P. 20

                 Wednesday 8 august 2018
            Lynn's solid outing helps Yankees beat White Sox

            CHICAGO  (AP)  —  Lance                                                                beat the Royals.             majors-best 42nd save in 45
            Lynn  pitched  two-hit  ball                                                           Baez hit the first pitch from  chances  despite  allowing
            into the eighth inning in his                                                          reliever Kevin McCarthy (4-  a pair of singles.
            first start with New York, and                                                         4) in the sixth inning to cen-  ANGELS 6, TIGERS 2
            the  Yankees  rebounded                                                                ter  for  his  25th  home  run,  ANAHEIM, Calif. (AP) — An-
            from  their  tough  weekend                                                            putting  the  Cubs  ahead  drelton Simmons hit a two-
            in  Boston  by  beating  the                                                           2-1.                         run homer and made sev-
            Chicago  White  Sox  7-0  on                                                           Baez doubled in the eighth  eral  spectacular  defensive
            Monday.                                                                                to  score  Jason  Heyward,  plays to lead the Angels to
            Lynn    provided   a    big                                                            upping  his  RBI  total  to  an  a victory over the Tigers.
            boost  for  New  York  after  it                                                       NL-leading 88.               Eric  Young  Jr.  hit  his  first
            dropped a season-high five                                                             Hamels  (7-9)  is  2-0  since  homer of the season, drove
            straight games, including a                                                            the Cubs acquired him in a  in  two  runs  and  made  a
            four-game  sweep  by  the                                                              July 27 trade with the Texas  diving catch in deep cen-
            major  league-leading  Red                                                             Rangers.  He  allowed  one  ter  field  to  end  the  eighth
            Sox.  The  series  concluded                                                           run and seven hits.          inning  for  the  Angels,  who
            with   Aroldis   Chapman                                                               MARINERS 4, RANGERS 3        won  for  just  the  second
            blowing a save opportunity                                                             ARLINGTON,    Texas   (AP)  time in eight games.
            in  a  10-inning  loss  at  Fen-  New York Yankees starting pitcher Lance Lynn (36) throws the   —  Ryon  Healy  had  a  go-  Simmons  stepped  up  with
                                         ball against the Chicago White Sox during the first inning of a
            way Park late Sunday night.  baseball game, Monday, Aug. 6, 2018, in Chicago.          ahead  RBI  single  with  two  two  key  hits  and  two  runs
            Enter  Lynn  (8-8),  who  was                                         Associated Press   outs  in  the  12th  inning  while Mike Trout missed his
            acquired  in  a  trade  with                                                           and the Mariners beat the  fifth   consecutive   game
            Minnesota  on  July  30  and  CLEVELAND  (AP)  —  Trevor  don  Guyer  and  Jason  Kip-  Rangers  after  blowing  an  with a sore right wrist for the
            tossed  4  1/3  scoreless  in-  Bauer  struck  out  11  and  nis also homered for Cleve-  early three-run lead.     Angels.  The  two-time  AL
            nings in relief in his Yankees  allowed  three  hits  in  six  in-  land,  which  leads  Minne-  Mitch Haniger scored from  MVP's injury absence is the
            debut Wednesday. The vet-    nings,  and  the  Cleveland  sota by 10 games in the AL  second  base  when  Healy  second-longest  of  his  big-
            eran  right-hander,  who  re-  Indians hit four home runs in  Central.                 hit a hard grounder through  league  career,  surpassed
            placed Sonny Gray in New  routing the Minnesota Twins  Alonso's  home  run  started  the  left  side  of  the  infield.  only  by  the  39  games  he
            York's rotation, retired 19 in  10-0 on Monday night.     Cleveland's  four-run  fourth  Haniger  had  doubled  into  missed  last  season  with  a
            a row before Nicky Delmo-    Bauer (11-6) has 206 strike-  while Guyer added a two-    the left field corner off Ed-  torn thumb ligament.
            nico led off the eighth with  outs this season, one behind  run  shot,  both  coming  off  die Butler (2-2) a pitch after  Nicholas  Castellanos  hit  a
            a single to right.           Boston's Chris Sale for the AL  Kyle Gibson (5-9).        Jean  Segura  was  thrown  first-inning  homer,  but  the
            After  Tim  Anderson  flied  lead.  The  right-hander  has  Adam  Cimber,  Oliver  Per-  out  trying  to  steal  second  Tigers  managed  just  three
            out,  A.J.  Cole  finished  the  10  double-figure  strikeout  ez  and  Dan  Otero  each  base.                     hits as their offensive slump
            three-hitter for the AL wild-  games, tying him with Sale  pitched an inning to close  Sam  Tuivailala  (4-3),  the  continued.
            card leaders.                for the league lead. Bauer  Cleveland's      AL-leading  seventh  Seattle  pitcher,  Nick Tropeano (5-6) pitched
            Dylan  Covey  (4-8)  was  also  leads  the  AL  with  159  12th shutout.               had  a  perfect  11th  for  his  five  innings  of  one-hit  ball
            charged with four runs and  2/3 innings pitched.          CUBS 3, ROYALS 1             first  decision  in  four  ap-  and  retired  12  of  his  final
            seven  hits  in  6  1/3  innings.  Edwin  Encarnacion  drove  KANSAS  CITY,  Mo.  (AP)  —  pearances  since  getting  13  batters  before  heading
            The  right-hander  dropped  in  four  runs,  including  a  Javier  Baez  went  deep,  acquired July 27 in a trade  to  the  clubhouse  after  just
            to 1-6 in his last seven starts.  three-run homer in the sev-  Cole  Hamels  pitched  six  from  St.  Louis.  Edwin  Diaz  62  pitches  with  shoulder
            INDIANS 10, TWINS 0          enth. Yonder Alonso, Bran-   strong innings and the Cubs  pitched  the  12th  for  his  tightness.q

