Page 20 - ATA
P. 20

                    Thursday 27 June 2019

            Diversifying Aruba’s Tourism Industry

            Through Sustainability

            Including Culture, Creativity and Innovation for the Future

               Maastricht  –  It  has  not  been  a  secret  that  Aruba  is  experiencing   what  exactly  is  sustainable  tour-  environment  and  host  communi-
               though situations related to the migratory crisis of its neighbor country,   ism?    Is  sustainable  tourism  even  ties”  (p.  15).  This  means  that  sus-
               Venezuela. The CEO of the Aruba Tourism Authority (ATA), Ms. Ronella   achievable  or  realistic?    Person-  tainable tourism has both a socio-
               Tjin Asjoe – Croes stated that the Venezuelan market, which along-    ally, I think many people confuse  economic and environmental ide-
               side the North American market (USA and Canada) were the major        sustainability with being only envi-  ology.  Threats  and  challenges  in
               touristic markets visiting the island, is currently considered to have a   ronmentally  friendly.  Environmen-  tourism will require comprehensive
               dormant status. This shift was thankfully consolidated with the increas-  tally friendly development can be  and rigorous public policy at a na-
               ing demand of the North American market, which allowed Aruba to       sustainable;  however,  sustainable  tional level, while recognizing tour-
               maintain and continuously grow as one of the leading touristic desti-  development  does  not  always  ism’s value in advancing and even
               nations in the Caribbean. However, besides these developments, the    mean it is environmentally friendly.  accelerating implementation and
               discourse has been very strong within the Aruban community on what    Sustainability  is  broader  than  just  achievement  of  the  SDGs.  In  the
               the tourism industry will mean for the island as we consider the de-  the  environment  and  can  be  ex-  end,  the  sustainability  specifically
               motivating evolvement of the oil refinery industry, and the increasing   plained  through  the  sustainable  of  the  tourism  private  sector  de-
               attention  to  the  environment  and  the  Aruban  natural  heritage.  The   development goals (SDGs) by the  pends to a large extent on “a sup-
               island is torn on the issue, not knowing if tourism should expand, be   United Nations, targeting 17 goals  portive  policy  framework,  as  well
               limited or maintained as is.                                          by 2030 for a better and more in-   as  financing,  that  would  enable
                                                                                     clusive world.                      and  incentivize  small  and  large
               The government of Aruba and ATA have both expressed that one                                              companies  to  develop  business
               way we could diversify within the tourism industry is to venture into   The Tourism Industry and the Sus-  models that foster inclusive green
               other  niche  markets,  such  as  cultural  tourism,  medical  tourism,  ad-  tainable   Development   Goals  growth. The tourism private sector
               venture tourism, eco-tourism etc. In the report “Cu Mira pa Futuro”   (SDGs)                              thus requires integrated policy ac-
               in 2017 (With an Outlook to the Future) the ATA shared their strate-  According to the “Tourism and the  tions and strong partnerships that
               gic objectives as desiring a balanced development, increasing the     sustainable  Development  Goals  support  and  guide  businesses  in
               economic value of tourism, developing a sense of place, develop-      Journey  to  2030”  report  by  the  those  areas  where  voluntary  ac-
               ing an innovation mindset and increasing community engagement.        United  Nations  World  Tourism  Or-  tion is not sufficient to achieve the
               From an incubator session between the University of Aruba (UA) and    ganization (UNWTO) and the Unit-    SDGs” (p. 39).
               the Educacion Profesional Intermedio (EPI) in 2017, key areas of con-  ed Nations Development Program
               cern for Aruba as a destination include, the lack of innovation, other   (UNDP)  (2019)  “in  the  context  of  Local examples of Cultural Tourism
               developments, the business climate, safety and the lack of culture.   the universal 2030 Agenda for Sus-  The  tourism  and  cultural  sectors
               Also, from town hall sessions in San Nicolas in 2017, it seems that 87%   tainable  Development  and  the  have emerged worldwide as lead-
               of the community does not want further development of hotels on       Sustainable  Development  Goals,  ers  in  the  revitalization  of  redun-
               the island, 98% of the community does not want more all-inclusive     the  International  Year  supports  a  dant  buildings  and  open  spaces
               hotels on the island, and 92% of the community does not want further   change in policies, business prac-  for  contemporary  purposes,  pro-
               time share development of the island. However, 73% would like to see   tices  and  consumer  behavior  to-  viding  opportunities  for  sustaining
               the development of boutique hotels on the island. Considering the     wards a more sustainable tourism  traditional and contemporary cul-
               exit survey ATA executes, only 1% of the tourists spend on local arts   sector that can contribute to the  tural  values  (UNWTO,  2019).  One
               and culture, which is can be considered low, or just an opportunity to   SDGs in five key areas, namely: (1)  interesting  example  of  such  ac-
               expand and attract a market of people who want a cultural experi-     Sustainable economic growth, (2)  tivities  include  the  entertainment
               ence rather than laying on the beach their entire stay.               Social  inclusiveness,  employment  and  music  industries,  which  have
                                                                                     and  poverty  reduction,  (3)  Re-  gained much attention on the is-
               Furthermore, between the Aruban community together with all rel-      source  efficiency,  environmental  land,  through  the  known  festivals
               evant stakeholders, the goal will be to invest more in education, inno-  protection  and  climate  change,  such as the Aruba Electric Festival,
               vation and entrepreneurship; more efficient infrastructure planning;   (4)  Cultural  values,  diversity  and  Aruba Summer Music festival, Soul
               more protection of the Aruban natural heritage; protecting Aruba’s    heritage,  and  (5)  Mutual  under-  Beach  Music  Festival,  the  Carib-
               main assets (beaches, hospitality and safety); creating a sustainable   standing,  peace  and  security”.  bean Sea Jazz Festival, which was
               mindset;  more  collaboration  on  policy;  increased  cultural  curiosity   The  report  defines  sustainable  recently in the news for being can-
               and  creative  confidence;  and  more  transparency  and  social  dia-  tourism  as  “tourism  that  takes  full  celled due to not meeting target-
               logue. Moving into 2020, the “Cu Mira pa Futuro” report, highlights the   account  of  its  current  and  future  ed touristic attendance.
               focus on sustainable tourism. For sure a topic that has been discussed   economic,  social  and  environ-
               in the community and recently by the Raiz Political Party, which is re-  mental  impacts,  addressing  the
               lated to the carrying capacity concern, or over tourism dilemma. But,   needs  of  visitors,  the  industry,  the       Continued on Page 15
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