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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 29 augusT 2019
            New Hampshire governor promises reforms after deadly crash

            By MICHAEL CASEY             license  in  Massachusetts
            Associated Press             should've been suspended
            CONCORD,  N.H.  (AP)  —  because of a drunken driv-
            New  Hampshire  plans  to  ing arrest.
            suspend  the  licenses  of  The crash led to the firing of
            nearly  4,000  drivers  in  the  the  Massachusetts  Registry
            latest  fallout  following  a  of  Motor  Vehicles  direc-
            June crash that killed seven  tor  after  it  was  found  the
            motorcyclists  ,  Gov.  Chris  agency stored 45,000 con-
            Sununu said Wednesday.       victions  and  suspensions
            The  Republican  governor  levied  on  out-of-state  driv-
            said  the  review  of  the  Di-  ers since March 2018, rath-
            vision  of  Motor  Vehicles  er than acting on them.
            sparked  by  the  deadly  A  preliminary  audit  found
            crash that was just released  that  a  motor  vehicles  em-
            led  authorities  to  catch  ployee missed an opportu-
            up  on  notifications  it  had  nity to revoke Zhukovskyy's
            that  dated  back  to  July  license because he did not
            2016.  Sununu  said  the  de-  know  how  to  add  convic-
            partment  is  now  caught  tions  to  driving  records.
            up  and  more  than  37,000  After  being  notified  of
            DMV infractions have been  Zhukovskyy's  May  drunken
            looked at.                   driving  arrest  in  Connecti-   In this July 6, 2019 file photo, motorcyclists participate in a ride to remember seven bikers killed
            Authorities   blamed    the  cut,  the  employee  briefly   in a June collision with a pickup truck at the site in Randolph, N.H.
            backlog on the lack of au-   reviewed  the  notification                                                                        Associated Press
            tomation,  which  included  from  Connecticut  but  did
            nearly  14,000  notifications  not  change  Zhukovskyy's  those  in  states  which  par-  ing  to  encourage  munici-  notifications with the state.
            that  should  have  been  record.                         ticipate in the REAL ID pro-  palities  in  New  Hampshire  Currently, most mail paper
            sent to other states as well  As  part  of  an  ongoing  re-  gram. The state is also hop-  to automate the sharing of  notifications to the DMV.q
            as over 13,000 notifications  view of the motor vehicles
            of  infractions  received  by  department,  the  registry
            New Hampshire from other  this  month  suspended  the
            states.                      licenses of another 869 driv-
            A  similar  process  led  Mas-  ers . The suspensions were in
            sachusetts to uncover a far  addition  to  the  more  than
            larger backlog .             1,600 people in Massachu-
            "We left no stone unturned.  setts who had already had
            We  accounted  for  every  their licenses suspended.
            file and every notification,"  Sununu  said  that  he  only
            Sununu said of the review.  learned  of  the  backlog
            "It's  our  job  as  public  offi-  after  the  crash  and  could
            cials  to  go  through  these  not say when the backlog
            reviews  to  ensure  that  the  would  have  been  cleared
            systems  we  have  in  place  if  not  for  the  deadly  colli-
            across  the  state  truly  work  sion.
            for the people that we rep-  Sununu,  Department  of
            resent."                     Safety  Commissioner  Bob
            As  a  result,  Sununu  said  Quinn,  and  DMV  Director
            more    than   3,000   driv-  Elizabeth  Bielecki,  speak-
            ers  from  New  Hampshire  ing at a press conference,
            and  elsewhere  will  have  said  there  are  measures
            their  licenses  suspended.  the  state  plans  to  take  to
            None  of  the  suspensions  ensure  notices  are  han-
            resulted in fatalities in New  dled promptly in the future.
            Hampshire  and  were  not  Among  them  are  continu-
            directly  related  to  the  ing  to  build  out  an  auto-
            deadly  motorcycle  crash  mated  processing  system
            in   Randolph."What     we  in  the  works  for  several
            have  learned  through  the  years,  completing  the  de-
            process  allows  us  to  both  velopment of an electronic
            challenge  and  assist  other  interface  with  the  judicial
            states as they hopefully un-  branch  and  working  to
            dergo  the  same  exercise,"  automate filings from insur-
            Sununu said.                 ance  companies.  Sununu
            A  pickup  truck  collided  also  has  ordered  the  DMV
            with  motorcyclists  on  June  to produce a monthly sta-
            21.  The  driver,  23-year-old  tus report on notifications.
            Volodymyr  Zhukovskyy  ,  of  Further  out,  Sununu  is  rec-
            West  Springfield,  Massa-   ommending        legislative
            chusetts, pleaded not guilty  changes  that  would  allow
            to   negligent   homicide.  the DMV to share notifica-
            Officials  say  Zhukovskyy's  tions  for  all  drivers,  not  just
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