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                                                                                               CLASSIFIED Friday 23 august 2019

            Giraffes move closer to endangered                                                                                           HEALTH

            species protection                                                                                                     DOCTOR ON DUTY

            By JAMEY KEATEN                                                                        FOR SALE                     Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
                                                                                                   Eagle Aruba Resort
            Associated Press                                                                       1 bedroom / week 33 august   Tel. 527 4000
            GENEVA  (AP)  —  Nations                                                               brand new suite
            around  the  world  moved                                                              $7,500 negociable                  San Nicolas
            Thursday to protect giraffes                                                           Phone # 321 287 8547          IMSAN 24 Hours
            as an endangered species                                                               emai:        Tel.524 8833
            for  the  first  time,  drawing                                                                                     Women in Difficulties
            praise  from  conservation-                                                            _________________________________211677  PHARMACY ON DUTY
            ists  and  scowls  from  some                                                          FOR SALE                     Oranjestad:
            sub-Saharan  African  na-                                                              Divi Studio                  Paradera Tel. 588 6638
            tions.                                                                                 wk 35 8/31 dutch Village rm 128   San Nicolas:
                                                                                                                                Seroe Preto Tel. 584 4833
            Thursday’s  vote  by  a  key                                                           buy $2,650                   Women in Difficulties
            committee  at  the  World                                                              divi golf wk 35 8/31, unit 4201,   OTHER
            Wildlife Conference known                                                              start $2,650                 Dental Clinic 587 9850
            as CITES paves the way for                                                             e-mail:       Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
            the  measure’s  likely  ap-   In this Tuesday, March 20, 2018 file photo, giraffes and zebras   or call 508-651-0016   Urgent Care 586 0448
                                          congregate under the shade of a tree in the afternoon in Mikumi
            proval  by  its  plenary  next   National Park, Tanzania.                              _________________________________211687    Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
            week.  The  plan  would                                               Associated Press                              +297 588 0539
                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
            regulate world trade in gi-  tries supported the move.    the convention was intend-                                EMERGENCY
            raffe parts, including hides,   “We  see  no  reason  as  to  ed  to  specifically  address
            bone  carvings  and  meat,   why we should support this  the  international  trade  in                              Police           100
            while  stopping  short  of  a   decision,  because  Tan-  giraffes and their parts.                                 Oranjestad       527 3140
                                                                                                                                                 527 3200
            full  ban.  It  passed  106-21   zania  has  a  stable  and  The  U.S.  is  the  world’s  big-                      Sta. Cruz        527 2900
            with seven abstentions.      increasing      population  gest  consumer  of  giraffe                                San  Nicolas      584 5000
            “So many people are so fa-   of  giraffes,”  said  Maurus  products,  conservationists                              Police Tipline      11141
            miliar with giraffes that they   Msuha,  director  of  wildlife  said. Sanerib said it was im-                      Ambulancia       911
            think  they’re  abundant,”   at  the  Tanzanian  Ministry  portant  for  the  U.S.  to  act                         Fire Dept.       115
            said Susan Lieberman, vice   of  Natural  Resources  and  on its own as well.                                       Red Cross        582 2219
            president  of  international   Tourism.  “Over  50%  of  our  “It’s still urgent for the Trump                      TAXI SERVICES
            policy for the Wildlife Con-  giraffe  population  is  within  administration  to  protect                          Taxi Tas      587 5900
            servation  Society.  “And  in   the  Serengeti  ecosystem,  these  imperiled  animals                               Prof. Taxi    588 0035
            Southern  Africa,  they  may   which  is  well  protected.  under the U.S. Endangered                               Taxi D.T.S.   587 2300
            be  doing  OK,  but  giraffes   Why  should  we  then  go  Species Act,” she said in a                              Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
            are critically endangered.”  for  this?”  CITES  says  the  statement.                                              A1 Taxi Serv.   280 2828
            Lieberman  said  giraffes    population  of  wild  giraffes  The  meeting  in  Geneva                               Women in Difficulties
            were  particularly  at  risk  in   is  actually  much  smaller  comes after President Don-                          TRAVEL INFO
            parts of West, Central and   than that of wild African el-  ald  Trump’s  administration                            Aruba Airport   524 2424
            East Africa.                 ephants.                     last week announced plans                                 American Airlines 582 2700
            The  Wildlife  Conservation   “We’re  talking  about  a  to water down the U.S. En-                                 Avianca       588 0059
            Society  said  it  was  con-  few  tens  of  thousands  of  dangered Species Ac — a                                 Jet Blue      588 2244
            cerned  about  the  multi-   giraffes  and  we’re  talking  message  that  could  echo                              Surinam       582 7896
            ple  threats  to  giraffes  that   about  a  few  hundreds  of  among  attendees  at  the
            have  already  resulted  in   thousands  of  African  ele-  CITES  conference,  even  if                            Women in Difficulties
            population  decline,  citing   phants,” said Tom De Meu-  the U.S. move is more about                               CRUISES
            habitat loss, droughts wors-  lenaar,  chief  of  scientific  domestic policy than inter-
            ened  by  climate  change    services  at  CITES.  He  said  national trade.q
            and the illegal killings  and
            trade in giraffe body parts.
            The Natural Resources De-
            fense Council, an environ-                                                                                          August 25
            mental  advocacy  group,                                                                                            August 27
            hailed  the  move,  noting                                                                                          Freedom of the seas
            that  giraffes  are  a  vulner-                                                                                     Women in Difficulties
            able  species  facing  habi-                                                                                        AID FOUNDATIONS
            tat loss and population de-
            cline. A key African conser-                                                                                        FAVI- Visually Impaired
                                                                                                                                Tel. 582 5051
            vationist said it could help
            reverse  drops  in  giraffe                                                                                         Alcoholics Anonymous
                                                                                                                                Tel. 736 2952
            populations,  as  the  move                                                                                         Narcotics Anonymous
            would  help  better  track                                                                                          Tel. 583 8989
            numbers of giraffes.                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
            “The  giraffe  has  experi-                                                                                         Tel. 583 5400
            enced over 40% decline in                                                                                           Centre for Diabetes
            the last 30 years, said Mai-                                                                                        Tel. 524 8888
            na Philip Muruthi of the Af-                                                                                        Child Abuse Prevention
            rican  Wildlife  Foundation.                                                                                        Tel. 582 4433
            “If  that  trend  continues,  it                                                                                    Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
            means  that  we  are  head-                                                                                         General Info
            ed toward extinction.”
            Still,  not  all  African  coun-                                                                                    Phone Directory Tel. 118
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