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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 29 august 2018
            GOOGLE                       A search for "why is the sky
            Continued from Front         blue?"  for  example,  yields
            Trump  has  made  similar  initial  results  from  NASA,
            complaints    before,   but  universities  and  "Scientific
            he carried it a step further  American."
            Tuesday.                     Similarly,  entering  "Trump"
            "Google  search  results  for  and clicking the "news" tab
            'Trump News' shows only the  will  produce  results  from
            viewing/reporting  of  Fake  mainstream  media  outlets
            New Media. In other words,  that  large  swaths  of  the
            they have it RIGGED, for me  population  tend  to  trust.
            & others, so that almost all  That is even though Trump
            stories & news is BAD. Fake  has derided some of these
            CNN  is  prominent.  Repub-  outlets as "fake news."
            lican/Conservative  &  Fair  Trump  and  some  support-
            Media is shut out. Illegal?"  ers have long accused Sili-
            He  added,  without  offer-  con  Valley  companies  of
            ing evidence, that "96% of  being biased against them.
            results on "Trump News" are  But,  while  some  company   A cursor moves over Google's search engine page on Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2018, in Portland, Ore.
            from  National  Left-Wing  executives  may  lean  lib-    Political leanings don’t factor into Google’s search algorithm. But the authoritativeness of page
            Media, very dangerous."      eral, they have long assert-  links the algorithm spits out and the perception of thousands of human raters do.
            A  query  Tuesday  morning  ed  that  their  products  are                                                                      Associated Press
            several hours after the pres-  without  political  bias,  and
            ident tweeted showed sto-    indeed  no  such  bias  has  Elementary   School    was  acting as a journalist. Trump  by  Rep.  Greg  Walden,  R-
            ries  from  CNN,  ABC  News,  been proven.                staged, in any tweets on the  has  praised  Jones'  "amaz-  Ore.,  recently  announced
            Fox News and the Market-     Trump  didn't  say  what  he  issue.  Jones  has  since  said  ing" reputation.        that Twitter CEO Jack Dors-
            Watch business site, among  based his tweets on. But in  he  believes  the  shooting  The issue is also of concern  ey  will  testify  before  the
            others. A similar search later  a blog post over the week-  did occur and has argued  on  Capitol  Hill,  where  the  panel on Sept. 5 about the
            in the day for "Trump" had  end,  conservative  activ-    that  the  lawsuit  should  be  House  Energy  and  Com-  platform's  algorithms  and
            Fox  News,  the  president's  ist  Paula  Boylard  had  said  dismissed because he was  merce Committee, chaired  content monitoring.q
            favored  cable  network,  she  found  "blatant  prioriti-
            among the top results.       zation  of  left-leaning  and
            Trump     tweeted      that  anti-Trump  media  outlets"
            Google  and  others  "are  in search results.
            controlling what we can &  Boylard  based  her  judg-
            cannot see."                 ments on which media out-
            In response, Google said its  lets were left- or right-lean-
            goal  is  to  make  sure  users  ing  on  a  list  by  Sharyl  Att-
            of its search engine get the  kisson, host of Sinclair Tele-
            most  relevant  answers  to  vision's  "Full  Measure"  and
            their queries quickly.       author of "The Smear: How
            "Search  is  not  used  to  set  Shady  Political  Operatives
            a  political  agenda  and  and  Fake  News  Control
            we  don't  bias  our  results  What  You  See,  Think,  and
            toward  any  political  ideol-  How You Vote." Sinclair is a
            ogy,"  the  Mountain  View,  significant outlet for conser-
            California-based company  vative views.
            said.  "Every  year,  we  issue  Trump  began  complain-
            hundreds of improvements  ing  about  the  issue  earlier
            to our algorithms to ensure  this month as social media
            they  surface  high-quality  companies  moved  to  ban
            content  in  response  to  us-  right-wing  "Infowars"  con-
            ers' queries."               spiracy  theorist  Alex  Jones
            "We continually work to im-  from  their  platforms.  The
            prove  Google  Search  and  president also argues regu-
            we  never  rank  search  re-  larly  —  and  falsely  —  that
            sults to manipulate political  the news media avoid writ-
            sentiment."                  ing  positive  stories  about
            Google  searches  aim  to  him and his administration.
            surface  the  most  relevant  Apple,  YouTube  and  Spo-
            pages in response to a us-   tify  have  permanently  re-
            er's query, even before he  moved  some  of  Jones'
            or  she  finishes  typing.  The  content,  Facebook  has
            answers  that  appear  first  suspended him for 30 days
            are  the  ones  Google's  for-  and  removed  some  of  his
            mulas, with some help from  pages,  and  Twitter  gave
            human  content  reviewers,  Jones a weeklong timeout
            deem  to  be  the  most  au-  and  was  mulling  deep-
            thoritative, informative and  er  changes  to  try  to  limit
            relevant. Many factors help  the  spread  of  fake  news,
            decide  the  initial  results,  misinformation  and  hate
            including  how  much  time  speech.
            people  spend  on  a  page,  Trump  has  not  named
            how many other pages link  Jones,  who  is  being  sued
            to it, how well it's designed  for saying the 2012 shooting
            and more.                    massacre  at  Sandy  Hook
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