             Robinson Cano starts rehab assignment for Mariners

             SEATTLE  (AP)  —  Robinson  said. "The past few months,                                                           deflected off the infielder's
             Cano knows he wasn't fluid  I have just been waiting for                                                          glove. It was ruled a single.
             or  dazzling  Monday  night  this  day.  I  am  happy  that                                                       Cano  said  he  put  in  a  lot
             in his return to baseball.   everything  went  good  to-                                                          of  work  back  in  the  Do-
             Especially  returning  to  a  day."                                                                               minican   Republic,   and
             completely  new  position  Primarily  a  second  base-                                                            even consulted with Albert
             at first base.               man  his  entire  career,                                                            Pujols,  of  the  Los  Angeles
             The  eight-time  All-Star  be-  Cano  is  expected  to  play                                                      Angels,  and  Edwin  Encar-
             gan  his  rehab  assignment  first  base,  third  base  and                                                       nacion,  of  the  Cleveland
             with  the  Seattle  Mariners'  some  second  base  during                                                         Indians about some of the
             Triple-A affiliate as he pre-  this rehab assignment.                                                             nuances  of  playing  first
             pares for his return from an  At  times  Monday,  Cano                                                            base.
             80-game  suspension  for  looked fidgety at first base.                                                           "The hard part, you have to
             violating  baseball's  joint  "It is really different," Cano                                                      keep in your mind on every
             drug agreement.              said.  "You  have  to  bend                                                          ground  ball,  you  have  to
             He played eight innings at  and  stretch  your  legs.  It  is                                                     go to the bag," said Cano,
             first  base  for  the  Tacoma  hard on me. Right now, ev-                                                         who  played  first  base  for
             Rainiers, making three nice  erything is sore."                                                                   the  first  time  in  2,531  ma-
             defensive plays.             But  he  held  his  own  at  a   Robinson Cano swings at a pitch during his first rehab start with   jor- or minor-league career
             And  in  four  plate  appear-  new position.             the Tacoma Rainiers at Cheney Stadium in Tacoma, Wash.,   games.  "That  was  the  first
             ances,  he  had  a  hit  and  In  the  third  inning,  he  ap-  Monday, Aug. 6, 2018.                             thing  I  had  in  my  head  -
             walk   before   departing  plied  a  tag  on  Colorado                                            Associated Press   don't be late and be ready
             for  a  pinch  runner  in  the  Springs'  Dylan  Moore  dur-  third baseman Seth Mejias-  the bag.                for every ground ball."
             eighth inning.               ing a stolen-base rundown.  Brean. And in the seventh,  Later  in  the  seventh,  Do-  Cano is expected to serve
             "I  am  just  happy  to  be  In  the  fifth,  he  scooped  he stretched to snare Me-  mingo Santana hit a sharp  as the Rainiers' designated
             back  on  the  field,"  Cano  up a short-hop throw from  jias-Brean's  high  throw  at  grounder  at  Cano,  which  hitter on Tuesday. q
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