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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Saturday 27 July 2019

            Ebony and Jet photo archive sale sparks relief, anxiety

            By RUSSELL CONTRERAS                                                                                                the  civil  rights  movement
            SALLY HO                                                                                                            and the lives of prominent
            Associated Press                                                                                                    figures  such  as  Miles  Da-
            The  sale  of  the  photo  ar-                                                                                      vis,  Muhammad  Ali,  Nina
            chive  of  Ebony  and  Jet                                                                                          Simone, and Coretta Scott
            magazines  chronicling  Af-                                                                                         King  at  her  husband's  fu-
            rican  American  history  is                                                                                        neral. It was Jet in 1955 that
            generating  relief  among                                                                                           published  a  photo  of  the
            some  who  worried  the  his-                                                                                       open  coffin  of  Emmett  Till,
            toric images may be lost.                                                                                           showing  the  effects  of  the
            But  it's  also  causing  some                                                                                      fatal  beating  the  14-year-
            to mourn since the images,                                                                                          old  Chicago  boy  suffered
            including  photos  of  Em-                                                                                          at the hands of white men
            mett Till in 1955 after he was                                                                                      in  Mississippi  for  allegedly
            killed and ones document-                                                                                           whistling at a white woman.
            ing the rise of the Rev. Mar-                                                                                       Gibbs said the photos also
            tin Luther King Jr., won't fully                                                                                    show everyday black life —
            be in the hands an African                                                                                          from children playing in city
            American-owned       entity.                                                                                        parks  to  elders  praying  at
            Ebony  and  Jet,  for  more                                                                                         rural churches.
            than  half  a  century,  stood                                                                                      "It wasn't about all poverty
            as the epitome of a black-                                                                                          and suffering. It was about
            owned business.              In this Dec. 10, 2001 file photo Linda Johnson Rice, president and chief operating officer of Jet   joy," Gibbs said.
            "You have to do what you     magazine, looks over awards and recognitions won by the magazine in its 50-year lifetime at Jet's   Ivey McClelland, 57, a mu-
            have  to  do,"  Roy  Douglas   Chicago headquarters.                                                                sician in Albuquerque, New
            Malonson,  publisher  of  the                                                                      Associated Press  Mexico,  said  Ebony  and
            Houston-based       African  The foundations plan to do-  the  nonprofit  sector's  most  cated  resources  to  cover  Jet  were  found  in  every
            American  News  &  Issues  nate the more than 4 million  prominent  black  leaders  events  and  people  con-       black home she knew while
            newspaper,  said.  "But  it's  prints and negatives to the  and  are  themselves  a  rar-  nected  to  African  Ameri-  growing up in Los Angeles.
            sad because we lose con-     Smithsonian  National  Mu-   ity  in  the  near  exclusively  can  lifestyle  and  news  as  "My  uncle,  bless  his  heart,
            trol forever."               seum  of  African  American  white  world  of  big-money  Ebony and Jet magazines.  had around 30 to 40 years'
            The  Ford  Foundation,  the  History and Culture and the  philanthropy.                Ebony  began  publishing  worth  of  Jet  magazines,"
            John  D.  and  Catherine  T.  Getty Research Institute.   Both  Darren  Walker  and  regularly just after the end  she  said.  "He  got  them  for
            McArthur  Foundation,  The  The  Smithsonian  is  expect-  Elizabeth  Alexander  said  of  World  War  II  while  the  'The Beauty of the Week'."
            J. Paul Getty Trust and the  ed  to  be  the  public  stew-  the  sale  was  important  to  smaller-sized  Jet  began  in  But  McClelland  said  the
            Andrew W. Mellon Founda-     ard  of  what  is  considered  them personally as African  1951  when  African  Ameri-  magazines  remained  dear
            tion are buying the archive  one of the most significant  Americans.                   cans  in  many  regions  still  to  her  heart  for  their  im-
            for $30 million as part of an  collections of photographs  "What  it  means  to  be  in  a  lived  under  racial  segre-  ages  connected  to  key
            auction to pay off secured  cataloguing African Ameri-    position  to  be  able  to  be  gation.  Adrienne  Samu-  moments  in  black  history.
            creditors  of  Johnson  Pub-  can  life.  Getty  will  be  helpful in safeguarding this  els  Gibbs,  a  former  Ebony  She  and  her  mother  were
            lishing Company.             tasked  with  digitally  pre-  treasure  and  our  shared  magazine  staffer,  said  Eb-  in  Michigan  and  Cana-
            Chicago-based      Johnson  serving  the  trove,  some  of  history overwhelms me with  ony  and  Jet  dutifully  cap-  da  when  the  Watts  Riots
            Publishing,  the  owner  of  which remains a mystery.     joy,"  Alexander  said.  "It  is  tured the environment that  of  1965  erupted.  The  first
            the  archives  and  former  The  deal  was  shepherded  very significant."             African  Americans  were  still  images  she  saw  of  her
            publisher of the magazines,  by  the  presidents  of  the  Besides  black  newspapers  forced to endure over the  community  in  Los  Angeles
            filed  for  Chapter  7  bank-  Ford  and  Mellon  founda-  in  cities  across  the  nation,  years.  The  collection  of  4  damaged  by  fires  were  in
            ruptcy protection in April.  tions.  The  two  are  among  few  media  outlets  dedi-  million  images  chronicles  Jet, she said.q

