P. 10

                Wednesday 29 august 2018
            UN experts: Possible war crimes by all parties in Yemen

            By JAMEY KEATEN                                                                                                     hundreds of detainees had
            Associated Press                                                                                                    been  subjected  to  sexual
            GENEVA  (AP)  —  U.N.  hu-                                                                                          abuse and torture.
            man  rights  experts  said                                                                                          The  Shiite  rebels  control
            Tuesday  the  governments                                                                                           some  of  Yemen's  most
            of Yemen, the United Arab                                                                                           populated  western  and
            Emirates and Saudi Arabia                                                                                           northern  areas,  and  hu-
            may  have  been  respon-                                                                                            man rights advocates have
            sible  for  war  crimes  since                                                                                      faulted  them  for  planting
            Yemen's  conflict  intensi-                                                                                         land  mines  and  targeting
            fied  3½  years  ago,  includ-                                                                                      religious  minorities  and  im-
            ing  rape,  torture,  arbitrary                                                                                     prisoned opponents.
            detention and use of child                                                                                          Abdulaziz  al-Alwasil,  the
            soldiers.                                                                                                           Saudi  ambassador  to  the
            Their report — the first since                                                                                      U.N.  in  Geneva,  told  the
            being  mandated  to  inves-                                                                                         AP that the report was "not
            tigate  by  the  U.N.-backed                                                                                        accurate"  and  overlooked
            Human      Rights   Council                                                                                         the  bigger  picture  of  an
            nearly  a  year  ago  —  is  in-                                                                                    armed Houthi militia illegal-
            creasing international pres-                                                                                        ly  seizing  territory  from  an
            sure  on  the  Saudis'  West-                                                                                       internationally  recognized
            ern-backed  coalition  that                                                                                         government  and  at  times
            already  has  been  widely   Kamel Jendoubi, is flanked by Charles Garraway and Alessandra Vellucci, as they inform on the   firing  missiles  in  Saudi  Ara-
            condemned  for  devastat-    publication of report on the establishment of facts and circumstances surrounding alleged viola-  bia.
            ing  airstrikes  on  civilians  as   tions and abuses committed by all parties to the conflict in Yemen.            "It  (the  report)  is  surprising
            well as combatants.                                                                                Associated Press  for  us  because  it  doesn't
            The U.N. panel also pointed                                                                                         reflect the reality," he said.
            to  possible  war  crimes  by  peak,  with  no  apparent  gets  on  official  "no-strike"  Saudi  nemesis  Iran,  which  "We genuinely want to im-
            the Iran-aligned Houthi reb-  sight of light at the end of  lists that should have been  the  coalition  has  accused  prove  the  situation  in  Ye-
            els who have been fighting  the tunnel."                  avoided.                     of arming the Houthis.       men:  We  are  spending
            the coalition that gets sup-  "It is indeed a forgotten cri-  At  a  Pentagon  news  con-  They sharply criticized work  money  there,  our  people
            port  from  the  U.S.,  Britain  sis," he added.          ference  Tuesday,  Defense  by  the  coalition's  Joint  In-  are  getting  killed  there.
            and France.                  The report said the experts  Secretary  Jim  Mattis  said  cidents  Assessment  Team,  And Yemen is not a wealthy
            In one of the first reactions  from  Britain,  Tunisia  and  the U.S. intends to continue  which was set up as a bul-  state . it's just our neighbor.
            to  the  report,  a  Saudi  dip-  Australia have "reasonable  backing  the  coalition  de-  wark against possible rights  And  we  think  it  is  our  re-
            lomat  told  The  Associated  grounds to believe that the  spite civilian casualties and  violations. They questioned  sponsibility  to  make  sure
            Press that findings were "not  governments  of  Yemen,  questions about the Saudis'  the  JIAT's  explanations  for  that this country is not used
            accurate."                   the  United  Arab  Emirates  commitment  to  avoiding  the  airstrikes  that  have  to  attack  the  neighboring
            In  2015,  Saudi  Arabia  an-  and  Saudi  Arabia  are  re-  killing innocents.        killed  civilians,  and  chal-  countries."
