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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 29 augusT 2019

            Teen activist sails across Atlantic to go to climate meeting

            By VERENA DOBNIK             manage  to  work  together  strike  on  Fridays  after  the
            Associated Press             and  to  cooperate  and  to  election,   spurring   thou-
            NEW YORK (AP) — Swedish  work  together  despite  our  sands  of  young  people  to
            teen climate activist Greta  differences,  then  we  will  follow suit. Since then, she's
            Thunberg  arrived  in  New  fail."                        met  the  pope,  spoken  at
            York  City  to  chants  and  Thunberg  has  become  a  Davos  and  attended  anti-
            cheers  Wednesday  follow-   symbol of a growing move-    coal protests in Germany.
            ing a trans-Atlantic trip on a  ment  of  young  climate  She is now taking a year off
            sailboat to attend a global  activists,  leading  weekly  school to pursue her activ-
            warming conference.          protests in Sweden that in-  ism.
            Thunberg, 16, and her crew  spired similar strikes in about  Thunberg was asked upon
            were  escorted  into  a  low-  100 cities worldwide.      her  arrival  in  New  York
            er  Manhattan  marina  at  She's in New York to speak  whether  she  had  a  mes-
            about  4  p.m.,  concluding  at  the  United  Nations  Cli-  sage  for  U.S.  President
            a  two-week  crossing  from  mate  Action  Summit  next  Donald  Trump,  a  climate
            Plymouth,  England.  Hun-    month.  There,  she'll  join  change skeptic.
            dreds of activists gathered  world leaders who will pres-  "My message for him is just:   Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old Swedish climate activist, waves
            on  a  Hudson  River  prom-  ent plans to reduce green-   listen  to  the  science,"  she   after sailing in New York harbor aboard the Malizia II, Wednes-
            enade to cheer her arrival.  house gas emissions.         said. q                      day, Aug. 28, 2019.
            Thunberg waved, was lifted  The  boat  carrying  Thun-                                                                          Associated Press
            onto a dock, then took her  berg,  the  Malizia  II,  en-
            first  wobbly  steps  on  dry  countered rough seas that
            land.                        slowed  it  down  for  a  day.
            "All  of  this  is  very  over-  Taking  turns  steering  the
            whelming,"  she  said  of  the  60-foot  (18-meter)  racing
            reception,  looking  slightly  yacht  were  yachtsman
            embarrassed.                 Boris  Herrmann  and  Pierre
            The  teenager  refused  to  Casiraghi, the grandson of
            fly because of the carbon  Monaco's late Prince Rain-
            cost of plane travel. A 2018  ier III and American actress
            study said that because of  Grace Kelly.
            cloud  and  ozone  forma-    This was no pleasure cruise.
            tion, air travel may trap two  The Malizia is built for high-
            to  four  times  more  heat  speed,   offshore   racing,
            than  that  caused  by  just  and  weight  is  kept  to  a
            emissions  of  carbon  diox-  minimum. There is no toilet
            ide  and  other  greenhouse  or fixed shower aboard, no
            gases.                       windows  below  deck  and
            Speaking to reporters after  only a small gas cooker to
            she landed, Thunberg said  heat up freeze-dried food.
            the  trip  wasn't  as  uncom-  The   sailboat's   onboard
            fortable  as  she  expected.  electronics  are  powered
            She didn't get seasick once,  by solar panels and under-
            she  said.  But  she  stressed  water turbines.
            that "this is not something I  Thunberg,  the  daughter
            want everyone to do."        of an actor and an opera
            "It is insane that a 16-year-  singer,  became  a  Europe-
            old would have to cross the  an celebrity last year when
            Atlantic  Ocean  to  make  she refused to go to school
            a stand," she said. "The cli-  in  the  weeks  before  Swe-
            mate and ecological crisis  den's  general  election  to
            is a global crisis, the biggest  highlight the impact of cli-
            crisis  that  humanity  has  mate change.
            ever faced, and if we don't  She  continued  her  school
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