            Julia Bueno writes about miscarriage in 'Brink of Being'

            By TRACEE M. HERBAUGH                                     researchers  showed  little  dissipates," Bueno writes.   ten  leaves  a  woman,  and
            Associated Press                                          interest  in  learning  more  For centuries, most women  sometimes expectant fam-
            "The  Brink  of  Being:  Talking                          about  the  emotional  and  had  no  way  of  knowing  ily  members,  reeling  with
            about  Miscarriage"  (Pen-                                psychological  impact  a  definitively  if  they  miscar-  grief. Despite the common-
            guin Books), by Julia Bueno                               miscarriage can have on a  ried.  Modern  technology,  ality  of  miscarriage,  few
            Miscarriage was historically                              woman.                       specifically  the  at-home  resources  are  available  to
            an overlooked experience,                                 Bueno  brings  her  personal  pregnancy  test,  changed  help women cope.
            but  a  new  book  hopes  to                              experience  to  the  book.  this.  Now  women  know  if  Each  chapter  discusses
            bring  it  to  the  forefront  of                         She lost her twin girls when  they're  pregnant  early  on,  specific  aspects  of  preg-
            our cultural discussions.                                 she  was  22  weeks  preg-   which  can  lead  to  expec-  nancy  loss,  including  early
            Written  by  British  psycho-                             nant.  The  miscarriage  was  tations  and  bonding  to  miscarriage,  IVF,  funerals
            therapist   Julia   Bueno,                                so  devastating  that  Bueno  their unborn. "The notion of  and memorials.
            whose specialty is pregnan-                               changed  careers  to  focus  a  relationship  existing  with  Those  who  have  been
            cy loss, comes "The Brink of                              on  helping  women  cope  our unborn — however de-        touched  by  miscarriage
            Being:  Talking  about  Mis-                              with pregnancy loss.         veloped in the womb he or  will  surely  find  this  book  a
            carriage."                                                "There is an entrenched be-  she may be — took pitifully  great  resource  outlining
            Discussions  about  miscar-                               lief that a bond with a child  long," she writes.         the  emotional  landscape
            riage  have  evolved  signifi-  This  cover  image  released   can only really begin after  An  estimated  one  in  four  after pregnancy loss or as a
            cantly  in  recent  years,  but   by Penguin Books shows "The   a  familiar-looking  baby  is  pregnancies  ends  spon-  guide to better understand
            Bueno  hopes  to  push  the   Brink  of  Being:  Talking  About   born alive, and we still have  taneously.  Miscarriage  is  what  a  woman  might  be
            dialogue further. Until 1980,   Miscarriage," by Julia Bueno.   a way to go before it fully  an  experience  that  of-  enduring.q
                                                     Associated Press
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