P. 11

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Wednesday 29 august 2018

            Duterte faces new 'crimes against humanity' complaint

            By JIM GOMEZ                                                                                                        ecutors are not obliged to
            MANILA, Philippines (AP) —                                                                                          open preliminary investiga-
            Relatives of several people                                                                                         tions based on them.
            slain in the Philippine presi-                                                                                      The  first  complaint  against
            dent's anti-drug campaign                                                                                           Duterte, which was filed by
            asked    the   International                                                                                        Filipino  lawyer  Jude  Sabio,
            Criminal  Court  on  Tuesday                                                                                        is currently being examined
            to  prosecute  him  for  al-                                                                                        by  ICC  Prosecutor  Fatou
            leged  crimes  against  hu-                                                                                         Bensouda. Prior to the filing
            manity, in the second such                                                                                          of Sabio's information, Ben-
            request for a ruling on thou-                                                                                       souda said she was "deeply
            sands of deaths that have                                                                                           concerned"  by  reports  of
            occurred during the crack-                                                                                          killings  in  the  Philippines,
            down.                                                                                                               adding that statements by
            Lawyer  Edre  Olalia  said  a                                                                                       "high officials" in the coun-
            50-page complaint against                                                                                           try "seem to condone such
            President  Rodrigo  Duterte                                                                                         killings."
            was  sent  to  an  ICC  pros-                                                                                       Duterte,  a  73-year-old  for-
            ecutor  by  email.  Olalia                                                                                          mer  government  prosecu-
            said  it  accuses  Duterte  of   New Philippine Supreme Court Chief Justice Teresita Leonardo De Castro prepares to hear petition   tor,  denies  condoning  ex-
                                         against President Duterte's decision to pull out of International Criminal Court during an en banc
            ordering,  inciting  or  toler-  session Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2018, in Manila, Philippines.                            trajudicial  killings  but  has
            ating the drug killings from                                                                       Associated Press  openly  threatened  drug
            the start of his presidency in                                                                                      dealers  with  death.  "Re-
            mid-2016 to this month. The  the parents, sisters and wife  court  taking  jurisdiction  of  morse  Duterte  had  vowed  morselessly and incorrigibly,
            Duterte administration said  of eight slain drug suspects  herein  complaint,  it  may  to "continue his killing ram-  President  Duterte's  state-
            it expects the effort to fail.  seek  an  indictment  of  force  President  Duterte  to  page" during a state of the  ments  are  a  command  to
            A similar complaint against  Duterte and reparations for  re-examine,  if  not  aban-  nation  speech  last  month  kill," the complainants said,
            Duterte  was  filed  by  a  Fili-  the  deaths  that  occurred  don, his distorted notion of  in  which  he  stressed  the  citing  his  offer  of  bounties
            pino lawyer before the ICC  during    police   anti-drug  mass  murder  to  solve  the  crackdown will press on "as  for  drug  suspects  and  law
            last  year  and  is  currently  raids.  The  complainants  country's  drug  and  crime  relentless and chilling as on  enforcers  who  profit  from
            being examined by a pros-    also  include  a  nongovern-  problem,"  the  complain-   the first day it began."     drug crimes.
            ecutor. It focuses on killings  ment group that helps fam-  ants said.                 The   international   court,  Duterte has moved to with-
            during  an  earlier  crack-  ilies of victims, and are rep-  "The intervention of the ICC  which  is  based  in  The  draw  the  Philippines  from
            down  by  Duterte  when  resented by a legal group,  will  save  thousands  more  Hague,         receives   many  the ICC, but the court has
            he  was  mayor  of  southern  the National Union of Peo-  from  slaughter,"  they  said  such    communications  said  the  move  would  not
            Davao city.                  ples' Lawyers, led by Olalia.  in  the  complaint,  adding  about alleged crimes from  affect  Bensouda's  prelimi-
            In their complaint Tuesday,  "It is our hope that with the  that instead of showing re-  around the world and pros-  nary examination.q
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