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                     Saturday 27 July 2019

            New Milwaukee zoo exhibit to improve standards for elephants

            By CARRIE ANTLFINGER                                                                                                hanging devices, with hay,
            Associated Press                                                                                                    so  they  can  exercise  their
            MILWAUKEE  (AP)  —  Ruth                                                                                            trunks.
            loves popcorn. But she has                                                                                          There’s  also  a  wall  with
            to  work  for  it,  by  blowing                                                                                     holes  that  allows  them  to
            air with her trunk through a                                                                                        get food rewards.
            white  pipe  attached  to  a                                                                                        There  are  sand  and  pad-
            barrel  above  her  head  to                                                                                        ded  floors  inside,  a  water-
            push it out.                                                                                                        ing hole and a self-activat-
            “Excellent sense of smell, so                                                                                       ing shower.
            they  know  what’s  what,”                                                                                          While  elephants  receiv-
            Milwaukee  County  Zoo  di-                                                                                         ing  better  care  and  more
            rector  Chuck  Wikenhauser                                                                                          space  are  always  a  posi-
            said. “Whether it’s popcorn                                                                                         tive,  Ed  Stewart,  who  runs
            in there, whether it’s some                                                                                         three  California  sanctuary
            other  treat,  they  enjoy                                                                                          facilities that take in aban-
            that.”                                                                                                              doned,  abused  or  retir-
            It’s one of the new enrich-                                                                                         ing  wildlife,  says  elephants
            ment activities for her and                                                                                         don’t belong in zoos.
            Brittany — both African el-                                                                                         “Captivity  will  never  be
            ephants  —  as  part  of  the                                                                                       state-of-the-art,  much  as
            zoo’s elephant exhibit that   In this Friday April 26, 2019 photo three African elephants, Maggie, left, Lulu, center and Toka roam   we  try  —  and  believe  me
            opened this spring.          through the Performing Animals Welfare Society’s ARK 2000 Sanctuary near San Andreas, Calif.   I’ve been trying for a long
            The  upgrade,  which  cost                                                                         Associated Press  time  to  get  it  right,”  said
            $16.6  million,  was  created  at  the  Milwaukee  County   management     and   the  quirements  for  elephants  Stewart, founder of the Per-
            in part because of an effort  Zoo,”  said  Jodi  Gibson,   quality  of  the  space  from  was due to zoo officials, re-  forming Animal Welfare So-
            to improve standards for el-  president of the Zoological   an  elephant  perspective  searchers and scientists be-  ciety.
            ephants in zoos.             Society of Milwaukee.        that determines adequacy  lieving  “that  the  methods  Stephanie Goldstein visited
            The treatment of elephants  But of the 236 U.S. accred-   of  the  facility,  not  simply  of  caring  for  them  should  the  zoo  with  her  husband
            has been at the center of  ited  zoos,  only  62  hold  el-  the  square  footage  of  the  advance  along  with  the  and  2-year-old  son  while
            a  debate  in  recent  years,  ephants, according to the   environment,”  according  science.”                      visiting   Milwaukee   from
            including  the  use  of  ele-  Association  of  Zoos  and   to the standards.          In  Milwaukee,  the  outdoor  Kingston, New York.
            phants as circus animals.    Aquariums,  or  AZA.  That’s   Vernon  said  there  were  area  is  now  1.6  acres  —  She said she liked that the
            Animal  welfare  advocates  down from 77 elephants 15     general guidelines for deal-  four times as big as the el-  new exhibit was so big.
            don’t  believe  elephants  years ago.                     ing with all animals before  ephants’  entire  previous  “I don’t want my son to only
            should  be  put  in  enclo-  Part  of  the  reason  is  that   2011,  but  the  decision  to  enclosure.            see elephants as a picture
            sures. But Wikenhauser says  AZA,  which  sets  zoo  care   make  a  special  set  of  re-  The  new  space  has  high-  in a book,” she said.q
            the  animals  are  managed  standards,  instituted  spe-
                                         ephants in 2011, according  First CRISPR study inside
            in “a scientifically designed  cific  requirements  for  el-
            manner with compassion.”
            zoos are totally different in  non.  Some  zoos  were  un- the body to start in U.S.
            “I  think  that  circuses  and  to AZA spokesman Rob Ver-
            the  purpose,”  he  said.  “...  able to afford the require-  By MARILYNN MARCHIONE
            Ours is based in education,  ments,   which    included   AP Chief Medical Writer
            conservation, scientific ad-  putting  barriers  between   Patients  are  about  to  be
            vancement.”                  keepers and elephants.       enrolled in the first study to
            The elephants are a favor-   The  standards  also  require   test  a  gene-editing  tech-
            ite, so the zoo in Milwaukee  zoos to have at least three   nique known as CRISPR in-
            and  its  supporters  thought  elephants for their psycho-  side the body to try to cure
            investing in the exhibit was  logical  comfort  —  the  Mil-  an  inherited  form  of  blind-
            worth it. The Zoological So-  waukee  zoo  is  still  working   ness.  People  with  the  dis-
            ciety  of  Milwaukee  raised  on  finding  more  —  along   ease have normal eyes but
            half  the  cost  within  the  with  specific  guidelines  for   lack  a  gene  that  converts
            community.                   physical  and  psychologi-   light into signals to the brain
            “I think our community said  cal stimulation, and barriers   that enable sight.
            ‘What’s  a  zoo  without  el-  between  elephants  and    The  experimental  treat-
            ephants?’  and  they  were  caretakers for their safety.  ment  aims  to  supply  kids
            absolutely  committed  to  “It  is  the  quality  of  the   and  adults  with  a  healthy   This April 12, 2018 file photo shows the eye of a woman in New
            making sure we could have  overall  programmatic  ap-     version  of  the  gene  they   York. Patients are about to be enrolled in the first study to test
            and  keep  elephants  here  proach  to  good  elephant    lack, using a tool that cuts   gene editing inside the body to try to cure an inherited form of
                                                                      or “edits” DNA in a specific                                          Associated Press
                                                                      spot. It’s intended as a one-  changes to future genera-  CRISPR has captivated sci-
                                                                      time treatment that perma-   tions.  The  DNA  changes  in  entists  because  it’s  a  very
                                                                      nently  alters  the  person’s  adults  that  the  new  study  simple  way  to  do  gene
                                                                      native DNA.                  aims to make will not be in-  editing,  although  it’s  so
                                                                      This gene editing in people  herited by any offspring.    new  that  its  risks  are  not
                                                                      after  birth  is  different  from  Only  one  other  company,  fully known. But researchers
                                                                      the  controversial  work  a  Sangamo      Therapeutics,  believe it has great poten-
                                                                      Chinese  scientist  did  last  has  tried  gene  editing  in-  tial  to  cure  or  treat  many
                                                                      year  —  altering  the  DNA  side the body, to treat met-  diseases  caused  by  gene
                                                                      of  embryos  at  conception  abolic diseases using a tool  flaws  that  have  no  good
                                                                      in a way that can pass the  called zinc fingers.          treatments now. q
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