P. 2
Tuesday 30 May 2017
Trump honors fallen and families in Memorial Day address
special mention Homeland when he was killed last No-
Security Secretary John Kel- vember.
ly, a retired Marine four-star Secretary Kelly’s other son,
general whose son, Marine Johnny, is getting ready
2nd Lt. Robert M. Kelly, was for his fifth military deploy-
killed in November 2010 af- ment. A son-in-law, Jake, is
ter he stepped on a land a wounded warrior.
mine while on patrol in Trump also recognized for-
southern Afghanistan. mer U.S. senator and GOP
To all Gold Star families, presidential nominee Bob
Trump said of their lost ser- Dole, 93, who suffered life-
vice members: “They each long injuries during World
had their own names, their War II. He attended the
own stories, their own beau- ceremony along with his
tiful dreams. But they were wife, Elizabeth Dole, also a
all angels sent to us by God former U.S. senator.
and they all share one title “As we honor the brave
in common and that is the warriors who gave their lives
title of hero, real heroes.” for ours, spending their last
“Though they were here moments on this earth in
only a brief time before defense of this country and
God called them home, of its people, words cannot
President Donald Trump participates in a wreath laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery, their legacy will endure for- measure the depth of their
Monday, May 29, 2017, in Arlington, Va.
(AP Photo/Evan Vucci) ever,” Trump said. devotion, the purity of their
Horton, a sniper sent to Af- love or the totality of their
By DARLENE SUPERVILLE cating his first Memorial Day ries of Green Beret Capt. ghanistan in 2011, died in courage,” Trump said.
Associated Press address as commander in Andrew D. Byers of Colo- a gun battle with the Tal- “We only hope that every
ARLINGTON, Va. (AP) — chief to a top Cabinet sec- rado Springs and Christo- iban near the Pakistan bor- day we can prove worthy
President Donald Trump on retary and two other fami- pher D. Horton of the Okla- der three months into his not only of their sacrifice
Monday expressed the na- lies who lost loved ones. homa National Guard as deployment. Byers was on and service, but of the sac-
tion’s “boundless” gratitude Participating in the somber, Byers’ tearful parents and his third combat tour and, rifice made by the families
for the ultimate sacrifice annual observance at Ar- Horton’s emotional widow Trump said, ran through and loved ones they left
paid by Americans defend- lington National Cemetery, looked on. smoke and a hail of bullets behind. Special, special
ing the United States, dedi- Trump recounted the sto- Trump also singled out for to rescue an Afghan soldier people,” he said.q
Memorial Day parades, ceremonies honor fallen military
NEW YORK (AP) — Ameri- San Francisco. In Los An-
cans marched in Memorial geles, the Enduring Heroes
Day parades Monday and Memorial sculpture was un-
came together in solemn veiled to show a combat
ceremonies to pay their re- soldier hoisting the Ameri-
spects to those killed in ser- can flag, a monument to
vice to the country. service members from the
Remembrances of fallen Pasadena area killed in
military members went Iraq, Afghanistan and while
from New York City, where fighting terrorism.
Memorial Day fell on the REMEMBERING SACRIFICE
last day of Fleet Week New Arizonans gathered at four
York, to Los Angeles, where veterans cemeteries across
an 8-foot bronze sculpture the state to honor service
was being unveiled in hon- members who died in con-
or of the dead. flicts. The events in Phoenix,
The day also coincided Sierra Vista, Marana out-
with historical moments — side Tucson and at Camp
the 100th anniversary of Navajo near Flagstaff
the birth of President John Despite the weather, Shirley Paxson took time to visit the grave of her husband, Frederick Paxson, drew hundreds of people.
F. Kennedy. A wreath was for Memorial Day at Biloxi National Cemetery, Monday, May 29, 2017. Frederick Paxson was a Gov. Doug Ducey issued
placed at the gravesite Marine and served in WWII, Korea and Vietnam. a statement urging Arizo-
of the 35th U.S. president, (Tim Isbell /The Sun Herald via AP) nans to pause from holiday
celebrations and remem-
buried at Arlington Na- ber those whose sacrifices
tional Cemetery in Virginia, tary presence had been members and veterans took to the streets of River- made the day possible.
alongside hundreds of oth- notable all week, as sever- aboard the Intrepid Sea, side County, east of Los An- “They answered the call
er veterans. al thousand sailors, Marines Air and Space Museum, a geles, for the annual West of duty, dedicated them-
The cemetery also was visit- and Coast Guard mem- decommissioned aircraft Coast Thunder ride. The selves to a higher purpose,
ed by the current president, bers were present for Fleet carrier, for its annual com- event honors lost service and, when the time came,
Donald Trump, who laid a Week New York, ending on memoration while Gov. An- men and women. Quieter gave what Lincoln called
wreath at the Tomb of the the holiday. The ships that drew Cuomo marked the commemorations in Cali- their ‘last full measure of
Unknown Soldier at the an- brought them were sched- day by taking part in mul- fornia included a cemetery devotion,’” Ducey said.
nual ceremony there. uled to leave Tuesday. tiple parades. walk and community pic- “This day is their day, and
FLEET WEEK New York City Mayor Bill de MOTORCYCLE RIDE nic at the Presidio, a park we are eternally grateful for
In New York City, the mili- Blasio joined active service Thousands of motorcyclists and former military fort in their sacrifices.”q