P. 6

A6   U.S. NEWS
                Wednesday 29 august 2018

            Toxic pesticides found at most illegal California pot farms

            By DON THOMPSON                                                                                                     pass  California's  stringent
            Associated Press                                                                                                    standards  for  legal  weed
            SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) —                                                                                           because traces of the toxic
            Nine of every 10 illegal mar-                                                                                       chemicals are often found
            ijuana farms raided in Cali-                                                                                        in the plants, officials said.
            fornia  this  year  contained                                                                                       U.S.  Forest  Service  Chief
            traces  of  powerful  and                                                                                           Forester  Vicki  Christiansen
            potentially lethal pesticides                                                                                       estimated  that  1.2  billion
            that  are  poisoning  wildlife                                                                                      gallons  (4.5  billion  liters)  of
            and  could  endanger  wa-                                                                                           scarce  water  are  diverted
            ter  supplies,  researchers                                                                                         to  illicit  grows  in  California
            and federal authorities said                                                                                        national forests each year.
            Tuesday.                                                                                                            And California is not alone,
            That's  a  jump  from  chemi-                                                                                       with  illegal  drug  traffickers
            cals  found  at  about  75                                                                                          found in 72 national forests
            percent  of  illegal  growing                                                                                       in 21 states, she said, calling
            operations  discovered  on                                                                                          it  "a  major  national  prob-
            public  land  last  year,  and                                                                                      lem."
            it's  six  times  as  high  as  in                                                                                  Authorities  seized  nearly
            2012.                                                                                                               640,000  plants,  more  than
            Federal  and  state  officials                                                                                      25,000  pounds  of  pro-
            launched  a  summer-long                                                                                            cessed  pot,  more  than  80
            crackdown  driven  in  part    In this Jan. 23, 2018, file photo, McGregor Scott, the United States Attorney for the Eastern District   firearms,  $225,000  in  cash
            by  new  concern  over  the   of California, speaks during a news conference in Sacramento, Calif.                  and made nearly 80 arrests
            increase  in  the  use  of  the                                                                    Associated Press  in  California.  They  hauled
            highly  toxic  pesticide  car-                                                                                      out nearly 60 tons of trash,
            bofuran.                     $2.5 million in federal mon-  under anybody's law."       juana  and  other  crops.  including  nearly  84  miles
            Researcher Mourad Gabri-     ey  led  to  95  growing  sites  California Attorney General  For  example,  they  raided  (135 kilometers) of irrigation
            el, one of the few research-  and  the  removal  of  more  Xavier  Becerra,  who  leads  two illegal marijuana farms  hose.
            ers studying the ecological  than  10  tons  of  fertilizer,  the nation's largest marijua-  south  of  Sacramento  this  Work crews cleaned up 160
            impact  of  illicit  grow  sites,  pesticides and chemicals.  na  eradication  program,  summer based on informa-   toxic sites, but have a wait-
            said the pesticide is so pow-  U.S.  Attorney  McGregor  said state drug agents last  tion on a cellphone found  ing  list  of  830  contaminat-
            erful  that  a  quarter-tea-  Scott  said  federal  authori-  week found gallons of car-  at  an  illegal  grow  in  the  ed sites, some found eight
            spoon can kill a 300-pound  ties are concentrating their  bofuran being added to ir-   Mendocino National Forest  years ago and still awaiting
            (136-kilogram) bear.         efforts on hazardous illegal  rigation water at an illegal  last year, Scott said.     their turn.
            He  and  fellow  researchers  grows  on  public  land  in-  site in northwestern Califor-  "Because  of  the  legaliza-  Part  of  the  problem  is  the
            at the Integral Ecology Re-  stead  of  targeting  Califor-  nia.  The  water  ultimately  tion,  our  operating  theory  lethal  pesticides  pose  a
            search Center in northwest-  nia's new recreational mari-  makes it into the water sup-  is that it's a whole lot easier  danger  to  cleanup  crews,
            ern California found 89 per-  juana industry.             ply in a rugged, mountain-   to go set up a greenhouse  Scott said in the interview.
            cent of sites this year have  "This  isn't  about  the  mari-  ous  area  near  the  city  of  in  the  valley  somewhere  "If  they  go  in  and  there's
            been  confirmed  or  are  juana,  it's  about  the  dam-  Redding.                     than it to have to pack all  a  certain  level  of  toxic-
            strongly  suspected  to  be  age that's being done," he  Investigators  suspect  some  of this stuff into the national  ity,  they  just  have  to  back
            contaminated  with  what  said in an interview before  illegal  grows  are  now  be-   forest," he said in the inter-  away and then let time go
            he  called  "highly  deadly  a  news  conference  to  an-  ing moved into agricultural  view.                       by  before  they  can  safely
            toxic chemicals."            nounce the findings. "What  areas where they blend in  The  pot  is  mostly  headed  go in and try to do the rec-
            The  crackdown  aided  by  is happening here is illegal  alongside  legitimate  mari-  out of state and could not  lamation," he said.q

            Environmental groups fight back against corporate lawsuits

            By BLAKE NICHOLSON           task   force   announced  "We  know  from  our  own  ists  and  nonprofits,  panel  that  built  the  Dakota  Ac-
             Associated Press            Tuesday  targets  what  are  experience  that  this  legal  discussions  and  rallies  out-  cess  oil  pipeline  and  sued
            BISMARCK,  N.D.  (AP)  —  known as strategic lawsuits  bullying tactic will work if it's  side  the  corporate  offices  Greenpeace,  Earth  First
            Twenty environmental and  against  public  participa-     not  shut  down,"  said  Katie  of  companies  the  groups  and BankTrack for up to $1
            civil  liberties  groups  are  tion,  or  SLAPP,  which  use  Redford,  co-founder  and  believe use such lawsuits.  billion for allegedly working
            fighting  back  against  law-  legal action and the threat  director of EarthRights Inter-  Rallies  are  planned  next  to  undermine  the  $3.8  bil-
            suits they believe are aimed  of  financial  risk  to  deter  national.                week in San Francisco, New  lion project to move North
            at limiting free speech and  people  and  groups  from  The  effort  is  to  include  bill-  York City and Dallas. Dallas  Dakota  oil  to  a  shipping
            silencing critics.           speaking out against some-   board      advertisements,  is the base for Energy Trans-  point in Illinois.q
            The  "Protect  the  Protest"  thing they oppose.          training sessions for journal-  fer  Partners,  the  company
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