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                     Saturday 27 July 2019

            'Orange Is the New Black' offers fans a way to give back

            By MARK KENNEDY              from  prison,  protect  immi-                                                          in our work are these cross-
            Associated Press             grants' rights and end mass                                                            roads  where  people  who
            NEW YORK (AP) — The Netf-    incarceration.                                                                         don't  necessarily  encoun-
            lix series "Orange Is the New  The  fund,  named  in  honor                                                         ter one another are forced
            Black"  isn't  content  with  of show character Poussey                                                             to.  Great  drama  ensues.
            leaving behind a legacy of  Washington,  will  spread                                                               And comedy. And human-
            good television. It wants to  out every donation equally                                                            ity."
            do good in the real world,  to  eight  already-existing                                                             Tara  Herrmann,  an  execu-
            too.                         nonprofit  groups.  The  an-                                                           tive producer and writer on
            The  series'  creative  team  nouncement comes on the                                                               the show, said the idea for
            said Thursday it has formed  eve of the Friday premiere                                                             the  fund  came  from  peo-
            a fund that will support ad-  of  the  series'  seventh  and                                                        ple  over  the  years  asking
            vocacy groups pressing for  final season.                                                                           how they could give back.
            criminal justice reform and  Washington,  an  inmate                                                                The  fund  was  established
            women re-entering society  portrayed by actress Sami-                                                               with $50,000 in seed money
                                                                      In this file image released by Netflix, Uzo Aduba, left, and Samira   from  the  show  and  is  sup-
                                                                      Wiley appear in a scene from "Orange is the New Black."   ported by
                                                                                                               Associated Press  "It's really a call to action to
                                                                      ra  Wiley,  is  a  fan  favorite  "Orange Is the New Black" is  our  fans,"  Herrmann  said.
                                                                      whose  sudden  death  at  loosely based on a memoir  "There are people out there
                                                                      the  hands  of  officers  in  by  Piper  Kerman,  a  Smith  who  feel  like,  "Now  what?
                                                                      the  fourth  season  stunned  College  graduate  from  a  What  can  we  do?  You've
                                                                      many  viewers  and  was  a  patrician family who served  given us the story, we see it,
                                                                      nod to the recent cases of  13  months  in  a  Connecti-  we want to make a differ-
                                                                      African-Americans  killed  in  cut  federal  correctional  ence.' So hopefully this is a
                                                                      police custody.              institution  on  drug-related  place to go," After reading
                                                                      Wiley said she's honored to  charges.  The  show,  cre-   Kerman's  book,  Herrmann
                                                                      have the fund named after  ated  and  written  by  Jenji  said  she  and  Kohan  were
                                                                      her  character  and  happy  Kohan,  became  a  show-      immediately  attracted  to
                                                                      to have the show embrace  case  for  actresses  of  color  the world behind bars that
                                                                      real social responsibility.  and brought issues around  few  people  explore  and
                                                                      "It's  just  a  TV  show,  at  the  race, sexuality and criminal  the  way  humor  and  love
                                                                      end  of  the  day,  but  it's  justice to the fore.       could  exist  in  such  a  cruel
                                                                      changing  people's  minds  "The  legacy  of  the  show,  system.  "These  were  wom-
                                                                      and hopefully with this fund  I  hope,  is  empathy.  That,  en who were surviving in a
                                                                      it will be changing people's  and  a  normalizing  of  di-  world  that  is  doing  every-
                                                                      lives  —  getting  them  the  versity,  which  reflects  real  thing to keep them down.
                                                                      education that they need,  life," said Kohan. "The world  And the way they're surviv-
                                                                      getting  them  the  health  is not one color or one so-   ing is the tribes that they're
                                                                      care and the mental health  cio-economic class or one  creating  and  the  support
                                                                      care that they might need,"  gender. I think what we've  system  they're  setting  up,"
                                                                      she said.                    come  to  appreciate  most  Herrmann said.q

                                                                      Cuco brings layers to lo-fi love songs on 'Para Mi'

                                                                      By RAGAN CLARK               about keeping tabs on his
                                                                      Associated Press             current  state  of  mind,  but
                                                                      Cuco, "Para Mi" (Interscope  also "trippin' off the tabs in
                                                                      Records)                     my room," as he confesses,
                                                                      Love songs may be known  "I don't know why baby but
                                                                      for  their  traditionally  jovial  I'm feeling blue."
                                                                      tone,  but  on  Cuco's  full-  Darker  imagery  in  "Far
                                                                      length  debut  he  gives  his  Away  from  Home"  is  cush-
                                                                      love ballads a darker tone.  ioned   with   synthesizers,
                                                                      "Para  Mi"  has  lighter  mo-  fuzzy electric guitar, angel-
                                                                      ments  and  a  chilled-out  ic whirling and chimes that
                                                                      hip-hop  vibe,  but  it  is  Cu-  flutter  in  the  background   This   image   released   by
                                                                      co's  searing,  often  darker  as Cuco sings, "I'm rotting in   Interscope  Records  shows
                                                                      imagery that leaves an im-   the image of my head."       "Para Mi," a release by Cuco.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press
                                                                      pression.                    In "Ego Death in Thailand,"
                                                                      The  21-year-old  Los  An-   the music is spacey, ambi-   down  by  the  bedroom
                                                                      geles  artist  Omar  Banos,  ent and sunny as his voice  production-style beats that
                                                                      known  by  his  stage  name  echoes,  "Don't  look  away  drop  in.  And  while  the  al-
                                                                      Cuco,  has  landed  himself  look through my eyes/Every  bum  is  thematically  and
                                                                      between indie pop and G-     breath  you  take  another  musically  coherent,  the
                                                                      funk  hip-hop  with  his  lazy,  part of me dies."        record  would  benefit  from
                                                                      relaxed  and  psychedelic  Though  the  album  is  a  a  standout song, one that
                                                                      album.                       strong  debut,  admittedly  breaks  the  trancelike  ef-
                                                                      Even  the  drug  references  it  feels  cluttered  at  times.  fect created by Cuco's lo-
                                                                      laced    throughout   nev-   "Best  Friend,"  for  example,  fi production. "Para Mi" is a
                                                                      er  cheapen  the  record.  starts strong with a Latin mu-  promising  start  for  a  rising
                                                                      "Keeping  Tabs"  is  not  only  sic  intro,  but  feels  bogged  artist.q
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