P. 13
Wednesday 29 august 2018
Crowns Productions style and drama workshops with
and innovativeness. inner-city youths and does
guest lectures at schools
Shift in detail and universities. Saun-
“A weekend that started ders has a BSc (Hon) New
in bliss turns to disaster for Technology and Media
young Shift. When his es- Communications and MA,
tranged outlaw father, Screenplay Writing and
begs him for help. To be Producing. “My passion has
poor is a crime and Shift enabled me to train and
soon learns there no loyalty mentor over 6,800 partici-
when money is involved”. pants around the U.K. and
the Caribbean. It has also
“Working with raw material, allowed me to provide
I don’t see it as a dis - ad- video and filming services
vantage” for the community. Boss
Writer and Director Wayne Crowns Film school in bark-
G Saunders ing has won an INTO Film
The Message: “life is worth Award and Wayne has re-
more than gold” ceived an award from the
SAN NICOLAS — Test Most of the cinematog- Judah Gumbs and Donald mayor of London for ‘out-
screening of the new film raphy and production Kock) who for many have Note: The film will go on standing contribution to
Shift in Aruba is a hit say the is done by his company never done any acting or tour around the globe. improving London’ and the
locals who got a chance Boss Crowns. Saunders has had any experience mak- quality of life for Londoners.
to see it on Saturday 25th created an aesthetically ing a film. Wayne G. Saunders Found- He also won Prestigious Pro-
August. A crowd of over pleasing film, and by all re- The native language, Pa- er / CEO Boss Crowns Pro- duction Base Award Free-
200 came out to witness views is considered a cin- piamento which is mixture ductions an award win- lancer of the Year: Beyond
the feature film they help ematic success. The desert- of Spanish, Portuguese, ning company and has the Call of Duty. Saunders
make. like feel with the vibrant Dutch and English is spo- phenomenal track record is featured in the British
Caribbean environments ken throughout. Saunders, of filming significant V.I.Ps, Film Institute book `Teach-
SHIFT is a feature film written are enhanced by great who is featured in the film, celebrities, politicians and ing Black Cinema.’ He has
and directed by Wayne G acting by locals (Jefferson doesn’t speak in the film historical events, and has developed an innovative
Saunders. Paris, Wayline, Donayre, but is exceptional; if it was some of the greatest, in- editing style in which layers
a challenge to make Shift is novative and pioneering of images and sounds flow
was certainly worth it. Espe- movies of our generation. and overlap in a dreamlike
cially when you think of the manner. He is also featured
island and its Americaniza- Married with two children, in `The Black British Film-
tion, Shift does not focus Wayne has worked with ITN maker’s Guide to Success.’
on this much and the story and other media partner- Wayne has just finished a
is not obvious. The great- ship for the past 10 years, as feature film shot in Aruba
est thing about the film is a camera operator and as and helped produce a
it has a chance to be true a self-shooting producer, television commercial for
and commercial success. director and editor. He also ITV.q
This film has a rhythm and works as a freelance me-
vibe that symbolizes Boss dia teacher, running film