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                    Monday 10 april 2017

              A ‘sci-fi’ cancer therapy fights brain tumors, study finds

            MARILYNN MARCHIONE           Dr. George Demetri of the    keep these tumors from re-   the adult brain do not, this   for those on chemo alone.
            AP Chief Medical Writer      Dana-Farber  Cancer  Insti-  curring, as most do.         in theory mostly harms the   Survival rates were 43 per-
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  It      tute in Boston and a board   Patients cover their shaved   disease  and  not  the  pa-  cent  versus  31  percent
            sounds  like  science  fic-  member of the association    scalp  with  strips  of  elec-  tient.                    at  two  years;  26  percent
            tion, but a cap-like device   hosting  the  conference,   trodes connected by wires    WHAT STUDIES SHOW            versus 16 percent at three
            that  makes  electric  fields   agreed but called the ben-  to  a  small  generator  kept   In a 2011 study, the device   years, and 13 percent ver-
            to  fight  cancer  improved   efit modest, because most   in  a  bag.  They  can  wear   didn’t   improve   survival   sus 5 percent at five years.
            survival  for  the  first  time  in                                                    but  caused  fewer  symp-    Side  effects  were  minimal
            more  than  a  decade  for                                                             toms  than  chemo  did  for   but  included  blood-count
            people  with  deadly  brain                                                            people whose tumors had      problems,  weakness,  fa-
            tumors,  final  results  of  a                                                         worsened or recurred after   tigue  and  skin  irritation
            large study suggest.                                                                   standard  treatments.  The   from the electrodes.
            Many  doctors  are  skepti-                                                            U.S.  Food  and  Drug  Ad-   “The device is now impossi-
            cal  of  the  therapy,  called                                                         ministration approved it for   ble to ignore ... it absolute-
            tumor  treating  fields,  and                                                          that situation.              ly is an advance,” said Dr.
            it’s  not  a  cure.  It’s  also  ul-                                                   A  second  study,  in  newly   Andrew Lassman, brain tu-
            tra-expensive  —  $21,000  a                                                           diagnosed  patients,  was    mor chief at the Columbia
            month.                                                                                 stopped in 2014 after about   University Medical Center/
            But in the study, more than                                                            half of the 695 participants   New York-Presbyterian Hos-
            twice  as  many  patients                                                              had  been  tracked  for  at   pital. He consults for Novo-
            were  alive  five  years  after                                                        least  18  months,  because   cure,  as  do  some  doctors
            getting  it,  plus  the  usual                                                         those  using  the  device    running the study.
            chemotherapy, than those                                                               were living several months   The  latest  National  Com-
            given just the chemo — 13    Joyce  Endresen  wears  an  Optune  therapy  device  for   longer  on  average  than   prehensive Cancer Center
            percent versus 5 percent.    brain cancer, as she speaks on a phone at work in Au-     the rest.                    guidelines include Optune
            “It’s out of the box” in terms   rora, Ill. She was diagnosed in December 2014 with Glio-  The  FDA  expanded  ap-  as  an  appropriate  treat-
            of  how  cancer  is  usually   blastoma. She had two surgeries to remove the tumor as   proval  but  some  doctors   ment  for  brain  tumors.  It’s
            treated, and many doctors    well as radiation and chemotherapy, but is now trying the   were  leery  because  the   also  is  being  tested  for
            don’t understand it or think   new therapy that requires her to wear the electrodes on   device  wasn’t  compared   pancreatic,  ovarian  and
            it can help, said Dr. Roger   her head as much as possible. They create low intensity   with  a  sham  treatment  —   lung  cancers;  electrodes
            Stupp, a brain tumor expert   electric fields that disrupt cell reproduction, which makes   everyone  knew  who  was   are  worn  on  the  belly  or
            at  Northwestern  University   the cells die.                                          getting  what.  Study  lead-  chest for those.
            in Chicago.                                              (AP Photo/Carrie Antlfinger)  ers say a sham was imprac-   THE PRICE
            He led the company-spon-                                                               tical,  because  patients    A big issue is cost — rough-
            sored  study  while  previ-  patients  still  die  within  five   a hat, go about their usual   feel  heat  when  they  get   ly  $700  a  day.  Most  U.S.
            ously  at  University  Hospital   years. “It is such a horrible   lives,  and  are  supposed   the  real  thing,  and  many   insurers  cover  it  but  Medi-
            Zurich  in  Switzerland,  and   disease” that any progress   to use  the device  at least   would refuse to shave their   care does not and “we are
            gave  results  Sunday  at  an   is important, he added.   18  hours  a  day.  It’s  not   heads every few days and   paying,”  said  Novocure’s
            American  Association  for   ABOUT THE TREATMENT          an  electric  current  or  ra-  use  an  inconvenient  de-  chief  executive,  Bill  Doyle.
            Cancer Research meeting      The  device,  called  Op-    diation, and they feel only   vice  for  years  if  the  treat-  “We’ve  never  refused  a
            in Washington.               tune,  is  made  by  Novo-   mild heat.                   ment might be fake.          patient regardless of insur-
            “You  cannot  argue  with    cure,  based  in  Jersey,  an   It  supposedly  works  by   Some  doctors  said  they   ance status.”
            them  —  they’re  great  re-  island  near  England.  It’s   creating  low  intensity,  al-  would  withhold  judgment   The  price  reflects  “an  ex-
            sults,”  and  unlikely  to  be   sold  in  the  U.S.,  Germany,   ternating   electric   fields   until  there  were  long-term   tremely   sophisticated
            due  to  a  placebo  effect,   Switzerland and Japan for   that disrupt cell division —   results on the whole group.  medical  device,  made  in
            said   one    independent    adults  with  an  aggressive   confusing  the  way  chro-  THE NEW RESULTS             very  low  quantities,”  with
            expert,  Dr.  Antonio  Chi-  cancer  called  glioblas-    mosomes line up — which      Now  they’re  in:  Median    disposable  parts  changed
            occa,  neurosurgery  chief   toma  multiforme,  and  is   makes  the  cells  die.  Be-  survival  was  21  months  for   several  times  a  week  and
            at  Brigham  and  Women’s    used with chemo after sur-   cause  cancer  cells  divide   those  given  Optune  plus   a support person for each
            Hospital in Boston.          gery and radiation to try to   often,  and  normal  cells  in   chemo  versus  16  months   patient, he said. q
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