P. 23

                                                                                                       SPORTS Wednesday 8 august 2018

            Stephen Curry ready to see LeBron James even more often

            By JANIE McCAULEY            "It's  interesting  because
            AP Sports Writer             nobody  going  into  free
            WALNUT  CREEK,  Calif.  (AP)  agency thought about De-
            — Stephen Curry can only  Marcus  as  an  option  then
            imagine  the  intensity  level  all  of  a  sudden  he  found
            of the Lakers-Warriors rivalry  his  way  onto  our  team,"
            now that LeBron James has  Curry said before getting in
            landed in L.A.               an  on-court  workout  of  his
            After  four  straight  NBA  Fi-  own.  "So  for  us  to  have  a
            nals against James and the  new dynamic, a new look,
            Cleveland  Cavaliers,  two-  whenever he's fully healthy
            time  defending  champion  it  should  be  amazing.  I
            Golden  State  will  get  four  think  we  got  better.  Obvi-
            matchups  against  James  ously  we  lost  some  pieces
            during the regular season.   that  were  very  vital  to  us
            "And  a  whole  new-look  winning  a  championship
            Laker  team  with  some  of  but  you've  got  to  evolve,
            the  young  kids.  It  should  you've got to find different
            be  fun,  the  Bay  Area  and  things to focus on as you're
            L.A.  and  the  whole  thing,"  trying to repeat, so it should
            Curry said Monday in a sit-  be exciting."
            down  with  The  Associated  After  winning  a  second
            Press  while  hosting  his  an-  straight  NBA  title  and  third
            nual elite camp at Ultimate  in  four  years,  it's  another
            Fieldhouse.  "When  I  first  whirlwind  summer  for  two-
            got into the league Oracle  time  MVP  Curry,  whose
            would be buzzing any time  season     was    interrupted
            the  Lakers  came  in.  There  several times by injuries. He
            probably  will  be  a  revolu-  has a newborn son, Canon,
            tion  of  Laker  fans  that  are  and is hosting his Under Ar-
            going to try to creep in but  mour "Stephen Curry Select
            I  hope  Bay  Area  and  Dub  Camp"  this  week  for  top
            Nation we keep control of  high  school  players  —  in-
            that  competition  because  cluding two girls for the first
            we're on top right now."     time,  one  being  his  father
            The schedule is set to be re-  Dell's  goddaughter,  Cam-
            leased later this week.      eron Brink, from Beaverton,
            Curry is eager to have new  Oregon.
            teammate  and  dominant  Later this week he will again
            big  man  DeMarcus  Cous-    play in the tour's
            ins  healthy  and  recovered  Ellie  Mae  Classic  at  TPC
            from  surgery  on  a  torn  left  Stonebrae  in  Hawyard.  He   In this June 6, 2018 file photo, Golden State Warriors' Stephen Curry goes to the basket against
            Achilles  tendon,  which  will  has an indoor putting green   Cleveland Cavaliers' LeBron James, left, during the second half of Game 3 of basketball's NBA
            give  Golden  State  five  All-  at home as well as a swing   Finals in Cleveland.
            Star starters on the floor to-  simulator  that  has  helped
            gether.  Cousins  has  never  him  leading  up  to  the  as  well,"  Curry  said.  "There  nament. I have a full swing  cause  it's  right  there  and
            been  to  the  playoffs  and  event given he also is busy  aren't  really  many  expec-  golf  simulator  in  my  house  I  get  my  little  swings  in.  I
            can now chase a champi-      with  three  young  children  tations  when  a  new  baby  now that's helping me pre-  would  say  my  preparation
            onship alongside fellow All-  at home. "Am I getting any  comes, but my golf game is  pare. Actually I'm getting in  level  is  adequate  enough
            Stars  Curry,  Kevin  Durant,  sleep? I'm getting the right  in decent shape. I haven't  trouble because at home I  to  play  well  and  hopefully
            Draymond Green and Klay  amount of sleep for having  played  as  much  as  I'd  like  sneak  into  that  room  way  play  better  than  I  did  last
            Thompson.                    a  month-old  son,  my  wife  to  leading  up  to  the  tour-  more than I should just be-  year."q
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