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P. 110
Monday 10 april 2017
At the Playa Linda Beach Resort:
Seeds for Healthy Lifestyles are Planted During Green Week
PALM BEACH – Goals of a presenting information environments for its guests
healthy future for the Pla- from detection to care of as well as its employees.
ya Linda Beach Resort as an Alzheimer patient, and The resort early on sought
well as its employees once Social Services’ environmental certification
again received emphasis Enid de Kort speaking on and was the first hotel in
during Green Week. For the importance of lead- Palm Beach to implement
the 11th consecutive year, ing an emotionally bal- ISO-14001 ongoing, envi-
the resort organized an an- anced life. The diversity of ronmental management
nual, week-long program topics well exemplified the standards.
of activities and lectures resort’s dedication to bet- Spearheading these efforts
intended to involve and ter ecological practices as are hardworking Green
Team members, with rep-
resentation among differ-
ent departments, count-
ing MildaRas from Human
Resources, Maureen Wong
from Accounting, Clem-
ente Lampe from Grounds
and Astrid Cocks from Ac-
tivities, and led by House-
keeping Assistant Manager
Nigaima ‘Nigi’ Ascencion.
Nigispoke again at this
year’s Green Week presen-
tations and emphasized
the central goal behind
educate on best practices well as how to enable indi- team efforts as seeking
for real life improvements. vidual, healthier outlooks a holistic approach that
Participation was excep- and perspectives. goes beyond clean-ups
tionally high for a Green Playa Linda has a long his- and recycling efforts, and
Walk and the Clean-a-mile tory with seeking better show how interrelated we
as well as attendance at ways to create healthier are to each other as well
varied lectures throughout as our environment.
the week. “We have the power to
This year’s Green Week create a more healthy,
featured valuable informa- sustainable environment
tion from Orlinda Rasmijn, for ourselves for long term
giving advice on how to goals.
detox, City Inspector Mar- The investment in green ef-
lon Pieters speaking on en- forts and attitudes come
vironmental issues includ- back to us tenfold,” she ex-
ing illegal dumps and the plains.
benefits of a clean Aruba, At the conclusion of Playa
Melva Yanez, from the Aru- Linda’s Green Week, Nigi
ba Alzheimer Foundation, expresses satisfaction. “We
had high participation and
excellent feedback.
It is extremely satisfying to
hear what they learn here,
and what they are tak-
ing home and also teach-
ing their children. We are
changing lifestyles, getting
things done differently and
making a difference. Our efforts pay off. It works!”
Nigi exclaims proudly.q