P. 21

                                                                                                       SPORTS Wednesday 8 august 2018

            Peralta's homer in 14th lifts

            Dbacks over Phillies 3-2

            PHOENIX  (AP)  —  David  NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Rookie  Guerra        got   Molina    to
            Peralta  hit  his  second  solo  Jeff  McNeil  homered  in  bounce into a double play
            homer off the game off the  getting three more hits with  for his first save since Sept.
            top  of  the  wall  in  the  14th  his most unusual bat, lead-  27, 2014 while with the Chi-
            inning  and  the  Diamond-   ing Noah Syndergaard and  cago White Sox.
            backs  rallied  from  a  two-  the  Mets  over  the  Reds  in  Luke  Weaver  (6-10)  al-
            run  deficit  in  the  ninth  to  a  matchup  of  struggling  lowed two runs and seven
            beat the Phillies.           teams.                       hits in six innings for St. Louis.
            The  Diamondbacks  had  Wilmer Flores, playing on his  Chen  (4-8)  struck  out  four
            the  winning  run  in  scoring  27th  birthday,  and  Austin  and walked two.
            position in the ninth through  Jackson  each  had  three  ASTROS 3, GIANTS 1
            13th  innings  and  couldn't  hits  and  Kevin  Plawecki  SAN  FRANCISCO  (AP)  —
            get the hit they needed.     homered for the Mets.        Roberto Osuna got the win
            Peralta finally ended it, hit-  Both  clubs  had  lost  five  in his first appearance with
            ting  the  first  pitch  he  saw  of  six  going  into  the  series  Houston after Marwin Gon-
            from  Austin  Davis  (1-2)  off  opener.  Before  it  began,  zalez hit a three-run homer
            the wall and out in left-cen-  Reds  pitcher  Matt  Harvey  with two outs in the ninth in-
            ter. Peralta was mobbed at  was  honored  with  a  video  ning,  lifting  the  Astros  over
            the  plate  after  ending  the  tribute,  with  the  former  the Giants.
            Phillies'  six-game  winning  Mets ace drawing a mix of  Osuna  (1-0)  hadn't  pitch
            streak with one swing.       cheers and boos in his first  in  the  majors  since  May  6
            Yoshihisa Hirano (3-2) didn't  game at Citi Field since be-  while  serving  a  75-game   Philadelphia Phillies right fielder Nick Williams makes the running
            allow a hit the final two in-  ing traded to Cincinnati in  suspension   for   violating   catch on a ball hit by Arizona Diamondbacks' Paul Goldschmidt
            nings, with Jorge Alfaro just  May.                       MLB's  domestic  violence    in the fifth inning during a baseball game, Monday, Aug. 6, 2018,
            missing a homer to right for  McNeil's  homer  made  it  policy.                       in Phoenix.
            the final out of the 14th.   6-0, and Syndergaard (7-2)  Osuna  was  acquired  from                                             Associated Press
            ROCKIES 2, PIRATES 0         seemed to be in complete  the  Toronto  Blue  Jays  last  eighth inning. He retired the  Smith (1-2) blew his second
            DENVER  (AP)  —  Kyle  Free-  charge when he retired the  Monday  in  a  deal  that  side in order on five pitches.  save  in  nine  opportunities
            land  and  the  Colorado  first  batter  in  the  seventh.  sent back closer Ken Giles,  Hector   Rondon   closed  after  issuing  walks  to  Alex
            bullpen  combined  on  a  But he then hit the next two  and he became eligible to  out  the  2-hour,  26-minute  Bregman  and  Yuli  Gurriel.
            two-hitter to help the Rock-  batters  with  pitches  and  pitch Sunday.               game with his 12th save in  Gonzalez  followed  with  a
            ies  beat  the  Pirates  in  a  the Reds went on to rally for  A few fans booed when he  15 chances.                towering drive to left for his
            game that was interrupted  four runs.                     entered  the  game  in  the  San  Francisco  closer  Will  10th homer.q
            32 minutes by rain.          Homer Bailey (1-9) took the
            Freeland  (10-7)  allowed  loss.                           Nationals sign veteran reliever Holland
            two hits and struck out five  MARLINS 2, CARDINALS 1
            over  seven  stellar  innings.  MIAMI (AP) — Javy Guerra   for stretch run
            Relievers  Seunghwan  Oh  cleaned  up  a  ninth-inning
            and  Wade  Davis  com-       mess created by struggling    By DAVID GINSBURG           July 27.                    sixth or seventh innings by
            bined to close out the win.  closer  Kyle  Barraclough,     AP Sports Writer           A  day  after  the  right-  the Nationals.
            Davis  pitched  a  perfect  getting Yadier Molina to hit   WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  hander  worked  out  with  "He knows how to get outs
            ninth for his 32nd save in 38  into  a  double  play  to  end   Nationals  hope  veteran  Washington,  the  Nation-  in  big  situations.  That's
            chances.                     the Marlins' victory over the   reliever Greg Holland can  als  announced  his  signing  what  we  like  about  him,"
            It was a positive step for a  Cardinals.                   return to form and use his  on Tuesday before facing  Martinez  said.  "He  will  fit
            beleaguered  bullpen  that  After Wei-Yin Chen pitched     postseason  experience  to  the Atlanta Braves in a split  well  in  our  bullpen  and  in
            endured three walk-off loss-  5 2/3 innings of one-hit ball,   help  Washington  make  a  doubleheader.            our  clubhouse."Holland  is
            es — two by Davis — during  Miami  led  2-0  going  into   playoff run of its own.     "He's  a  veteran  guy  that's  21-20  with  186  saves  and
            a 2-5 road swing.            the  ninth  and  handed  the   Holland  has  appeared  in  been around and pitched  a 2.93 ERA across parts of
            Joe  Musgrove  (4-6)  re-    game off to Barraclough.      12  postseason  games,  in-  in   high-level   situations,  eight seasons with the Roy-
            tired  the  first  12  batters  he  Paul  DeJong  and  Harrison   cluding the 2014 World Se-  pitched  a  World  Series,"  als, Colorado Rockies and
            faced  before  allowing  a  Bader  opened  the  inning     ries with Kansas City. That,  Nationals  manager  Dave  Cardinals.
            single  to  Nolan  Arenado  with  hard-hit  singles,  then   along  with  his  186  career  Martinez  said.  "If  he's  He had 47 saves last year
            on the first pitch of the fifth.  Yairo Munoz walked. Pinch-  saves,  was  more  impor-  healthy,  and  we  think  he  with Colorado and signed
            The  right-hander  scattered  hitter  Kolten  Wong  struck   tant  to  Washington  than  is, he's going to help us."  a  $14  million  deal  with  St.
            four hits over seven innings  out swinging, but Matt Car-  the  7.92  ERA  he  had  with  A  three-time  All-Star  with  Louis during the offseason
            and allowed two runs, one  penter drew a bases-load-       St. Louis before being des-  186  career  saves,  Holland  before  coming  out  flat  in
            earned.                      ed walk to make it 2-1 and
            METS 6, REDS 4               end Barraclough's night.      ignated for assignment on  initially  will  be  used  in  the  2018.q
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