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A4   U.S. NEWS
               Wednesday 16 January 2019

            Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand jumps into 2020 presidential race

            By JUANA SUMMERS                                                                       She joins what is expected  said Gillibrand, a mother of
             Associated Press                                                                      to  be  a  crowded  primary  two sons, ages 10 and 15.
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Sen.                                                               field  for  the  Democratic  As  she  works  to  distinguish
            Kirsten  Gillibrand  entered                                                           nomination that could fea-   herself from likely rivals, Gil-
            the  growing  field  of  2020                                                          ture  more  than  a  dozen  librand will be able to draw
            Democratic      presidential                                                           candidates.  Already,  Mas-  from  the  more  than  $10.5
            contenders Tuesday, telling                                                            sachusetts  Sen.  Elizabeth  million  left  over  from  her
            television host Stephen Col-                                                           Warren  has  announced  2018 re-election campaign
            bert that she's launching an                                                           her own exploratory efforts,  that she can use toward a
            exploratory committee.                                                                 and  decisions  by  a  num-  presidential run.
            "It's  an  important  first  step,                                                     ber  of  other  senators  are  Gillibrand  pledged  during
            and it's one I am taking be-                                                           expected  in  the  coming  her Senate campaign that
            cause  I  am  going  to  run,"                                                         weeks.                       she would serve out her six-
            the  New  York  senator  said                                                          Gillibrand,  who  was  ap-   year term if re-elected.
            on "The Late Show with Ste-                                                            pointed  to  the  Senate  in  She will use Troy, New York,
            phen Colbert." She listed a                                                            2009 to fill the seat vacated  where she lives, as a home
            series of issues she'd tackle                                                          by Hillary Clinton, has been  base for her presidential ef-
            as president, including bet-                                                           among  the  Senate's  most  forts. Near the end of their
            ter health care for families,                                                          vocal  members  on  issues  interview,  Colbert  present-
            stronger public schools and                                                            like sexual harassment, mili-  ed Gillibrand with a basket
            more  accessible  job  train-                                                          tary  sexual  assault,  equal  of  campaign  gifts,  includ-
            ing.                                                                                   pay for women and family  ing  an  ear  of  yellow  corn
            Gillibrand,  52,  has  already                                                         leave, issues that could be  to wave in Iowa, a piece of
            made  plans  to  campaign                                                              central  to  her  presidential  granite for New Hampshire
            in Iowa over the weekend,    In  this  Oct.  25,  2018  file  photo,  Sen.  Kirsten  Gillibrand,  D-N.Y.,   campaign.  and a one-of-a-kind button
            more  than  a  year  before   speaks during the New York Senate debate hosted by WABC-  "I'm going to fight for other  that  reads  "I  announced
            the  leadoff  caucus  state   TV, in New York.                        Associated Press  people's  kids  as  hard  as  I  on the Late Show with Ste-
            votes.                                                                                 would  fight  for  my  own,"  phen Colbert."q

            Senators ask FDA to update rules on certain pot products

                                                                      ized  the  production  and  state lines.                  including   relieving   pain
                                                                      sale of industrial hemp and  "Farmers  in  Oregon  and  and anxiety.
                                                                      hemp  derivatives,  includ-  nationwide  are  poised  to  Scientists  note  there  have
                                                                      ing cannabidiols, known as  make real economic gains  been  few  comprehensive
                                                                      CBD.  Wyden  and  Merkley  for their communities once  clinical  studies  on  how
                                                                      had been behind a hemp  these  regulations  are  up-      CBD  affects  humans.  Har-
                                                                      provision  that  Congress  dated,"  they  wrote.  They  vard  Medical  School  said
                                                                      passed  and  was  included  said it was Congress' intent  the  strongest  scientific  evi-
                                                                      in the 2018 Farm Bill.       in the bill to ensure produc-  dence  is  for  its  effective-
                                                                      But  after  President  Donald  ers  and  consumers  have  ness  in  treating  childhood
                                                                      Trump signed the bill in De-  access  to  hemp-derived  epilepsy  syndromes  which
                                                                      cember,  FDA  Commission-    products, including CBDs.    typically  don't  respond  to
                                                                      er  Scott  Gottlieb  restated  The  Oregon  Democrats  anti-seizure     medications.
                                                                      his  agency's  stance  that  asked the agency to clarify  The FDA recently approved
                                                                      CBD  is  a  drug  ingredient  to the public several issues,  the  first  ever  cannabis-de-
                                                                      and therefore illegal to add  including its authority in the  rived  medicine  for  these
             In this April 24, 2018, file photo, the first rendering from hemp   to food or health products  production  and  marketing  conditions  which  contains
            plants extracted from a super critical CO2 extraction device on
            its' way to becoming fully refined CBD oil spurts into a large bea-  without  his  agency's  ap-  of hemp and its derivatives,  CBD.  Studies  suggest  CBD
            ker at New Earth Biosciences in Salem, Ore.               proval.  The  FDA  has  sent  and  whether  the  FDA  will  may  also  help  those  with
                                                     Associated Press  warning  letters  to  some  consider  issuing  a  regula-  insomnia to fall asleep and
                                                                      companies  making  health  tion to allow hemp deriva-     stay asleep.
            By ANDREW SELSKY             state  commerce  of  food  claims for CBD.                tives in food, beverages or  Hemp  looks  like  marijua-
            SALEM,  Ore.  (AP)  —  Ore-  products  containing  a  key  In  a  letter  to  Gottlieb,  the  dietary  supplements  that  na  but  contains  less  than
            gon's two senators on Tues-  non-psychoactive  ingredi-   senators  asked  the  FDA  to  cross state lines.         0.3  percent  of  THC,  the
            day urged the head of the  ent of cannabis.               update  "outdated  regu-     CBD  oils  are  increasingly  compound  that  gives  pot
            U.S. Food and Drug Admin-    The  appeal  by  Sens.  Ron  lations"  that  prohibit  food  popular in lotions, tinctures  its  high.  Both  hemp  and
            istration  to  update  federal  Wyden  and  Jeff  Merkley  products  containing  CBD  and foods. Proponents say  marijuana  are  species  of
            regulations  to  permit  inter-  came after Congress legal-  from  being  sold  across  CBD offers health benefits,  cannabis.q
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