P. 6

A6   U.S. NEWS
                 Wednesday 8 august 2018

            A year after deadly Virginia rally, wounds are still raw

            By SARAH RANKIN                                                                                                     opment.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Meanwhile,  there’s  been
            Sometimes  Alfred  Wilson                                                                                           a  churn  in  leadership.  The
            still  has  to  take  a  moment                                                                                     city  attorney  took  a  new
            to  collect  himself  after  he                                                                                     job,  the  city  manager’s
            pulls  open  files  at  the  law                                                                                    contract was not renewed,
            firm  where  he  works  and                                                                                         a  spokeswoman  quit  and
            sees Heather Heyer’s hand-                                                                                          the police chief, 50 at the
            writing.                                                                                                            time, retired after less than
            “I get choked up and have                                                                                           two years on the job.
            to  gather  myself  before                                                                                          The  five-person  city  coun-
            I  talk  to  the  client,”  said                                                                                    cil has two new faces, and
            Wilson,  who  hired  Heyer,                                                                                         the  group  picked  a  differ-
            the  32-year-old  paralegal                                                                                         ent  mayor,  Nikuyah  Walk-
            killed nearly a year ago in                                                                                         er,  a  black  woman  who
            a  car  attack  during  a  vio-                                                                                     ran  as  an  independent  in
            lent white nationalist rally in                                                                                     the  staunchly  Democratic
            Charlottesville, Virginia.                                                                                          town  and  was  previously
            The  rally  that  left  Heyer                                                                                       one  of  the  council’s  stron-
            dead  and  dozens  more                                                                                             gest critics.
            injured proved to be a wa-                                                                                          Walker has clashed public-
            tershed  moment,  both  for                                                                                         ly with other council mem-
            the  racist,  fringe  “alt-right”                                                                                   bers  on  multiple  issues,
            movement,  and  for  the     In this Monday, Aug. 6, 2018 photo, Susan Bro, mother of Heather Heyer, who was killed during the   such  as  hiring  an  interim
            city itself. In the year since,   Unite the Right rally last year, looks over memorabilia in her office in Charlottesville, Va.   city  manager.  She  recent-
            many  residents  like  Wilson                                                                      Associated Press  ly  took  to  social  media  to
            say  the  wounds  haven’t  people,  mostly  white  folks,  of  Virginia  hospital,  Brown-  slavery, its affordable hous-  criticize the candidate, the
            healed.  Others  say  the  kept saying, ‘This isn’t Char-  Grooms said white suprem-   ing crunch and the police  way  he  was  selected  and
            violence  has  laid  bare  di-  lottesville,’”  said  Brenda  acy was present in Charlot-  department’s  relationship  her  fellow  councilors’  be-
            visions  over  deeper  issues  Brown-Grooms, a local pas-  tesville long before the rally   with the black community,  havior.  The  council’s  dra-
            of  race  and  economic  in-  tor  and  activist.  “I  wonder  and is the “elephant in the   among  other  issues,  since  ma doesn’t seem to affect
            equality  and  what  should  what  planet  they  live  on.  room”  the  city  now  must   the Aug. 12 rally.        most residents, who “just go
            be done to move forward.     This is exactly who we are.”  deal with.                  The  event  was  one  of  the  on with our lives and watch
            “One  of  my  hugest  gripes  A  Charlottesville  native,  Activists have pushed lead-  largest gatherings of white  with  quiet  amusement,”
            with last year with the peo-  born  in  the  segregated  ersto  address  the  city’s   nationalists  and  far-right  said  Charles  “Buddy”  We-
            ple  of  this  town  was  that  basement of the University  legacies  of  racism  and   extremists  in  a  decade.  ber, an attorney and long-
                                                                                                   Many  participants  dressed  time resident involved in a
                                                                                                   as if they were headed to  lawsuit seeking to stop the
                                                                                                   battle,  shouted  racist  slurs  city from removing the Lee
                                                                                                   and  clashed  violently  with  monument.  Weber  em-
                                                                                                   counterprotesters.  Mean-    phasized that not everyone
                                                                                                   while,  authorities  largely  in Charlottesville agrees on
                                                                                                   stood  by  on  the  fringes  of  the  extent  and  nature  of
                                                                                                   the  action  near  a  down-  the city’s problems.
                                                                                                   town park with a statue of  While the city’s been strug-
                                                                                                   Confederate  Gen.  Robert  gling  to  find  its  footing,
                                                                                                   E. Lee that the city wanted  some  alt-right  leaders  are
                                                                                                   to remove.                   faltering. The rally violence
                                                                                                   In  the  year  since,  the  city  proved  a  costly  debacle
                                                                                                   has  taken  steps  toward  for  leading  figures  such  as
                                                                                                   meeting  some  of  the  ac-  white  nationalist  Richard
                                                                                                   tivists’  demands,  despite  Spencer  and  others  who
                                                                                                   resistance  on  some  issues  are  fighting  lawsuits.  Many
                                                                                                   from  the  Republican-con-   in  the  movement  have
                                                                                                   trolled  state  legislature  .  been  booted  from  main-
                                                                                                   Lawmakers  defeated  ev-     stream  internet  platforms.
                                                                                                   ery  bill  Charlottesville  sup-  A  few  have  dropped  out
                                                                                                   ported  in  the  rally’s  after-  altogether.
                                                                                                   math,  including  measures  Only  one  organizer  of  last
                                                                                                   dealing with cities’ abilities  summer’s rally seems intent
                                                                                                   to  remove  Confederate  on  publicly  marking  the
                                                                                                   monuments.     Responding  anniversary.  Jason  Kessler,
                                                                                                   in part to calls for a closer  a  Charlottesville  resident
                                                                                                   look  at  stop-and-frisk  poli-  and  UVA  graduate,  sued
                                                                                                   cies that disproportionately  the city after it denied him
                                                                                                   affect  black  residents,  the  a  permit  for  an  anniver-
                                                                                                   city established a new Po-   sary event. Kessler recently
                                                                                                   lice  Civilian  Review  Board.  abandoned his lawsuit, but
                                                                                                   The city also has approved  he  vowed  to  press  ahead
                                                                                                   funds  for  affordable  hous-  with  plans  for  an  Aug.  12
                                                                                                   ing  and  workforce  devel-  rally  in  Washington,  D.C.q
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