P. 4

A4   U.S. NEWS
                Wednesday 29 august 2018

            Who is Bruce Ohr? Justice official has attracted GOP ire

            By MARY CLARE JALONICK                                                                                              Peter  Strzok,  the  recently
            and ERIC TUCKER                                                                                                     fired  FBI  agent  who  led
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Bruce                                                                                             the  Russia  investigation,
            Ohr was a relatively anon-                                                                                          told  Congress  last  month
            ymous  lawyer  at  the  Jus-                                                                                        that  Ohr  provided  the  FBI
            tice  Department  for  more                                                                                         with "material that I believe
            than 25 years. But he's now                                                                                         originated from Mr. Steele,"
            caught up in a Republican                                                                                           though  he  said  he  never
            maelstrom  of  criticism  to-                                                                                       personally  received  infor-
            ward the department, with                                                                                           mation from Ohr. Strzok said
            some  of  President  Donald                                                                                         he met with Ohr as many as
            Trump's  allies  implying  that                                                                                     five times in late 2016 and
            he helped conspire against                                                                                          early 2017.
            Trump's election.                                                                                                   The dossier also was not the
            Two  GOP-led  House  com-                                                                                           linchpin  of  the  FBI's  investi-
            mittees  are  interviewing                                                                                          gation  into  potential  coor-
            Ohr  behind  closed  doors                                                                                          dination  between  Russia
            Tuesday  as  part  of  an  in-                                                                                      and  the  Trump  campaign.
            vestigation  into  decisions                                                                                        That  investigation  had  be-
            made  by  the  department                                                                                           gun months before the bu-
            in  2016.  They  are  interest-                                                                                     reau received those files in
            ed  in  Ohr  —  who  has  also                                                                                      September  2016,  and  was
            been the subject of Trump's                                                                                         triggered  by  information
            angry tweets — because of                                                                                           about  George  Papado-
            his  relationship  with  Chris-                                                                                     poulos, a Trump campaign
            topher  Steele,  the  former   Justice Department official, Bruce G. Ohr, center, arrives for a closed hearing of the House Judi-  aide  who  told  a  profes-
            British spy whose opposition   ciary and House Oversight committees on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2018.  sor  the  Russians  possessed
            research  on  Trump's  Russia                                                                      Associated Press  "dirt" on Clinton in the form
            ties  was  compiled  into  a                                                                                        of emails. Strzok also said it
            dossier and turned over to  drug trafficking cases.       ganized crime and forging  information that Steele had  was "not Mr. Ohr who pro-
            the FBI.                     Colleagues and associates  a  friendly  relationship  that  accumulated.               vided the initial documents
            At  least  seven  Republican  describe  Ohr  as  a  mild-  persisted over the years.   "And  so  Chris  suggested  I  that I became aware of in
            House  members  traveled  mannered, affable, steady  Though Ohr did not handle  give  some  information  to  mid-September."
            to Washington for the inter-  presence in a department  national  security  or  coun-  Bruce,  give  him  the  back-  Nevertheless,  Republicans
            view,  which  is  being  held  where  turnover  and  transi-  terintelligence  work  in  the  ground  to  all  this.  And  we  have suggested the dossier
            during  the  House's  August  tion are common.            deputy  attorney  general's  eventually  met  at  a  cof-  created  a  politically  taint-
            recess.   No   Democratic  "I  definitely  remember  him  office,  he  nonetheless  be-  fee shop, and I told him the  ed pretext for the investiga-
            lawmakers appeared to at-    to  be  a  sort  of  quiet,  soft-  came a point of contact for  story," said Glenn Simpson,  tion. Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan,
            tend, though staffers are in  spoken,  very  warm  and  Steele to share information  who helped start the firm.     a  Republican  who  has
            the room.                    humble kind of a guy," said  with in the months leading  Aside  from  their  own  per-  led  criticism  of  the  Justice
            A  look  at  Bruce  Ohr  and  Evan Barr, who overlapped  up to the 2016 presidential  sonal  connection,  Ohr's  Department  and  the  FBI,
            why  Republicans  are  talk-  with  him  in  the  U.S.  Attor-  election. Ohr passed along  wife, Nellie, was working at  called Strzok's revelation in
            ing to him:                  ney's  Office  in  New  York.  tidbits he learned to the FBI,  Fusion GPS — a connection  the hearing "amazing."
            A SEASONED OFFICIAL          "He  was  widely  respected  which  was  conducting  its  Trump  and  his  allies  have  The  interviews  have  been
            A  Harvard-educated  law-    in the office."              own investigation.           seized  on  as  they  allege  part of a larger campaign
            yer who was a federal pros-  ___                          The  co-founder  of  Fusion  anti-Trump  bias  in  the  de-  to question special counsel
            ecutor in Manhattan in the  RELATIONSHIP  WITH  A  FOR-   GPS,  the  political  research  partment.                 Robert  Mueller's  investiga-
            1990s,  Ohr  later  oversaw  MER SPY                      firm that hired Steele for the  During  breaks  from  the  in-  tion  into  Russian  election
            the  Justice  Department's  It's  Ohr's  relationship  with  investigation,  told  House  terview, several of the GOP  interference  and  poten-
            organized crime and rack-    Steele  that  has  given  fod-  lawmakers  in  a  closed-  lawmakers  said  Ohr's  testi-  tial  coordination  with  the
            eteering  section  and,  at  der to Republican critics in  door meeting last year that  mony  differed  from  Simp-  Trump  campaign.  Republi-
            the time of the presidential  Congress  and  raised  con-  he  also  met  with  Ohr  at  son's  and  shed  new  light  can Rep. Matt Goetz, one
            election,  was  a  high-rank-  cerns  that  he  was  operat-  Steele's  behest  amid  what  on  the  credibility  of  the  of the Republicans who at-
            ing official in the deputy at-  ing outside his job descrip-  he  said  was  anxiety  that  dossier. But they would not  tended  the  interview,  said
            torney general's office with  tion.                       federal  investigators  were  give details.               that, so far, Ohr's interview
            oversight of a program that  The two had met a decade  not taking seriously enough  ___                             and others have shown an
            doles out grants to federal  earlier, bonding over a mu-  the  threat  of  Russian  elec-  THE  BEGINNING  OF  AN  IN-  "excessive reliance" on the
            prosecutors  for  complex  tual  interest  in  Russian  or-  tion  interference  and  the  VESTIGATION              dossier.q
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