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                     Friday 23 august 2019

            Urgency for vaccine grows as virus ravages China’s pigs

            By SAM MCNEIL and CAN-                                                                                              to delete certain genes.
            DICE CHOI                                                                                                           But  before  a  vaccine  be-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    comes  available,  it  needs
            BEIJING  (AP)  —  Scientists                                                                                        to be tested in large num-
            are  working  to  develop  a                                                                                        bers  of  pigs  in  secure  fa-
            vaccine to help guard the                                                                                           cilities  with  isolation  pens,
            world’s  pork  supply  as  a                                                                                        waste  and  carcass  incin-
            deadly virus ravages Asia’s                                                                                         erators  and  decontamina-
            pig herds.                                                                                                          tion  showers  for  staff,  said
            Farmers  have  long  con-                                                                                           Linda  Dixon,  a  biologist  at
            tained  its  spread  by  quar-                                                                                      London’s  Pirbright  Institute,
            antining and killing infected                                                                                       which studies viral diseases
            animals,  but  the  disease’s                                                                                       in  livestock.  The  process
            devastating  march  into                                                                                            takes two to five years, she
            East  Asia  is  intensifying  the                                                                                   said.  The  extensive  testing
            search for another solution.                                                                                        is necessary to ensure vac-
            The virus hadn’t been con-                                                                                          cines  made  by  weakened
            sidered as high a priority for                                                                                      viruses  don’t  have  unin-
            researchers  until  it  turned                                                                                      tended side effects.
            up last year in China, home                                                                                         In  the  1960s,  for  instance,
            to half the world’s pig pop-                                                                                        Spain  and  Portugal  tested
            ulation,  likely  by  way  of                                                                                       such  a  vaccine  after  out-
            Eastern Europe and Russia.                                                                                          breaks  of  African  swine
            Since  then,  it  has  spread   In this May 8, 2019, photo, pigs eat feed at a pig farm in Panggezhuang village in northern China’s   fever.  The  treated  pigs
            to other Asian countries in-  Hebei province.                                                                       seemed  fine  at  first,  but
            cluding  Vietnam  and  Tai-                                                                        Associated Press  then  lesions  broke  out  on
            wan,  killing  millions  of  pigs  cine is to kill a virus before  of  vaccine,  made  from  a  working on a vaccine that  their  skin,  arthritis  locked
            along  the  way.  Though  it  injecting  it  into  an  animal.  weakened virus rather than  genetically  alters  the  virus,  up their joints and the ani-
            does  not  sicken  people,  The  disabled  virus  doesn’t  a  dead  one.  With  African  an approach U.S. scientists  mals  failed  to  fatten  up,
            the disease is highly conta-  make  the  animal  sick,  but  swine fever, the puzzle has  have been pursuing as well.  said Jose Manuel Sanchez-
            gious and deadly to pigs.    it prompts the immune sys-   been  figuring  out  exactly  The  U.S.  Department  of  Vizcaino  Rodriguez,  who
            “Today’s  situation,  where  tem  to  identify  the  virus  how to tweak the virus.    Agriculture  said  it  recent-  leads a lab focused on Afri-
            you have this global threat,  and  produce  antibodies  In Vietnam, where the virus  ly  signed  a  confidential  can swine fever at the Uni-
            puts  a  lot  more  emphasis  against  it.  This  approach,  has killed 3.7 million pigs in  agreement with a vaccine  versity in Madrid.
            on  this  research,”  said  Dr.  however,  isn’t  consistently  six months, the government  manufacturer to further re-  The  two  countries  eventu-
            Luis  Rodriguez,  who  leads  effective  with  all  viruses,  said this summer it was test-  search  and  develop  one  ally eradicated the disease
            the U.S. government lab on  including  the  one  that  ing  vaccines  but  provided  of Plum Island’s three vac-    by  enforcing  strict  sanitary
            foreign  animal  diseases  at  causes African swine fever.  few  details  of  its  program.  cine  candidates.  The  can-  protocols,   quarantining
            Plum Island, New York.       It’s why scientists have been  In  China,  the  government  didates were made by ge-   and  killing  infected  and
            One way to develop a vac-    working  on  another  type  indicated    scientists   are  netically modifying the virus  carrier pigs. q

                                                                      U.N.: Don’t worry about drinking

                                                                      microplastics in water

                                                                      By JAMEY KEATEN and MA-      ter, including both tap and  consumed      microplastics
                                                                      RIA CHENG                    bottled,  most  likely  as  the  and  other  particles  in  the
                                                                      Associated Press             result  of  treatment  and  environment  for  decades
                                                                      GENEVA (AP) — The World  distribution       systems."But  without sign of harm.
                                                                      Health  Organization  says  just  because  we're  ingest-  Andrew  Mayes,  a  senior
                                                                      the  levels  of  microplastics  ing  them  doesn't  mean  lecturer in chemistry at Brit-
                                                                      in drinking water don't ap-  we  have  a  risk  to  human  ain's  University  of  East  An-
                                                                      pear  to  be  risky,  but  that  health," said Bruce Gordon,  glia who didn't participate
                                                                      research  has  been  spotty  WHO's  coordinator  of  wa-  in the WHO report, agreed
                                                                      and  more  is  needed  into  ter, sanitation and hygiene.  that  microplastics  in  wa-
            In  this  May  23  2019  file  photo,  Southern  Connecticut   their effects on the environ-  "The  main  conclusion  is,  I  ter  don't  appear  to  be  a
            State  University  professor  Vincent  Breslin  holds  a  sample   ment and health.    think, if you are a consumer  health worry for now.
            of  water  that  contains  possible  microplastics  at  the
            North  Haven  Water  Treatment  Plant  on  Universal  Drive.   Microplastics  are  created  drinking  bottled  water  or  "But I wouldn't want people
                                                     Associated Press  when man-made materials  tap  water,  you  shouldn't  to  go  away  with  the  idea
                                                                      break  down  into  tiny  par-  necessarily be concerned."  that  microplastics  are  no
                                                                      ticles smaller than about 5  Gordon     acknowledged,  longer important," because
                                                                      millimeters    (roughly  one-  however, that the available  they might be harming the
                                                                      fifth  of  an  inch),  although  data  is  "weak"  and  that  environment,  he  said.  He
                                                                      there  is  no  strict  scientific  more  research  is  needed.  said  stronger  measures  to
                                                                      definition.                  He  also  urged  broader  ef-  reduce plastic are needed.
                                                                      In   a   report   published  forts to reduce plastic pol-  "We know that these types
                                                                      Wednesday, the U.N. health  lution.  The  report  is  WHO's  of materials cause stress to
                                                                      agency said the minuscule  first  review  to  investigate  small  organisms,"  he  said.
                                                                      plastics  are  "ubiquitous  in  the potential human health  "They  could  be  doing  a
                                                                      the environment" and have  risks of microplastics. It said  lot  of  damage  in  unseen
                                                                      been found in drinking wa-   people have inadvertently  ways."q
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