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Thursday 6 december 2018
Hour of Code
ORANJESTAD — The Hour the basement or the super- to do coding but also how will also enhance their cre- from it and experience the
of Code started as a one- tech-savvy person but that to solve problems, how to ativity. This event is for suit- fun of it. q
hour introduction to com- it actually plays a role in be flexible and how to deal able for everyone. Young
puter science, designed to everything we do and ev- with change in speed. This and old. Anyone can learn
demystify "code", to show erybody should have ac-
that anybody can learn cess to it. And 20 million kids
the basics, and to broaden signed up to it.
participation in the field of
computer science. It has Since 2015 Aruba has been
since become a worldwide taking part in this “hour of
effort to celebrate com- code”. It was introduced
puter science, starting with by Mr. Peter Scholing of the
1-hour coding activities national library of Aruba. It
but expanding to all sorts started out with 150 partici-
of community efforts! Over pants and today they have
the past years since its in- reached almost 1.930 par-
ception in 2014, the Hour of ticipants under the guid-
Code has reached tens of ance of 80 volunteers. With
millions of students in 180+ the cooperation of the
countries. The event takes Government of Aruba and
place around the world several other companies
from December 3rd till De- they made it possible for
cember 7th, 2018. different schools of Aruba
to be able to be part of this.
The Hour of Code is an at- Schools that will take part in
tempt to teach people the this year’s hour of code are
basics of computer pro- College San Antonio, Abra-
gramming in 60 minutes in ham de veer, Reina Beatrix,
a fun, simple way. It is part and SPO scol ofishi y algun
of a campaign that Code. otro mas. The national Li-
org, a non-profit organiza- braty will also have a school
tion, launched in the US invited for this. The compa-
with the goal of introducing ny Gamma will be helping
coding into the US curricu- Mon Plaisir School , Prinses
lum and raising awareness Amalia and our national
around what coding is. The water plant will be hosting
idea was to show that it's Santa Famia School. Not
not just about the geek in only will kids be taught how
Monetary Policy
ORANJESTAD — During its of 2018. Consequently, percent in July 2018, com-
meeting of September 21, the international reserves pared to −0.5 percent in
2018, the Monetary Policy and the official reserves December 2017, primarily
Committee (MPC) of the reached, respectively, the result of an uptick in the
Centrale Bank van Aruba Afl. 1,857.6 million and Afl. transport, food, and recre-
(CBA) decided to keep 1,698.1 million at end-July ation and culture compo-
the reserve requirement at 2018. nents. The 12-month core
11.0 percent and to uphold inflation (excluding energy
the advance rate at 1.0 Credit developments and food) reached 0.8
percent, after reviewing Growth in total commer- percent, an increase of 0.6
the most recent economic cial bank credit remained percentage point.
and monetary data. The positive (+1.9 percent) in
following information and July 2018, compared to Tourism
analysis were considered December 2017. This de- During the first seven
in reaching this decision, velopment was mainly months of 2018, tourism
based on July 2018 data. driven by surges in housing indicators development
mortgages, commercial noted upturns, as growth
International reserves mortgages, and current was registered in tourist ar- Money supply ing from expansions in the
Both the international re- account loans. rivals (+2.0 percent), visitor In July 2018, money sup- net domestic assets (+Afl.
serves (+1.8 percent) and nights (+2.0 percent), and ply registered an increase 133.1 million) and in the net
official reserves (+3.0 per- Inflation cruise visitor arrivals (+3.6 of Afl. 181.1 million to Afl. foreign assets (+Afl. 48.0
cent) recorded growth The 12-month average percent). 4,388.4 million compared million, excluding revalua-
in the first seven months rate of inflation rose to 1.3 to December 2017, result- tion differences). q