling process, from the To that end, GLAAD and lives of trans people by people who are profession- who represents disabled
first idea pitch to the final the equality organization changing America's under- ally trained artists." actors. "Hollywood loves a
product. "We need to take 50/50BY2020 on Tuesday standing about who trans Some directors who've good disability story," says
the reins here," Schofield issued an "open letter to people are." hired trans actors note that Williamson, "but they like to
says. "We need to be a sub- Hollywood," signed by a Not long ago, says Scho- they bring a perspective cast it with a big star. They
stantive part of this conver- large array of organizations field and others, transgen- that non-trans actors can't. know that dollars come
sation." and companies — from der people felt they had Dutch director Maria Pe- with the name — and the
Advocates are hoping the American Civil Liber- to be grateful for the mere ters, who hired Schofield name wants to play it be-
that the current focus on ties Union to Time's Up, from fact that Hollywood was for "The Conductor," says cause they know awards
transgender Hollywood will producers including Shon- willing to tell their stories — the pivotal role he plays and recognition come with
help. "Hollywood right now da Rhimes, Ryan Murphy, albeit with non-trans stars, required an innate under- it."q
'Decree' has eerie relevance in today's political climate
By JEFF AYERS When he's elected presi- tions soon turn America into and what's right for the
"The Washington Decree" dent of the United States, a chaotic and frightening country, while some use
(Dutton), by Jussi Adler-Ol- another tragedy strikes that nation, with a man at the the power struggle for their
sen would destroy most men — helm who is possibly pursu- own purposes. In the midst
"The Washington Decree," but he isn't like most men. ing a dictatorship. of this horror is a beacon of
Jussi Adler-Olsen's latest Soon a trial begins, and Soon the laws include gun hope.
novel to be published in while Jansen waits for the restrictions, checkpoints in Adler-Olsen writes as if he's
the United States, tells the truth to reveal itself, he major cities and censorship lived in the United States
compelling and sad story starts crafting a series of of the media. The country his entire life, and the novel
of Bruce Jansen, a sena- presidential orders and and the lives of every citi- reads as if it were written
tor who experienced trag- pushing laws through Con- zen are at risk if nothing is recently, not years ago.
edy years earlier, and the gress that impede the done to stop Jansen and This thought-provoking and This cover image released by
young people who were rights of citizens. Lawmak- his bold initiatives. timely political thriller shows Dutton shows "The Washington
there who bonded with ers want to give him the The novel's vast cast of the author can craft more Decree," a novel by Jussi
him and became his ad- benefit of the doubt since characters showcases the than compelling crime Adler-Olsen.
vocates and trusted allies. he's still grieving, but his ac- turbulent fight for justice scenarios.q Associated Press