            nounced  it  would  lead  a  sponsible  for  human  rights  He  defended  U.S.  sup-   lenged  its  "independence  Al-Alwasil insisted the coali-
            coalition  of  countries  to  violations."                port  for  the  coalition,  say-  and  its  ability  to  carry  out  tion  regularly  reviewed  its
            against  the  Houthi  rebels  Among the violations were  ing American influence on  impartial investigations."      operations  and  would  do
            who  had  ousted  Yemen's  unlawful  "deprivation  of  the Arab air campaign has  The  experts  began  their  so  "with  or  without"  the  re-
            internationally  recognized  the  right  to  life,"  arbitrary  made  a  difference  in  re-  investigation  following  a  port.
            government.                  detention,  rape,  torture,  ducing  instances  of  errant  rights  council  resolution  in  "I  don't  think  it's  going  to
            In  the  years  since  then,  enforced  disappearances  bombing and the targeting  September 2017 — with the  have  a  major  impact  in
            the  U.N.  says  the  conflict  and  child  recruitment,  the  of civilians.           assent of the Saudis them-   the way that we review our
            has  become  the  world's  report said, adding that the  He  noted,  however,  that  selves.  The  Saudis  repeat-  procedures or the way we
            worst  humanitarian  crisis,  Houthis  were  to  blame  for  U.S.  support  is  conditioned  edly  had  resisted  earlier  conduct our military opera-
            with  more  than  22  million  many of the same abuses.   on a Saudi commitment to  diplomatic  efforts  to  orga-  tions," he said.
            people in desperate need  Much  of  the  onus  fell  on  doing "everything humanly  nize a more-intrusive inves-    In  his  response  to  the  re-
            in what is already the Arab  Saudi   Arabia,   criticized  possible"  to  avoid  any  loss  tigation  of  possible  crimes  port,  UAE  Minister  of  State
            world's  poorest  country.  for  airstrikes  that  have  hit  of innocent life and Riyadh  and  rights  abuses  in  Ye-  for  Foreign  Affairs  Anwar
            The  experts  documented  schools, hospitals and wed-     supporting a U.N.-brokered  men, and criticized the ex-   Gargash  tweeted  that  his
            6,475  deaths  from  March  ding  parties.  One  airstrike  peace process to end the  perts' findings.              country "must review it, an-
            2015 until last June, but said  struck a bus near a market  civil  war.  The  U.S.  provides  The experts said they drew  swer  its  merits  and  review
            the real figure is likely to be  in Saada province, a Houthi  the  coalition  with  intel-  up  a  "confidential  list"  of  what it says about the hor-
            significantly  higher.  Other  stronghold,  in  northern  Ye-  ligence,  aerial  refueling  people suspected of com-  rors of the Houthis."
            groups  have  estimated  men on Aug. 9, killing more  and  military  advice,  but  mitting international crimes  The  U.N.  refugee  agency,
            that more than 10,000 have  than  50  people,  including  U.S.  forces  are  not  directly  and are giving it to the of-  meanwhile, said more than
            been  killed  —  excluding  40 children, and wounding  involved  in  the  airstrikes  or  fice  of  the  U.N.  human  450  civilians  were  killed  in
            over  2,300  cholera  deaths  dozens.                     other fighting.              rights  chief.  They  declined  Yemen in the first nine days
            since April 2017 amid pitiful  Nearly a dozen deadly air-  The  experts'  report  urged  to  specify  the  number  or  of  August,  making  it  one
            water supplies.              strikes  the  experts  investi-  the international communi-  say  whether  they  were  on  of  the  deadliest  periods
            "Despite the severity of the  gated in the last year "raise  ty to "refrain from providing  rebel or government sides.  since  the  start  of  the  war.
            situation,  we  continue  to  serious questions about the  arms that could be used in  The  AP  reported  last  year  Since  June,  the  coalition
            witness a total disregard of  targeting  process  applied  the conflict"— an apparent  that  the  UAE  and  its  al-  has waged an offensive to
            the suffering of the people  by  the  coalition,"  the  re-  reference to Western coun-  lied militias were running a  clear the port city of Hode-
            of Yemen," said one of the  port said. It chastised some  tries that have sold sophisti-  network  of  secret  deten-  ida — pivotal for the entry
            experts, British human rights  in-the-field  coalition  fight-  cated weapons systems to  tion  facilities,  beyond  Ye-  of  humanitarian  aid  —  of
            lawyer  Charles  Garraway.  ers  for  "routinely"  failing  to  the  Gulf  states.  It  also  was  meni  government  control.  the  Houthis  and  restore
            "This  crisis  has  reached  its  seek information about tar-  an  apparent  reference  to  In  June,  the  AP  reported  government control.q
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