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                                                                                                           LOCAL Thursday 27 June 2019

             Diversifying Aruba’s Tourism Industry Through Sustainability

             Continued from Page 14
            Next  to  these  prestigious  festival,  during  July                                           island during these days, make sure to experi-
            17th  till  27th  2019,  Aruba  will  host  the  ‘Aruba                                         ence a local symphonic experience.
            Symphony  Festival  &  Academy’  where  more
            than 100 musicians from all over the world come                                                 There is no question that the tourism industry of
            to participate, contributing to the cultural and                                                Aruba  will  need  to  include  creativity,  culture
            touristic development of Aruba.                                                                 and innovation to accelerate more sustainable
                                                                                                            tourism on the island. How this will look like, we
            According to other news sources, the founder                                                    don’t know. Will our tourists continue to experi-
            and  musical  director  of  the  festival  expressed                                            ence Aruba as they know it to be? We don’t
            that what distinguishes this festival to the others                                             know either. But, what we can conclude is that
            is the diverse multicultural aspect of not only the                                             the island will not escape tourism as its prima-
            musicians, but also the music performed, which                                                  ry  income  for  the  years  to  come.  Sustainabil-
            will  include  folk  music,  Latin  American  music,                                            ity should be our priority, and effective public
            and also more classical music of for example,                                                   policy  will  be  instrumental  for  creating  proper
            Beethoven.  Accessibility  will  not  be  an  issue,                                            development  and  accountability  of  all  stake-
            seeing that only the first and last presentation                                                holders involved. It will be a matter of time to
            will  have  an  entrance  fee.  To  make  sure  the                                             see either positive or negative development im-
            entire community of Aruba can enjoy the fes-    hosted on popular local venues, such as Cas di  pacts. Aruba, its community and its visitors de-
            tival, the presentations between July 18th and  Cultura, Paseo Herencia, Casibari, Ritz Carlton  serve sustainability, not only for the present, but
            26th  2019  will  be  completely  free  and  will  be  Hotel and the Free Winds. So, if you are on the  for the future. q

                                               Biography – Currently, Thaïs Franken is a 23-year-old Aruban student at the University of Maastricht (UM). She
                                               is studying a Master of Science in Public Policy and Human Development in collaboration with the Unites
                                               Nations University (UNU). Back home, on the beautiful island of Aruba she completed her Bachelor of Arts in
                                               Organization, Governance & Management (OGM) at the University of Aruba (UA). She successfully gradu-
                                               ated and defended her thesis titled “Placing Culture and Creativity at the Heart of the Aruban Sustainable
                                               Development” on July 6th 2018. Thaïs is very passionate about topics such as sustainability, innovation, cul-
                                               ture and creativity. Next to her academic interests, she enjoys reading, writing, dancing and cooking.
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