P. 7

                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 29 august 2018

            Chicago fire claims

            10th kid as agency

            probes neglect claim

            By DON BABWIN                In  an  email  to  The  Associ-
             Associated Press            ated  Press,  Calderon  said
            CHICAGO  (AP)  —  The  several  families  were  af-
            deadliest  residential  fire  in  fected  by  the  fire  and
            years  in  Chicago  claimed  that  her  agency  had  had
            its tenth and final victim on  past dealings with three of
            Tuesday,  as  a  14-year-old  them,  though  there  were
            boy  who  barely  survived  no pending DCFS investiga-
            the  blaze  died  at  a  hospi-  tions  involving  those  fami-
            tal.                         lies at the time of the fire.
            Although  authorities  ini-  Guglielmi  said  the  police
            tially  believed  that  two  of  department  is  communi-
            the  people  killed  by  the  cating with DCFS about the
            pre-dawn  Sunday  fire  at  fire and that it's possible the   This Sunday, Aug. 26, 2018, photo shows damaged buildings at the scene of a fatal fire that killed
            a  Southwest  Side  apart-   department  could  launch    several people including multiple children in Chicago.
            ment  were  adults,  fire  de-  a criminal investigation.                                                                       Associated Press
            partment  spokesman  Larry  Langford  said  the  investi-
            Langford  said  they  were  gation revealed that the 10  they  have  ruled  out  elec-  works  from  the  porch  and  what  activities  might  have
            all  children  who  ranged  in  kids attending a sleepover  trical  wiring  problems  as  a  that  people  smoked  ciga-  occurred on the porch be-
            age  from  three  months  to  in  the  home  were  appar-  cause.  After  learning  that  rettes  there,  investigators  fore the fire.q
            their teens.                 ently   overwhelmed     by  children  had  set  off  fire-  were  trying  to  determine
            Investigators  on  Tuesday  smoke  as  they  slept  and
            were  still  trying  to  deter-  never  even  awoke  to  flee
            mine the cause of the fire,  the fire.
            but  a  police  spokesman,  "From  where  the  bodies
            Anthony  Guglielmi,  said  were, there is a high proba-
            they had ruled out arson.    bility ... that they were over-
            There  were  no  working  come by smoke," Langford
            smoke  alarms  or  adults  at  said.  "We  didn't  find  any-
            the  home  when  the  fire  body that looked like they
            broke  out,  and  the  state's  were  trying  to  get  out  the
            Department  of  Children  door."
            and  Family  Services  said  Had  there  been  even  a
            Tuesday  that  it  was  in-  single working smoke alarm
            vestigating     "allegations  in  the  building,  the  victims
            of  neglect"  involving  the  could  have  simply  walked
            children.  A  department  out the front door to safety,
            spokeswoman,  Alissandra  he said.
            Calderon,  declined  to  go  While the police have ruled
            into further detail about the  out arson, Langford said fire
            nature of the allegations.   investigators  were  still  try-
            Only  two  of  the  children  ing to determine the exact
            didn't die at the scene, the  cause of the deadliest resi-
            teen  who  died  Tuesday  dential fire in the city in well
            morning,  Adrian  Hernan-    over a decade.
            dez,  and  another  14-year-  He said investigators deter-
            old who died Monday at a  mined  that  the  fire  started
            hospital.                    on a back porch and that
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